Re: Vista Sucks Big Time - By R. Adkins
Alias wrote:
> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Frank wrote:
>>>> Adam Albright wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 17:04:06 -0800, Frank <fb@osspan.clm> wrote:
>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>> teyebeareeus wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> number 9 should be number 1. lol
>>>>>>>>> I didn't want it to go to his head by listing him first ;-)
>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>>>>>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:fh9tet$hbp$
>>>>>>>>>>> Charlie wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tens of thousands of bugs? That statement certainly gives
>>>>>>>>>>>> your opinions credibility.
>>>>>>>>>>> As far as I'm concerned, there are far less bugs. I can only
>>>>>>>>>>> list nine off the top of my head:
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. WPA
>>>>>>>>>>> 2. WGA
>>>>>>>>>>> 3. DRM
>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Hyper sensitivity to hardware change
>>>>>>>>>>> 5. Slow file transfer
>>>>>>>>>>> 6. Indexing your hard drive into an early grave
>>>>>>>>>>> 7. Price
>>>>>>>>>>> 8. Lame Aero that is really lame compared to Compiz-Fusion or
>>>>>>>>>>> Leopard.
>>>>>>>>>>> 9. Frank uses Vista
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>> To email me, remove shoes
>>>>>>>> Unlike either one of you morons, I actually have many installes
>>>>>>>> of Vista running just fine.
>>>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>>> Bragging about how far you're willing to bend over for Microsoft
>>>>>>> again, eh?
>>>>>> No, I pay for my software and unlike you, mr liar, I can afford it
>>>>>> and I don't have to kiss RS's hairy arse everyday to use!
>>>>>> Careful pal, you're just barely smart enough to outsmart
>>>>>> you've demonstrated many times before in this ng.
>>>>>> Frank
>>>>> Hey Frank, if I took the time to list all the lies you've been caught
>>>>> in such a post would run hundreds of lines. You're just the king of
>>>>> putz which is several steps below being a village idiot.
>>>> Let me make a suggestion to an obviously deranged as*hole moron
>>>> loser like you.
>>>> Please list each and every incident where you have proof positive
>>>> that I have lied, ok?
>>>> Otherwise, we'll all just assume, and correctly so, that you are
>>>> just a fukkin big mouth idiot and a real pig of human being, ok?
>>>> Well...each incident and proof it!
>>>> Frank
>>> 1. You lie and commit libel when you say I am running from the law
>> Prove you are not running form the law.
> I have already. You're just too dense to understand it. Prove YOU'RE not
> running from the law. You made the accusation out of thin air so you
> need to prove it.
>> Isn't that why you won't use your real name? Isn't that why you're
>> living in a foreign country?
>> Fess up you lying POS!
> Many people use fake names on this newsgroup. For all we know your real
> name is Dum Fuçk.
>>> 2. You lie and say Adam is a drunk
>> He acts like a drunk, sounds like a drunk therefore it's reasonable to
>> assume he is a drunk.
> The problem is you have no proof other than your biased opinion because
> Adam makes you look like a fool.
>>> 3. You lie and say Adam is a pig
>> Oh, that ones easy, he is a fukkin pig and you're a fukkin liar.
> Last I checked, pigs can't post on news groups and you saying I lie is
> just another of YOUR lies. With your "logic", pigs fly.
>>> 4. You lie and say I can't afford Vista
>> You're the one who said you couldn't afford Vista.
> I have never said that. I have said that retail is over priced, which is
> different but I don't expect someone of your low intelligence to
> understand the difference.
>>> 5. You lie and say I don't own Vista.
>> You don't!
> But I do. And, exactly how can you conclude what I own when you've never
> been to my home or office?
>> Need more?
>> More of your incessant lies? That's up to you pal.
>> Frankly, I don't give a sh*t. We all know about your lying.
>> Frank
> Your the biggest liar on the news group and you lamely try to cover it
> up by projecting your lies on others. That's really pathetic.
More lies from our resident liar.
You're one pathetic pathological liar. Take your linux bs cause over to
where you'll be appreciated and wanted, the open sores chapel, cause
you're not needed nor wanted in this ng.