Hello, I have created a nuget package with a uwp usercontrol or consumption for my uwp apps. I have finished, it works good in my pc. However I need a proper advice from a Microsoft expert about which configuration is correct for a multi architecture model.
I think (may be my misunderstanding), I have 2 options. One is to add only the AnyCPU only, another is adding all (AnyCPU, ARM, ARM64, x64, x86) while building. The following is my nuspec file.
<file src="bin\Release\**" target="lib\uap10.0"/>
<file src="bin\ARM\Release\**" target="runtimes\win10-arm"/>
<file src="bin\ARM64\Release\**" target="runtimes\win10-arm64"/>
<file src="bin\x64\Release\**" target="runtimes\win10-x64"/>
<file src="bin\x86\Release\**" target="runtimes\win10-x86"/>
The following is my nupkg file's explorer view.

Is this configuration correct?
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I think (may be my misunderstanding), I have 2 options. One is to add only the AnyCPU only, another is adding all (AnyCPU, ARM, ARM64, x64, x86) while building. The following is my nuspec file.
<file src="bin\Release\**" target="lib\uap10.0"/>
<file src="bin\ARM\Release\**" target="runtimes\win10-arm"/>
<file src="bin\ARM64\Release\**" target="runtimes\win10-arm64"/>
<file src="bin\x64\Release\**" target="runtimes\win10-x64"/>
<file src="bin\x86\Release\**" target="runtimes\win10-x86"/>
The following is my nupkg file's explorer view.

Is this configuration correct?
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