Resize tools on the form

  • Thread starter Thread starter ahmeddc
  • Start date Start date



Use this class to adjust the size and font of all the tools.

The problem with the class is the font getting bigger too much.
Another note, the button when zooming is also greatly enlarged. Is there an amendment to the class? To be reasonably enlarged for the font and buttons

Public Class ResizeControls

Dim RatioTable As New Hashtable

Private WindowHeight As Single
Private WindowWidth As Single
Private HeightRatio As Single
Private WidthRatio As Single

Private _Container As New Control

Private Shared m_FormWidth As Long 'Original form width.
Private Shared m_FormHeight As Long

Public Property Container() As Control
Return _Container
End Get
Set(ByVal Ctrl As Control)
_Container = Ctrl
End Set

End Property

Private Structure SizeRatio
Dim TopRatio As Single
Dim LeftRatio As Single
Dim HeightRatio As Single
Dim WidthRatio As Single
End Structure

Private Sub FullRatioTable()
WindowHeight = _Container.Height
WindowWidth = _Container.Width
RatioTable = New Hashtable

End Sub

Private Sub AddChildrenToTable(ByRef ChildContainer As Control)
Dim R As New SizeRatio

For Each C As Control In ChildContainer.Controls
With C
R.TopRatio = CSng(.Top / WindowHeight)
R.LeftRatio = CSng(.Left / WindowWidth)
R.HeightRatio = CSng(.Height / WindowHeight)
R.WidthRatio = CSng(.Width / WindowWidth)
RatioTable(.Name) = R
If .HasChildren Then
End If
End With

End Sub

Public Sub ResizeControls()

HeightRatio = CSng(_Container.Height / WindowHeight)
WidthRatio = CSng(_Container.Width / WindowWidth)

WindowHeight = _Container.Height
WindowWidth = _Container.Width


End Sub

Private Sub ResizeChildren(ByRef ChildContainer As Control)

Dim R As New SizeRatio
For Each C As Control In ChildContainer.Controls
With C
R = CType(RatioTable(.Name), SizeRatio)
.Top = CInt(WindowHeight * R.TopRatio)
.Left = CInt(WindowWidth * R.LeftRatio)
.Height = CInt(WindowHeight * R.HeightRatio)
.Width = CInt(WindowWidth * R.WidthRatio)

If .HasChildren Then

End If

End With

Select Case True
Case TypeOf C Is ListBox
Dim L As New ListBox
L = CType(C, ListBox)
L.IntegralHeight = False
End Select

ResizeControlFont(C, WidthRatio, HeightRatio)


End Sub

Public Shared Sub SubResize(ByVal F As Form, ByVal percentW As Single, ByVal percentH As Single)

Dim FormHeight As Long
Dim FormWidth As Long
Dim HeightChange As Single, WidthChange As Single

FormHeight = Int((Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height) * (percentH / 100))
FormWidth = Int((Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width) * (percentW / 100))

With F
.Height = FormHeight
.Width = FormWidth

HeightChange = .ClientSize.Height / m_FormHeight
WidthChange = .ClientSize.Width / m_FormWidth

End With
'HeightChange = HeightChange + 100

End Sub

Private Sub ResizeControlFont(ByRef Ctrl As Control, ByVal RatioW As Single, ByVal RatioH As Single)

Dim FSize As Single = Ctrl.Font.Size
Dim FStyle As FontStyle = Ctrl.Font.Style
Dim FNome As String = Ctrl.Font.Name
Dim NewSize As Single = FSize

NewSize = CSng(FSize * Math.Sqrt(RatioW * RatioH))
Dim NFont As New Font(FNome, CSng(NewSize), FStyle)
Ctrl.Font = NFont

End Sub

End Class


Dim R As New ResizeControls()
Private Sub Form1_HandleCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.HandleCreated
R.Container = Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
Me.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
End Sub

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