Re: Apple's OSX Leopard Gets First UNIX Certificate for BSD
Linonut wrote:
> * Peter Köhlmann fired off this tart reply:
>> Christopher Hunter wrote:
>>> Oxford wrote:
>>>> OSX Server is now the king of business computing.
>>> Don't be silly. I can't find /any/ Fortune 100 company using it. I can
>>> find many using the *LAMP* environment. Ever fewer are using MS
>>> software...
>> Naturally you don't see it "in the wild"
>> Business people can (mostly) count. And if tehy add the sums, apple
>> servers are way too expensive
>> Nobody having all his marbles would be dumb enough to uses servers from a
>> single source company with idiotic prices
> Yeah, that's why nobody buys Windows servers that need more attention
> than an incontinent senile great-grandmother, and integrated
> single-source single-vendor lock-in solutions like Sharepoint and
> Exchange.
I talk about hardware *and* software
With windows, you have phenomenal choice in hardware.
With linux, you can add choice in software to that (and even more choice in
With apple servers, you have neither. But you get get the "extra" price on
top of it
No sysadmin having half a clue would chose apple servers
But OxRetard, that so very typical Mac user and apple fanboi, tells us
that "OSX Server is now the king of business computing".
Only two things are infinite,
the Universe and Stupidity.
And I'm not quite sure about the former.
- Albert Einstein