Re: Day after day, more and more Ubuntu victims reporting randomhard freezes
Re: Day after day, more and more Ubuntu victims reporting randomhard freezes
Ùpyøurbuttøø wrote:
> "Ben" <beno1990@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:g5j5mr$c3d$1@news.mixmin.net...
>> Two words: Open Office
> Two Words - Beta Software
> Yes it is Beta software that Star Office is built upon. That's what I want
> is some crappy beta software. Oh wait, that's what Linsux is. crappy Beta
> software.
Wait a minute, Vista wasn't released in an unofficial beta stage at all,
was it? The first stable release wasn't Vista, it was Vista Service Pack 1.
Re: Day after day, more and more Ubuntu victims reporting randomhard freezes
Ùpyøurbuttøø wrote:
> "Ben" <beno1990@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:g5j5mr$c3d$1@news.mixmin.net...
>> Two words: Open Office
> Two Words - Beta Software
> Yes it is Beta software that Star Office is built upon. That's what I want
> is some crappy beta software. Oh wait, that's what Linsux is. crappy Beta
> software.
Wait a minute, Vista wasn't released in an unofficial beta stage at all,
was it? The first stable release wasn't Vista, it was Vista Service Pack 1.