More than once Microsoft has been caught red handed lying. They
originally claimed their built-in security didn't phone home to let
Microsoft know if your copy of Windows was legit or not. They later
admitted not only that Vista calls home, it does so repeatedly, in
secret behind your back over and over after a widely publicized news
story exposed the scheme when the validation server Vista contacts
went haywire and started to accuse legal users of having a counterfeit
copy of Vista and actually prevented innocent people from using their
Some might be interested to know Microsoft has been al ledged to work
closely with the NSA (super secret National Security Agency) and some
claim cryptographic public keys are embedded in every copy of Windows
with both Microsoft and the NSA having a "key" (backdoor) to ANY
user's system bypassing all security and passwords. Not saying it is
true or false, but does make interesting reading.
Then consider WHO Microsoft contacted to make Vista "safe", yep, the
NSA. Curious, reminds me of a line from a Star Trek movie, "What does
God need with a starship?" well duh, why does Microsoft need help
writing a operating system form some super secret spy organization?
We all know Microsoft programmers are reckless. So consider this
article: Note the date, late 90's so this has been going on for a long
Ok, you're a trusting sole and don't think the government would ever
spy on it's citizens.
Oh really? Then you haven't been following the AT&T whistle blower
Mark Klein, a AT&T Engineer in San Francisco that spilled the beans.
This was a active law suite by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a
well known watch dog group that monitors the computer industry. It
took a act of Congress to stop the law suit from going forward.
What's all the fuss about?
Simple, AT&T is one of the biggest players and a major backbone
linking major Internet networks. Well guess what, this AT&T engineer
discovered a secret room in one of AT&T major switching centers where
a great deal of Internet traffic, including email passes through where
only NSA operatives had access to. In effect the NSA was plugged in
and monitoring EVERYTHING.
SCARY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke9bzb4n_Aw
Sleep well America.
originally claimed their built-in security didn't phone home to let
Microsoft know if your copy of Windows was legit or not. They later
admitted not only that Vista calls home, it does so repeatedly, in
secret behind your back over and over after a widely publicized news
story exposed the scheme when the validation server Vista contacts
went haywire and started to accuse legal users of having a counterfeit
copy of Vista and actually prevented innocent people from using their
Some might be interested to know Microsoft has been al ledged to work
closely with the NSA (super secret National Security Agency) and some
claim cryptographic public keys are embedded in every copy of Windows
with both Microsoft and the NSA having a "key" (backdoor) to ANY
user's system bypassing all security and passwords. Not saying it is
true or false, but does make interesting reading.
Then consider WHO Microsoft contacted to make Vista "safe", yep, the
NSA. Curious, reminds me of a line from a Star Trek movie, "What does
God need with a starship?" well duh, why does Microsoft need help
writing a operating system form some super secret spy organization?
We all know Microsoft programmers are reckless. So consider this
article: Note the date, late 90's so this has been going on for a long
Ok, you're a trusting sole and don't think the government would ever
spy on it's citizens.
Oh really? Then you haven't been following the AT&T whistle blower
Mark Klein, a AT&T Engineer in San Francisco that spilled the beans.
This was a active law suite by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a
well known watch dog group that monitors the computer industry. It
took a act of Congress to stop the law suit from going forward.
What's all the fuss about?
Simple, AT&T is one of the biggest players and a major backbone
linking major Internet networks. Well guess what, this AT&T engineer
discovered a secret room in one of AT&T major switching centers where
a great deal of Internet traffic, including email passes through where
only NSA operatives had access to. In effect the NSA was plugged in
and monitoring EVERYTHING.
SCARY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke9bzb4n_Aw
Sleep well America.