I use this forum as I usually do with a VB question. I know this question is not directly about VB, but my project I am creating is. If this is not the forum, do you know what would be? I am using the Office.Interop Word assembly to take the text from a RichTextBox control and convert this to a PDF file and yes, it is working fine. However, the margins and paper size are not correct during this conversion. And I dont know if those parameters lie with the RTF markup or the Word conversion document itself. The page defaults to portrait, 8.5 x 11, but I would like landscape.
Thanks for any direction or information you might have.
This is an example:
The RTF table

The converted PDF file

Everything else is good with the RTF to PDF conversion, including proper footers and page breaks. I just need to understand how to handle the page setup.
UPDATE: As sometimes happens, I tend to answer my own question when I post comments to forums. I am thinking that it is the calculation of twips across the page. A page in landscape has 15,840 twips and this table calculates out more than that.
Brad Allison
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Thanks for any direction or information you might have.
This is an example:
The RTF table

The converted PDF file

Everything else is good with the RTF to PDF conversion, including proper footers and page breaks. I just need to understand how to handle the page setup.
UPDATE: As sometimes happens, I tend to answer my own question when I post comments to forums. I am thinking that it is the calculation of twips across the page. A page in landscape has 15,840 twips and this table calculates out more than that.
Brad Allison
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