New profile posts

The forum never had ads before so it might be culture shock to the few that still visit. If it ever comes back to life I'll remove them.
Yes I have very restrictive settings for PM's on the site. To unlock them you need 3 posts.

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
I want to add 10 servers on main 2008 server so that when user of that servers are login their snapshot of login get saved in main server .How is it possible?
Thank you ever so much for replying to my question. I have some problems with sending a private message to you, which is why I am posting my reply to you here. Hope you don't mind.

All the best,
Is it just me or does Firefox 4 really suck? Crashes more than an 80 year old blind grandma. Thank God for IE 9.
Looks like the YUI js is the culprit. I guess Sandman doesn't keep up with security alerts.
1 day out 3 with sunshine and nice weather. I wish I could be right one of 4 time and still have my job. Weather people have it easy.
Weather man says sunny with no rain. What do we get? Thunderstorms! Shows you how much those boneheads know.
Vegas trip is coming to an end. I now have 2 daughters married. It's the sons turn now.