Re: please help error 0x800703e3
"chrysa" <> wrote in message
> ok first af all...i don't understand a thing you guys are saying in the last
> two messages..
> so i'm not sure what should i do now..
Sorry, chrysa, that was meant mostly for Freudi.
I didn't know that Desktop was localized in Greek either.
The reg.exe command I gave should be a way to tell you
how to find your Desktop as a folder (as you eventually did)
without us having to know how your version of Windows
has labeled it. From there I was "blue-skying" how we might
generalize that procedure into a one-step procedure using
a script. If you look at the commands which are available
in a normal command window you will find one very powerful one
is the "for" command and its /F option is particularly potent
(e.g. for one thing it allows us to parse and process the output
of arbitrary commands.) However, you may notice that the output
of the reg.exe command I gave does not easily lend itself to
simple parsing and substitution into another command (e.g. as the
"do" part of the for /f command or as the next step of a command pipeline.) Another issue is that using that arcane registry key,
while frequently done
like that, is officially undesirable, preference being given to a particular
function called SHGetFolderPath(). So I think being able to use that function
would be best but we certainly couldn't do it using the standard command
interpreter, cmd.exe. There is a new command interpreter called PowerShell
which I *think* could be used to do all these things. Unfortunately I am only
just learning how to use it and don't have that complete answer yet.
(I'm tempted to cross-post this to a PowerShell newsgroup but I have
reluctantly decided that doing so would drag your thread too much off-topic.)
> i think that we are back to nothing..i think i'll get rid of my laptop...too
> much pain and no gain so far..
Well, Freudi was trying to be kind and make it easy for you try find
the output your cacls commands were capturing. ; )
An alternative to that could be just issuing the cacls commands
and getting you to capture their outputs from the cmd.exe window's
display area (e.g. using right-click, Mark drag and Enter.)
In any case, you're now over that hurdle and have managed to capture
the cacls output, which was the whole point of this little distraction. ; )
> seriously,i can't answer any of your questions Freudi,i don't know how to
> find the answers..
> and as for you Robert Aldwinckle,i really don't understand if you are
> telling me to do something..
> sorry guys,i am no computer expert..although i'd like that right now..
Hang in there, chrysa. I think you're doing fine. ; )
> "Robert Aldwinckle" wrote:
>> "Ottmar Freudenberger" <> wrote in message
>> > "chrysa" <> schrieb:
>> >
>> >> hello again,i m back with new problems...
>> >> when i click "cd desktop"[Enter]
>> >> it says that the system can't find this root.
>> >
>> > Pardon? Start a new command prompt (Start -> Run -> cmd [Enter/OK]).
>> > What's displayed in front of the blinking cursor?
>> >
>> > You may try "cd %userprofile%\desktop [Enter]" instead.
>> Or even better:
>> cd /d %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
>> ; )
>> But now it looks like you need to incorporate the result
>> from this cmd into a script:
>> <cmd>
>> reg.exe QUERY "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /V "Desktop"
>> </cmd>
>> I can visualize using it with a for /F cmd but its output looks ugly
>> for doing that.
>> I suspect this may be best done instead in PowerShell
>> and that this would be a good time to learn how to use
>> the elusive SHGetFolderPath() function too. ; )
>> Robert
>> ---