Windows Vista Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

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Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

Clear Windows wrote:
> this girl reminds me of you.. only that you are ugly as a hag.. lol

Well that's a different tact for you to take....changing (or trying) the
How juvenile and stupid.
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

Alias wrote:

> Clear Windows wrote:
>> no sir, if MS makes a good product I will support them..
>> just like I support them with XP

> So will I. That said, XP is the only OS that MS has ever made that's
> worth anything.
> Alias

I don't believe you and I seriously doubt you believe you.
You've completely gone over to the dark side (linux).
You've become a fanatical lying linux zealot and that alone would make
you look like a fool if you ever returned to Windows.
And FYI, Vista is currently the very best OS available today.
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

Clear Windows wrote:


Oh, and you and your fellow butt-buddy, that fukkin drunken fat little
mr pig should get together and share your animal pics and videos.
Apparently, mr drunken pig has billions of them to share!...LOL!
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

Frank wrote:
> Clear Windows wrote:
> -------------------------
> Oh, and you and your fellow butt-buddy, that fukkin drunken fat little
> mr pig should get together and share your animal pics and videos.
> Apparently, mr drunken pig has billions of them to share!...LOL!
> Frank

Do you think that this post shows signs of any intelligence by a normal
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

On Sat, 31 May 2008 11:15:41 -0700, Frank <fb@sto.clm> wrote:

>Clear Windows wrote:
>> this girl reminds me of you.. only that you are ugly as a hag.. lol

>Well that's a different tact for you to take....changing (or trying) the
>How juvenile and stupid.

When Frank does it, that's different.

Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

measekite wrote:
> Frank wrote:
>> Clear Windows wrote:
>> -------------------------
>> Oh, and you and your fellow butt-buddy, that fukkin drunken fat little
>> mr pig should get together and share your animal pics and videos.
>> Apparently, mr drunken pig has billions of them to share!...LOL!
>> Frank

> Do you think that this post shows signs of any intelligence by a normal
> individual?

Looks like someone who was drunk wrote that.

Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

"Canuck57" <> wrote in message
> "Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 31 May 2008 09:20:22 -0400, "Mike Hall - MVP"
>> <> wrote:
>>>"Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> John Waller wrote:
>>>>>> From what I've read, Windows 7 will be more bloated and require even
>>>>>> more hardware to run properly.
>>>>> Depends on what you read and who you choose to believe. Microsoft say
>>>>> otherwise.
>>>>> "In fact, one of our design goals for Windows 7 is that it will run on
>>>>> the recommended hardware we specified for Windows Vista and that the
>>>>> applications and devices that work with Windows Vista will be
>>>>> compatible
>>>>> with Windows 7."
>>>> And you believe them? Note, the quote says "goals" which leaves wiggle
>>>> room for something else. Considering that MS' versions of Windows
>>>> required
>>>> higher end hardware for each and every one, why do you think Win 7 will
>>>> be
>>>> any different? Would you bet the farm on it?
>>>> Alias
>>>Spreading FUD again?

>> Mike typifies what being a MVP is all about. Always ready to bend down
>> a plant a big wet one on Microsoft's corporate ass... no matter what.
>> This ensures Mike gets a never ending supply of FREE Microsoft crap
>> which is the reason the majority wish to become MVPs in the first
>> place.
>> The MVP program instead of being a resource to help end users get
>> through the minefield of bloated and broken Microsoft software is
>> instead the first line defense to excuse away Microsoft's blunders.
>> The only question is how long does it take the typical user to figure
>> this out?

> I suspect not long at all:
> Today it says Amazon can't keep the Eee PC Linux version in stock, 1-2
> month wait. XP version, in stock. Tells me quite a few people are
> forgetting about XP, forget Vista and moving on to Linux. The word is
> out, Linux will not give you herpes, and operates securely and nicely on
> all hardware.

Really, it says in stock when I look.
Anyway as the review says, its better to buy the linux one and get the extra
4G of storage and put XP on it than to buy the XP one and put a 4G SD card
in it.

> I get the same results from our local small PC shop, Linux versions, they
> can't get them fast enough and they are long sold before they arrive. But
> have XP versions on the shelf.
> Now that means one of two things. MS pundits can take their pick.
> 1) Linux is outselling XP on Eee PC, in at least much more popular that
> ASUS ever thought. And much to Microsoft's displeasure, users are
> choosing Linux.
> 2) Somehow Microsoft has ASUS back in line and ASUS is not making enough
> of the Linux ones trying to force feed XPee.

3) You don't know what you are talking about as usual.
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

Alias wrote:

> measekite wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Clear Windows wrote:
>>> -------------------------
>>> Oh, and you and your fellow butt-buddy, that fukkin drunken fat
>>> little mr pig should get together and share your animal pics and videos.
>>> Apparently, mr drunken pig has billions of them to share!...LOL!
>>> Frank

>> Do you think that this post shows signs of any intelligence by a
>> normal individual?

> Looks like someone who was drunk wrote that.
> Alias

So you think meashershithead is a drunken pig just like mr pig?
Hey you could be right, for once!...LOL!
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

On Sat, 31 May 2008 11:44:47 -0700, measekite <>

>Frank wrote:
>> Clear Windows wrote:
>> -------------------------
>> Oh, and you and your fellow butt-buddy, that fukkin drunken fat little
>> mr pig should get together and share your animal pics and videos.
>> Apparently, mr drunken pig has billions of them to share!...LOL!
>> Frank

>Do you think that this post shows signs of any intelligence by a normal

Frank is totally incapable of having a conversation or discussion at
an adult level as he demonstrates daily.

In Frank's little fantasy world if you don't agree with his often
narrow views and worship Microsoft like he does, you must be drunk,
fat, old, bald, dumb, poor, a thief and oh, have some obsession with
pigs and sheep.

The first few times you read a Frank post it might be funny to see how
low he'll stoop, but after awhile Frank is like one of those dolls
where you pull it's cord and it just repeats the same few things over
and over. That's the extent of Frank's comebacks. Always crude,
limited in scope and showing no creativity or originality at all. In
fact Frank often steals with somebody just said about him trying to
pass it off as his own.
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

"dennis@home" <> wrote in message
> "Canuck57" <> wrote in message
> news:Byd0k.179011$Cj7.102474@pd7urf2no...
>> "Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
>>> On Sat, 31 May 2008 09:20:22 -0400, "Mike Hall - MVP"
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>"Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>> John Waller wrote:
>>>>>>> From what I've read, Windows 7 will be more bloated and require even
>>>>>>> more hardware to run properly.
>>>>>> Depends on what you read and who you choose to believe. Microsoft say
>>>>>> otherwise.
>>>>>> "In fact, one of our design goals for Windows 7 is that it will run
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> the recommended hardware we specified for Windows Vista and that the
>>>>>> applications and devices that work with Windows Vista will be
>>>>>> compatible
>>>>>> with Windows 7."
>>>>> And you believe them? Note, the quote says "goals" which leaves wiggle
>>>>> room for something else. Considering that MS' versions of Windows
>>>>> required
>>>>> higher end hardware for each and every one, why do you think Win 7
>>>>> will be
>>>>> any different? Would you bet the farm on it?
>>>>> Alias
>>>>Spreading FUD again?
>>> Mike typifies what being a MVP is all about. Always ready to bend down
>>> a plant a big wet one on Microsoft's corporate ass... no matter what.
>>> This ensures Mike gets a never ending supply of FREE Microsoft crap
>>> which is the reason the majority wish to become MVPs in the first
>>> place.
>>> The MVP program instead of being a resource to help end users get
>>> through the minefield of bloated and broken Microsoft software is
>>> instead the first line defense to excuse away Microsoft's blunders.
>>> The only question is how long does it take the typical user to figure
>>> this out?

>> I suspect not long at all:
>> Today it says Amazon can't keep the Eee PC Linux version in stock, 1-2
>> month wait. XP version, in stock. Tells me quite a few people are
>> forgetting about XP, forget Vista and moving on to Linux. The word is
>> out, Linux will not give you herpes, and operates securely and nicely on
>> all hardware.

> Really, it says in stock when I look.
> Anyway as the review says, its better to buy the linux one and get the
> extra 4G of storage and put XP on it than to buy the XP one and put a 4G
> SD card in it.

Guess they got some in after I looked. Probably will sell out again by the
end of the day. Still, a top seller over the XP version.
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

frank is so stupid...that its actually funny!
I may use is crazy personality as the basis for a character in a future

Perhaps that's the only worthwhile contribution frank will ever make to the

"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 31 May 2008 11:15:41 -0700, Frank <fb@sto.clm> wrote:
>>Clear Windows wrote:
>>> this girl reminds me of you.. only that you are ugly as a hag.. lol

>>Well that's a different tact for you to take....changing (or trying) the
>>How juvenile and stupid.

> When Frank does it, that's different.
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

I noticed it in the fist seconds. But they are still total morons...

If I saw one of them in the street I would slap him silly.

"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 31 May 2008 18:34:19 +0300, "Clear Windows"
> <> wrote:
>>thanks for providing faces of these total morons.
>>I can now print their ugly faces and make a target for my dart practice

> I bet Microsoft could make a few more million if they offered poster
> sized photos of these two with a target painted over them. ;-)
> Seriously, if you watch the entire video and pay attention to their
> body language they seem really uptight. I'm guessing they didn't
> volunteer for the assignment and in typical Microsoft fashion weren't
> given enough time to tune it up or make it what that really wanted it
> to be either.
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

On Sat, 31 May 2008 10:27:12 -0700, "Kurt Herman" <>

>No it shouldn't.

Of course it should. That would be a sign of INTELLIGENCE... learn
from past experience. UAC is so damn dumb it will ask the same
question a 1,000 times and never remember what you told it the past
999 times. The net result is most users either turn UAC off or simply
click-through without paying any attention at all to any warning. Both
totally defeat the purpose of having UAC in the first place.

>If you could give it blanket permission to screw with your system, so could
>a malicious program.

Red Herrings. This very method is employed frequently by firewalls.
They challenge some applications or service ONE time, the FIRST time
they encounter it, then ask you the user what you want to do. It then
builds a Rules List and the next time you use the application it goes
to the Rules List and does what you told it UNLESS something changed
in which case it will challenge it again. Crude yes, but effective and
it works.

Some relatively simple coding (again commonly used in firewalls) can
compare the footprint of the file to see if it has changed if some
malicious program tries to spoof being something it isn't.
>MS set it up so the default, simple, no-nothing window user would be
>protected by default.

The very same kind of user that will quickly learn to either turn off
UAC or simply ignore whatever it is nagging about.

Personal Opinion:

Microsoft knows damn well UAC is next to useless. It is designed to be
and is a wonderful NAG that won't shut-up.

It's there lame attempt to shift blame. For decades Microsoft's coding
of Windows was a hacker's heaven. Windows was and in many ways still
is very poorly written and wide open to attack from anyone with even
elementary computer skills. There are several newsgroups that freely
provide malicious how-to advice on how to attack and "break" Windows.
Yes, Vista and every other version. There are thousands of web sites
that do the same. Then I didn't even mention the underground sources.

By adding UAC, Microsoft is admitting they can't make Windows secure,
so they warn you with UAC you may be at risk. So if something bad
happens, it is now is your fault, not their fault. Of course this
would ever survive a legal challenge in the courts.
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

Adam Albright wrote:
> On Sat, 31 May 2008 11:44:47 -0700, measekite <>
> wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Clear Windows wrote:
>>> -------------------------
>>> Oh, and you and your fellow butt-buddy, that fukkin drunken fat little
>>> mr pig should get together and share your animal pics and videos.
>>> Apparently, mr drunken pig has billions of them to share!...LOL!
>>> Frank

>> Do you think that this post shows signs of any intelligence by a normal
>> individual?

> Frank is totally incapable of having a conversation or discussion at
> an adult level as he demonstrates daily.
> In Frank's little fantasy world if you don't agree with his often
> narrow views and worship Microsoft like he does, you must be drunk,
> fat, old, bald, dumb, poor, a thief and oh, have some obsession with
> pigs and sheep.
> The first few times you read a Frank post it might be funny to see how
> low he'll stoop, but after awhile Frank is like one of those dolls
> where you pull it's cord and it just repeats the same few things over
> and over. That's the extent of Frank's comebacks. Always crude,
> limited in scope and showing no creativity or originality at all. In
> fact Frank often steals with somebody just said about him trying to
> pass it off as his own.

What's even more pathetic is that he thinks he's being cute and clever
when he posts it and then snorts to himself and pats himself on the back
thinking he's "proly" the coolest thing that has ever made the Usenet scene.

Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

Adam Albright wrote:
> On Sat, 31 May 2008 11:15:41 -0700, Frank <fb@sto.clm> wrote:
>> Clear Windows wrote:
>>> this girl reminds me of you.. only that you are ugly as a hag.. lol

>> -----------------------------
>> Well that's a different tact for you to take....changing (or trying) the
>> subject.
>> How juvenile and stupid.
>> Frank

> When Frank does it, that's different.

Frank does it constantly.

Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

Clear Windows wrote:
> frank is so stupid...that its actually funny!
> I may use is crazy personality as the basis for a character in a future
> book.

Writing about uneducated white trash?

> Perhaps that's the only worthwhile contribution frank will ever make to
> the world.

That will happen when he dies.

> "Adam Albright" <> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 31 May 2008 11:15:41 -0700, Frank <fb@sto.clm> wrote:
>>> Clear Windows wrote:
>>>> this girl reminds me of you.. only that you are ugly as a hag.. lol
>>> -----------------------------
>>> Well that's a different tact for you to take....changing (or trying) the
>>> subject.
>>> How juvenile and stupid.
>>> Frank

>> When Frank does it, that's different.
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

Alias wrote:

> Clear Windows wrote:
>> frank is so stupid...that its actually funny!
>> I may use is crazy personality as the basis for a character in a
>> future book.

> Writing about uneducated white trash?
>> Perhaps that's the only worthwhile contribution frank will ever make
>> to the world.

> That will happen when he dies.
> Alias

Don't worry sheep-fukker. I guarantee you'll face me before it's all
You're stupid...I mean really stupid!
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

measekite wrote:
> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Clear Windows wrote:
>>>> no sir, if MS makes a good product I will support them..
>>>> just like I support them with XP
>>> So will I. That said, XP is the only OS that MS has ever made that's
>>> worth anything.
>>> Alias

> Not really. XP is nothing more than a more stable version of W2K. It
> still uses the registry and that is a poorly programmed garbage can that
> is a mess and screws up the OS being as fragile as it is.

Compared to the other OSes, XP is the best MS has done.


Snip peanut gallery profanity and bluster (Frank).
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

Alias wrote:

> measekite wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Clear Windows wrote:
>>>>> no sir, if MS makes a good product I will support them..
>>>>> just like I support them with XP
>>>> So will I. That said, XP is the only OS that MS has ever made that's
>>>> worth anything.
>>>> Alias

>> Not really. XP is nothing more than a more stable version of W2K. It
>> still uses the registry and that is a poorly programmed garbage can
>> that is a mess and screws up the OS being as fragile as it is.

> Compared to the other OSes, XP is the best MS has done.
> Alias
> Snip peanut gallery profanity and bluster (Frank).

No, it's the best OS from MS that you have succeeded in stealing.
Although you can't update it!...LOL!
Vista is the very best OS available today.
Live with it loser!
Re: Dear Microsoft: Please get UAC right this time

On Sun, 01 Jun 2008 01:55:47 +0200, Alias
<> wrote:

>Adam Albright wrote:
>> On Sat, 31 May 2008 11:44:47 -0700, measekite <>
>> wrote:
>>> Frank wrote:
>>>> Clear Windows wrote:
>>>> -------------------------
>>>> Oh, and you and your fellow butt-buddy, that fukkin drunken fat little
>>>> mr pig should get together and share your animal pics and videos.
>>>> Apparently, mr drunken pig has billions of them to share!...LOL!
>>>> Frank
>>> Do you think that this post shows signs of any intelligence by a normal
>>> individual?

>> Frank is totally incapable of having a conversation or discussion at
>> an adult level as he demonstrates daily.
>> In Frank's little fantasy world if you don't agree with his often
>> narrow views and worship Microsoft like he does, you must be drunk,
>> fat, old, bald, dumb, poor, a thief and oh, have some obsession with
>> pigs and sheep.
>> The first few times you read a Frank post it might be funny to see how
>> low he'll stoop, but after awhile Frank is like one of those dolls
>> where you pull it's cord and it just repeats the same few things over
>> and over. That's the extent of Frank's comebacks. Always crude,
>> limited in scope and showing no creativity or originality at all. In
>> fact Frank often steals with somebody just said about him trying to
>> pass it off as his own.

>What's even more pathetic is that he thinks he's being cute and clever
>when he posts it and then snorts to himself and pats himself on the back
>thinking he's "proly" the coolest thing that has ever made the Usenet scene.

Yep, that's Frank.

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