Re: No Thanks for the Spam --- Att: BD, story mainly about my life
Re: No Thanks for the Spam --- Att: BD, story mainly about my life
"~BD~" <~BD~@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>I cannot answer that, Dan. I'm not 100% certain anyway, but I think so!
> I trust in God - He looks after me!
> Dave
> --
> "Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:8118F0D2-4C1D-4DCA-B83B-724E01C97D39@microsoft.com...
>>. . . sounds good, I will check it out soon. BTW, how do I know it is
>> and secure?
>> "~BD~" wrote:
>>> Dan - I'd love to chat, but this really isn't the place <smile>
>>> I've been to Albuquerque. Great place!
>>> Come over to Jenn's forum and we'll take it from there ...............
>>> www.pqlr.org/bbs
>>> Dave
>>> --
>>> "Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>>> news:E7F487B5-A5B7-4927-9DF3-56EA9BB5495B@microsoft.com...
>>> > BD, this is indeed a good group. However, you do have to be careful
>>> > about
>>> > noticing people's sarcasim sometimes since in here you can only go by
>>> > people's words and do not have tone and body language clues to help
>>> > you
>>> > with
>>> > the process. I have messed up big time with that since I am not good
>>> > at
>>> > reading body language anyway and I sometimes hear tone the wrong way.
>>> > I
>>> > read
>>> > tone and body language the way it exist's in Dan's DreamLand (Delivers
>>> > 3-D's
>>> > - smile> which I know is prideful on my part but that is the long and
>>> > the
>>> > short of it.
>>> > It helps also to see computers and machines as part of a big game
>>> > since I
>>> > am
>>> > originally an old-school gamer. However, it also helps to take the
>>> > discussion seriously but not seriously enough that it impacts your
>>> > health
>>> > <guilty on this front> and your overall sense of well being. I am in
>>> > my
>>> > 30's
>>> > now and I say that because I still see myself as 10 on some days and
>>> > 70-80
>>> > on
>>> > other days since I already feel quite well accomplished and learned in
>>> > Dan's
>>> > life in a childlike and sometimes immature way. A perfect example is
>>> > pretending to be Art Wilder back in the late 90's-early 00's since I
>>> > was
>>> > fearful of people and identity theft. It hit me twice by the way in
>>> > 2000
>>> > from dumpster diving in Tucson, Arizona and now in 2007 after a
>>> > computer
>>> > hack
>>> > in at APS <Albuquerque Public Schools in the summer-fall of 2007> and
>>> > at
>>> > least I can look back and handle it now by laughing about the
>>> > situations
>>> > despite how painful they may still be deep within me. LOL!!
>>> > By the way, what games did you like back in the day. I have mentioned
>>> > how
>>> > I
>>> > played the original King's Quest 1 by Sierra on Line on my IBM PCjr
>>> > which
>>> > my
>>> > mom as a public school teacher in New York City bought for a bargain
>>> > of
>>> > $900
>>> > back in the day and the amazing thing is that it still works but is
>>> > mainly
>>> > kept in storage. I also liked text games like the Zork series and
>>> > Wishbringer by Infocom and that is why I think I feel so comfortable
>>> > in a
>>> > text environment as well as growing up with BASIC and DOS. <grins>
>>> >
>>> <snip>
Re: No Thanks for the Spam --- Att: BD, story mainly about my life
"~BD~" <~BD~@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>I cannot answer that, Dan. I'm not 100% certain anyway, but I think so!
> I trust in God - He looks after me!

> Dave
> --
> "Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:8118F0D2-4C1D-4DCA-B83B-724E01C97D39@microsoft.com...
>>. . . sounds good, I will check it out soon. BTW, how do I know it is
>> and secure?
>> "~BD~" wrote:
>>> Dan - I'd love to chat, but this really isn't the place <smile>
>>> I've been to Albuquerque. Great place!
>>> Come over to Jenn's forum and we'll take it from there ...............
>>> www.pqlr.org/bbs
>>> Dave
>>> --
>>> "Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>>> news:E7F487B5-A5B7-4927-9DF3-56EA9BB5495B@microsoft.com...
>>> > BD, this is indeed a good group. However, you do have to be careful
>>> > about
>>> > noticing people's sarcasim sometimes since in here you can only go by
>>> > people's words and do not have tone and body language clues to help
>>> > you
>>> > with
>>> > the process. I have messed up big time with that since I am not good
>>> > at
>>> > reading body language anyway and I sometimes hear tone the wrong way.
>>> > I
>>> > read
>>> > tone and body language the way it exist's in Dan's DreamLand (Delivers
>>> > 3-D's
>>> > - smile> which I know is prideful on my part but that is the long and
>>> > the
>>> > short of it.
>>> > It helps also to see computers and machines as part of a big game
>>> > since I
>>> > am
>>> > originally an old-school gamer. However, it also helps to take the
>>> > discussion seriously but not seriously enough that it impacts your
>>> > health
>>> > <guilty on this front> and your overall sense of well being. I am in
>>> > my
>>> > 30's
>>> > now and I say that because I still see myself as 10 on some days and
>>> > 70-80
>>> > on
>>> > other days since I already feel quite well accomplished and learned in
>>> > Dan's
>>> > life in a childlike and sometimes immature way. A perfect example is
>>> > pretending to be Art Wilder back in the late 90's-early 00's since I
>>> > was
>>> > fearful of people and identity theft. It hit me twice by the way in
>>> > 2000
>>> > from dumpster diving in Tucson, Arizona and now in 2007 after a
>>> > computer
>>> > hack
>>> > in at APS <Albuquerque Public Schools in the summer-fall of 2007> and
>>> > at
>>> > least I can look back and handle it now by laughing about the
>>> > situations
>>> > despite how painful they may still be deep within me. LOL!!
>>> > By the way, what games did you like back in the day. I have mentioned
>>> > how
>>> > I
>>> > played the original King's Quest 1 by Sierra on Line on my IBM PCjr
>>> > which
>>> > my
>>> > mom as a public school teacher in New York City bought for a bargain
>>> > of
>>> > $900
>>> > back in the day and the amazing thing is that it still works but is
>>> > mainly
>>> > kept in storage. I also liked text games like the Zork series and
>>> > Wishbringer by Infocom and that is why I think I feel so comfortable
>>> > in a
>>> > text environment as well as growing up with BASIC and DOS. <grins>
>>> >
>>> <snip>