New profile posts

New hard drive installed. Having problems installing Windows 2008 R2. Getting a driver error. I load the raid driver and it still errors.
Got to love Windows Easy Transfer. Installed Windows 7 to a new drive and with WET it was easy to transfer the settings from old to new.
When you celebrate the New Year tonight do it safely so I still have people to comverse with next year.
Just dust busted the computer case. Temps down to normal now. I should do this more often.
I've installed three different Servers with three completely different config's this week.. Shoot me plz?
Well Saints win. Even if the Eagles lose tomorrow the Bears still have to win or need Atlanta to win in order to get the number 2 seed.
Time for Eagles and Vikings game. Go Vikes! Vikes win and Bears get 2nd seed in playoffs.
It's party time in a few hours. Good food and good company = great time to be had by all.
Last couple days spent upgrading a domain from Exchange 2003 on Windows 2000 to Exch 2010 and 2008 domain. Ugh. Save me.