Re: Vista's Security Rendered Completely Useless by New Exploit
The proof, but Warp 10 is not gonna like it:
"" Wrote:
> '*The sky isn't falling: a look at a new Vista security bypass*'
> (
> By 'Peter Bright' ( |
> Published: August 11, 2008 - 07:30AM CT
> One of the papers presented at the 'Black Hat USA 2008'
> ( security conference was an analysis a number
> of the protection mechanisms built into Windows Vista and Windows Server
> 2008 that are designed to make it harder to convert software bugs into
> security flaws. '-How to Impress Girls with Browser Memory Protection
> Bypasses-' (, authored by
> security researchers Mark Dowd at IBM and Alexander Sotirov at VMware,
> presented a number of attacks against Vista's various security features
> in isolation, and then attacks that could disable multiple protections
> all together. Put together, the result is that Vista's mitigation
> mechanisms are circumvented, making buggy software exploitable.
> The security features being bypassed are all intended to minimize the
> impact of 'buffer overflows'
> ( Buffer overflows are a
> particular kind of programming error that occur when a program attempts
> to store too much data in the buffer allocated for the data. This causes
> anything following the buffer to be overwritten. Buffer overflows are
> exploitable when it's possible to insert arbitrary executable code into
> a process and then make that code run. If an attacker can do this then
> the attacker has gained the ability to do whatever he likes to the
> victim's computer.
> This kind of flaw is quite a common one, especially in the programming
> languages C and C++. Many high-profile software flaws have been of this
> type, from the 'Morris worm' (
> of the 1980s to the 'Code Red worm'
> ( of 2001, and
> more recently the 'animated cursor'
> (
> vulnerability. Although there are languages that make such flaws
> impossible—Java and .NET are both immune to such flaws—the
> unfortunate reality is that a large proportion of the software that we
> run (including our operating systems, web browsers, and browser plugins)
> don't use these safe languages, and so are susceptible to this ancient
> problem.
> This is why Microsoft included a number of protection schemes in Vista
> to try to reduce the exploitability of buffer overflows. Although the
> operating system cannot prohibit such flaws (except by mandating the use
> of Java and .NET), it can make it less likely that an overflow can lead
> to arbitrary code execution. One of these protections was introduced in
> Windows XP Service Pack 2; Microsoft calls it Data Execution Protection,
> DEP. With DEP enabled each block of memory in a process must be
> explicitly marked "executable" before the processor can run any
> instructions stored in that block. This means that even if an attacker
> can write arbitrary code into a process, the processor isn't able to run
> that code. This effectively prevents any easy exploitation of buffer
> overflows.
> Unfortunately, security researchers are a clever lot; they discovered
> ways by which DEP could be defeated, for example by passing control not
> to their own executable code, but instead to one of the system DLLs
> loaded into the process and getting that to do their dirty work. Vista
> therefore introduced several mechanisms to try to reduce the impact of
> these DEP bypasses. One of these is 'Address Space Layout Randomization'
> (, which
> randomly organizes the location of the system DLLs so that an attacker
> no longer knows where they are. Vista also inserts extra checks into the
> operating system code to detect that certain kinds of overflow have
> occurred and crash the program (although crashing might seem a bad thing
> to do, it's safer than continuing to run after a buffer overflow).
> It is these extra mechanisms that the paper at Black Hat attacks. Dowd
> and Sotirov describe several different techniques for bypassing Windows'
> protections that can be used to reinstate the exploitability of buffer
> overflows. One of the key mechanisms used is the fact that the
> protections are not always applied. Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2
> both opt out of DEP, and many third-party libraries such as the Flash
> plugin opt out of ASLR (and other protection mechanisms). Plugins can
> also do things that can deliberately defeat the OS's countermeasures;
> Java, for example, marks all of its memory as executable, meaning that a
> Java applet can place into memory executable code that's immune to DEP
> protection. The final trick is to use scripting or plugins to file large
> amounts of memory with the malicious executable code, so that even when
> ASLR is in effect, an attacker can still be sure that the malicious code
> is where he needs it to be. Together, these techniques allow all of the
> protections found in Vista to be defeated.
> This is certainly unfortunate. The great thing about these protection
> mechanisms is that they provided a degree of safety even when
> applications contained bugs. That will no longer be the case, at least
> for web browsers (programs that do not support third-party plugins (or
> apply more stringent checks to those plugins) might continue to benefit
> from the protections). Unfortunate, yes, but not—as was reported
> in the immediate aftermath of the presentation—'evidence that
> Vista's security is useless'
> (,
> nor does this work constitute a 'major security issue'
> ( And it's not
> 'game over'
> (,289142,sid14_gci1324395,00.html),
> either. Sensationalism sells, and there's no news like bad news, but
> sometimes—particularly when covering security issues—it
> would be nice to see accuracy and level-headedness instead. Alarmism
> helps no one. Responsible vulnerability disclosure is a big concern in
> the security industry; it would be good to see it coupled with
> responsible reporting.
> The work done by Dowd and Sotirov focuses on making buffer overflows
> that were previously not exploitable on Vista exploitable. These are
> buffer overflows that would be exploitable on Windows XP anyway; after
> all, there's no need to defeat ASLR if an OS does not have ASLR at all.
> Furthermore, these attacks are specifically on the buffer overflow
> protections; they do not circumvent the 'IE Protected Mode'
> ( sandbox,
> nor Vista's (in)famous 'UAC'
> (
> restrictions. DEP, ASLR, and the other mitigation features in Vista are
> unlikely to ever be unbreakable, especially in an application like a web
> browser that can run both scripts and plugins of an attacker's choosing.
> Rather, their purpose is to make exploitation more difficult. Microsoft
> has a solution for those wanting to make it impossible—use .NET.
> These protections are there for when that's not an option, to
> reduce—but not eliminate—the vulnerability caused by such
> programming errors. Even with DEP and ASLR, the coding errors that
> result in buffer overflows still ought to be fixed; it is only through
> fixing the errors that the flaws can truly be eliminated.
> Even with the attacks described in the paper, Vista has many worthwhile
> security improvements compared to XP. Internet Explorer on Vista runs in
> a highly restricted environment, so that even when it is running
> malicious code it cannot harm the system. Stories suggesting that
> Vista's security is now irredeemably broken are far off the mark; the
> truth is merely that some of its automatic security protection is less
> effective than it was before.
> What Microsoft will do in response remains to be seen. Some of the
> specific featurs of the attacks can be resolved by Microsoft
> itself—preventing IE plugins from opting out of the protection
> schemes, by improving the way that .NET interacts with the protection,
> and by making Windows default to enabling all the protection
> schemes—and others can be minimized by third parties—by
> writing plugins that enable with all the security mechanisms, by being
> more careful with executable memory, and so on. Longer term, a switch to
> 64-bit programs might allow considerably more randomization to be
> applied; while making large allocations is enough to fill up a 32-bit
> program's memory (which allows attackers to defeat randomization) the
> same is not true of 64-bit processes—they're simply too big.
'The sky isn't falling: a look at a new Vista security bypass'
For those too disinterested, I'll pull out the important part:
And finally, if you think Vista is ****, then why the heck are you
hanging around in a Vista newsgroup? At forums we call such folks
trolls - and ban them ASAP.
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