Windows Vista Are you a Dolt? Take the quiz

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alais disgusting posts...proly the most disgusting post ever postedby anyone!

alais disgusting posts...proly the most disgusting post ever postedby anyone!

alias, the most disgusting lying atheist pig wrote!

"Your wife asked me if I would stroke her but I declined as I don't do
dogs. Then she screamed that I am a Linux loving commie atheist loser
and went running out into the street naked repeating that over and over
again. You know, like you do on this newsgroup.

Have you stopped fuçking your daughter yet ... LOL!

Re: alais disgusting posts...proly the most disgusting post everposted by anyone!

Re: alais disgusting posts...proly the most disgusting post everposted by anyone!

Frank wrote:
> alias, the most disgusting lying atheist pig wrote!
> "Your wife asked me if I would stroke her but I declined as I don't do
> dogs. Then she screamed that I am a Linux loving commie atheist loser
> and went running out into the street naked repeating that over and over
> again. You know, like you do on this newsgroup.

Nothing wrong with this for two reasons: one, it is a parody of Frank's
posting style and, two, Frank doesn't have a wife.
> Have you stopped fuçking your daughter yet ... LOL!

Frank doesn't have a daughter either.

> Alias"

Sigh, the schmuck Frank posts one of my posts out of context. How
desperate can you get? The list I posted was incomplete as Frank has
gotten even worse since then.

Here's the original post that Frank would rather you didn't see as it
doesn't meet his nefarious purposes:

Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> wheelman wrote:
>>> for all of uncle bill gates dirty dealings and screwing us over on
>>> this defective os/vista..i wish he would loose all of his billions
>>> and go belly up..would not bother me at all..i wish we could get in
>>> on that class action law suit..thats been oked...this os/vista,has
>>> gone for five months of updates and i guess more to come..

>> Well, MS finally made the Guinness Book of Records for the largest
>> fine for violating an anti trust order -- ever, and MS calls it a
>> "CODB" or cost of doing business.
>> Course, if John Q. Public violates an EULA, all hell breaks loose.
>> What's wrong with this picture?
>> Alias

> Did they catch you yet...LOL!
> Frank

Have you stopped fuçking your daughter yet ... LOL!

Re: Are you a Dolt? Take the quiz

Ringmaster wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Aug 2008 16:32:10 +0200, ProfQ <>
> wrote:
>> What happens if my score is ZERO?

> Congratulations, you're normal, unlike a half a dozen or so idiots
> that posts here that clearly are kooks, creeps, perverts or full time
> Microsoft apologists, headed by Frank, founder and president of the
> Useful Idiots Club.
> Remember Frank elected himself Gate Keeper.

I voted for the shmuck too.
> This idiot thinks it is
> his job to stand guard and defend Microsoft.

Microsoft is ashamed of him.
> This doofus

ha ha ha ha

he is a doofus
> attempts to
> do that by attacking anyone being even a little critical of Microsoft,
> Windows, Vista, whatever.

How about Office when Open Open Office performs much better
> Frank's "weapon" of choice is to lie his
> dumb ass off

Are you talking about the flesh between is ears?
> and use as many obscenities he can in every post.

> You
> only need to read a small number of Frank's posts to realize this jerk

He is Da Jerk
> doesn't have all his marbles.

If he has them they7 are loose and rolling around.
> He does have a over active imagination
> where he keeps telling us he's very handsome,

> super rich, has property
> all over France,

I doubt he could find it on a map. He still thinks it is occupied by
> runs a business and other fairy tales. Frank has two
> sidekicks that act as his lap dogs,

> Yanaire,

Da Lamb Chop
> and Spanky.

Da Baboon
> These dopes
> posts under dozens of different names

Would you please list all of the names associated with all of the idiots
so people who read this ng will know.
> and try hard to be as obnoxious
> as Frank.

Try as hard as you like but you will never be as bad as Da Jerk
>> Ringmaster wrote:
>>> This is a simple test, it will show if or not you're a dummy and
>>> unwilling or unable to bend, listen and respect your fellow posters.
>>> 1. Do you often respond all software has bugs?
>>> If yes, score 10 points.
>>> 2. Do you often respond that's a hardware issue?
>>> If yes, score 10 points.
>>> 3. Do you say you need to do research or you shouldn't have
>>> upgraded to Vista or say nobody forced you to upgrade?
>>> If any of the above, score 10 points.
>>> 4. Do you automatically say or imply you are smarter and know more
>>> about Windows than the person asking for help?
>>> If yes, score 10 points.
>>> 5. Do you frequently make excuses for Microsoft products, report
>>> their sales figures, profits or applaud Steve Ballmer?
>>> If yes, score 10 points.
>>> 6. Do you provide cut and paste answers that often don't fit
>>> the question asked?
>>> If yes, score 10 points.
>>> 7. Do you feel MVPs are automatically smarter, know more and
>>> are here to help rather than to earn browny points and defend
>>> Microsoft?
>>> If yes, score 20 points.
>>> 8. Do you consider Frank, Yanaire, Spanky, Mr. Arnold, other
>>> blowhards, fools and idiots knowledgeable?
>>> If yes, score 30 points.
>>> 9. Do you consider this newsgroup sacred, a place of worship,
>>> where nothing negative about Vista, Windows or Microsoft
>>> should ever be uttered?
>>> If yes, score 40 points.
>>> 10. Do you feel comparing Vista to Linux or Mac systems is
>>> inappropriate and end up attacking the poster?
>>> if yes score 40 points.
>>> How to score:
>>> If you score 40 points you are moderately biased and well on your way
>>> to becoming a shameless fanboy. If you score 50 points you need to
>>> have a friend read your posts and give a honest answer how he sees
>>> you. If you score 60 points you are a Dolt and would be better off
>>> taking some remedial class on Windows basics. If you score 70 or more
>>> points you are a candidate for Frank's Useful Idiots Club.
Re: Are you a Dolt? Take the quiz

Frank wrote:
> sitchin wrote:
>>> The computer has a split

>> personality?

> ----------------------------------
> How many nyms are you using, capin' crunch?


Are you enjoying your cereal
> You need immediate mental help!

Frank is loosing it
> Loser!

He lost it