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The date and time was 3/14/2008 7:09 AM, and on a whim, Daave pounded
out on the keyboard:

> Bob I wrote:
>> Terry R. wrote:
>>> The date and time was 3/13/2008 1:41 PM, and on a whim, hidekelip
>>> pounded out on the keyboard:
>>>> Greetings. I have an old Dell Precision Workstation 340 and I want
>>>> to upgrade my memory. I am NOT a computer wiz, so I searched
>>>> online and found out that I need RDRAM memory, but the thing is
>>>> that the prices vary from around $200 up to aaround $500,
>>>> depending, of course, on what size of memory I wish to buy. But I
>>>> was expecting it to be around, I dont know, 50-$70 as with other
>>>> types of memory. Is there any other way I can upgrade my memory,
>>>> such as using SDRAM or someting else thats compatible, or must I
>>>> surrender to the fact that I need such expensive memory....?
>>>> Please help me out!
>>> I don't know where you're looking, but I just ordered six modules for
>>> three Dimension 8200 machines that use RDRAM. 512 Meg is about $75
>>> w/shipping. 1 gig is about $160. Check Pricewatch.com. Just don't
>>> buy the cheapest ones. Get a name brand.
>>> Don't listen to the ones telling you it's cheaper to buy a new
>>> computer.

>> it uses ECC in matched pairs
>> 512 at Crucial is 262 bucks

> True. However, OP already has a matching pair of 256MB, and there's a
> good chance he only needs one more matching pair of 256MB. Assuming it
> really *is* ECC (he never specified) and the FSB is 400MHz (again, he
> never specified), Memory Ten has it for $59.96.

The workstations I ordered for used 4 64 meg for 256. If his is the
same, worst case is he removes 128 and installs 512 for 640. Best case
is his 256 is using two slots and he has four.

Terry R.

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