I don't hate Vista but except for change for its own sake I cannot conceive
why anyone would change from a stable XP desktop or network to Vista.
For all users Vista presents an arbitrary change in interface and an
arbitrary change in the way to perform familiar tasks, not better or worse
but arbitrarily different. For all users the UAC is as useless as an Orange
Terror Threat Alert and for all users hardware performance will be
time-by-watching-paint-dry slower under Vista/VSP1.
If you are running a large network with users of dubious skill then
re-educating people who can barely use XP is a nightmare, not to mention the
seemingly unsolvable networking oddities of Vista and ongoing deficiencies
in peripheral drivers.
Large companies, and I run a small one, can do the math: replacing perfectly
functional boxes just so they can run a different OS to perform the exact
same software tasks makes no economic sense, less so in a recession and
doubly less so if you are moving to web based applications. Why replace
boxes just to run a different OS when the hardware demands of your business
software do not require the upgrade?
I suggest that Microsoft push out a new version of XP that has the aero
interface if desired (Windows Live on XP has see through tops), allows users
to retain any interface features they like about Vista (if any) and call it
Vista SP2.
why anyone would change from a stable XP desktop or network to Vista.
For all users Vista presents an arbitrary change in interface and an
arbitrary change in the way to perform familiar tasks, not better or worse
but arbitrarily different. For all users the UAC is as useless as an Orange
Terror Threat Alert and for all users hardware performance will be
time-by-watching-paint-dry slower under Vista/VSP1.
If you are running a large network with users of dubious skill then
re-educating people who can barely use XP is a nightmare, not to mention the
seemingly unsolvable networking oddities of Vista and ongoing deficiencies
in peripheral drivers.
Large companies, and I run a small one, can do the math: replacing perfectly
functional boxes just so they can run a different OS to perform the exact
same software tasks makes no economic sense, less so in a recession and
doubly less so if you are moving to web based applications. Why replace
boxes just to run a different OS when the hardware demands of your business
software do not require the upgrade?
I suggest that Microsoft push out a new version of XP that has the aero
interface if desired (Windows Live on XP has see through tops), allows users
to retain any interface features they like about Vista (if any) and call it
Vista SP2.