Re: Are you a Dolt? Take the quiz
Ringmaster wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Aug 2008 16:32:10 +0200, ProfQ <>
> wrote:
>> What happens if my score is ZERO?
> Congratulations, you're normal, unlike a half a dozen or so idiots
> that posts here that clearly are kooks, creeps, perverts or full time
> Microsoft apologists, headed by Frank, founder and president of the
> Useful Idiots Club.
> Remember Frank elected himself Gate Keeper.
I voted for the shmuck too.
> This idiot thinks it is
> his job to stand guard and defend Microsoft.
Microsoft is ashamed of him.
> This doofus
ha ha ha ha
he is a doofus
> attempts to
> do that by attacking anyone being even a little critical of Microsoft,
> Windows, Vista, whatever.
How about Office when Open Open Office performs much better
> Frank's "weapon" of choice is to lie his
> dumb ass off
Are you talking about the flesh between is ears?
> and use as many obscenities he can in every post.
> You
> only need to read a small number of Frank's posts to realize this jerk
He is Da Jerk
> doesn't have all his marbles.
If he has them they7 are loose and rolling around.
> He does have a over active imagination
> where he keeps telling us he's very handsome,
> super rich, has property
> all over France,
I doubt he could find it on a map. He still thinks it is occupied by
> runs a business and other fairy tales. Frank has two
> sidekicks that act as his lap dogs,
> Yanaire,
Da Lamb Chop
> and Spanky.
Da Baboon
> These dopes
> posts under dozens of different names
Would you please list all of the names associated with all of the idiots
so people who read this ng will know.
> and try hard to be as obnoxious
> as Frank.
Try as hard as you like but you will never be as bad as Da Jerk
>> Ringmaster wrote:
>>> This is a simple test, it will show if or not you're a dummy and
>>> unwilling or unable to bend, listen and respect your fellow posters.
>>> 1. Do you often respond all software has bugs?
>>> If yes, score 10 points.
>>> 2. Do you often respond that's a hardware issue?
>>> If yes, score 10 points.
>>> 3. Do you say you need to do research or you shouldn't have
>>> upgraded to Vista or say nobody forced you to upgrade?
>>> If any of the above, score 10 points.
>>> 4. Do you automatically say or imply you are smarter and know more
>>> about Windows than the person asking for help?
>>> If yes, score 10 points.
>>> 5. Do you frequently make excuses for Microsoft products, report
>>> their sales figures, profits or applaud Steve Ballmer?
>>> If yes, score 10 points.
>>> 6. Do you provide cut and paste answers that often don't fit
>>> the question asked?
>>> If yes, score 10 points.
>>> 7. Do you feel MVPs are automatically smarter, know more and
>>> are here to help rather than to earn browny points and defend
>>> Microsoft?
>>> If yes, score 20 points.
>>> 8. Do you consider Frank, Yanaire, Spanky, Mr. Arnold, other
>>> blowhards, fools and idiots knowledgeable?
>>> If yes, score 30 points.
>>> 9. Do you consider this newsgroup sacred, a place of worship,
>>> where nothing negative about Vista, Windows or Microsoft
>>> should ever be uttered?
>>> If yes, score 40 points.
>>> 10. Do you feel comparing Vista to Linux or Mac systems is
>>> inappropriate and end up attacking the poster?
>>> if yes score 40 points.
>>> How to score:
>>> If you score 40 points you are moderately biased and well on your way
>>> to becoming a shameless fanboy. If you score 50 points you need to
>>> have a friend read your posts and give a honest answer how he sees
>>> you. If you score 60 points you are a Dolt and would be better off
>>> taking some remedial class on Windows basics. If you score 70 or more
>>> points you are a candidate for Frank's Useful Idiots Club.