Windows Vista The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

  • Thread starter Thread starter wadeb_21
  • Start date Start date


For some reason I am getting this error code (Explorer.exe The
Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022). Click Ok to
Terminate the Application) whenever I try to log into my computer. I put
in my password and then this message comes up and nothing happens it
wont go to my desktop or anything. I then restarted and logged into my
machine through safe mode and everything works. I tried to run a windows
update to see if I was missing an update or something but in Safe Mode
it will not let me run Windows updates. I also went to add and remove
programs and tried to uninstall the most recent application I installed
to see if that was the problem but once again I can not uninstall
anything in safe. If someone could help me out with this problem I would
really appreciate it thanks.

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Does anyone have any info, that can help me? I would really appreciate

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Try this:

*Start>>Run>>cmd.exe* and type

*CACLS %systemroot%\System32\*.dll /E /G BUILTIN\Users:R
**CACLS %systemroot%\System32\*.ocx /E /G BUILTIN\Users:R

*and restart

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) ClickOk to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) ClickOk to Terminate the

wadeb_21 wrote:
> For some reason I am getting this error code (Explorer.exe The
> Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022). Click Ok to
> Terminate the Application) whenever I try to log into my computer. I put
> in my password and then this message comes up and nothing happens it
> wont go to my desktop or anything. I then restarted and logged into my
> machine through safe mode and everything works. I tried to run a windows
> update to see if I was missing an update or something but in Safe Mode
> it will not let me run Windows updates. I also went to add and remove
> programs and tried to uninstall the most recent application I installed
> to see if that was the problem but once again I can not uninstall
> anything in safe. If someone could help me out with this problem I would
> really appreciate it thanks.
Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Flavius;861568 Wrote:
> Try this:
> *Start>>Run>>cmd.exe* and type
> *CACLS %systemroot%\System32\*.dll /E /G BUILTIN\Users:R*
> *CACLS %systemroot%\System32\*.ocx /E /G BUILTIN\Users:R*
> and restart

Thanks for getting back to me I really appreciate it. I just tried
this and it tells me access denied. Do you know why it would say that?

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) ClickOk to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) ClickOk to Terminate the

wadeb_21 wrote:
> Flavius;861568 Wrote:
>> Try this:
>> *Start>>Run>>cmd.exe* and type
>> *CACLS %systemroot%\System32\*.dll /E /G BUILTIN\Users:R*
>> *CACLS %systemroot%\System32\*.ocx /E /G BUILTIN\Users:R*
>> and restart

> Thanks for getting back to me I really appreciate it. I just tried
> this and it tells me access denied. Do you know why it would say that?
Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Mr. Arnold;861627 Wrote:
> wadeb_21 wrote:> > >
> > > For some reason I am getting this error code (Explorer.exe The
> > > Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022). Click Ok to
> > > Terminate the Application) whenever I try to log into my computer. I

> > put
> > > in my password and then this message comes up and nothing happens it
> > > wont go to my desktop or anything. I then restarted and logged into

> > my
> > > machine through safe mode and everything works. I tried to run a

> > windows
> > > update to see if I was missing an update or something but in Safe

> > Mode
> > > it will not let me run Windows updates. I also went to add and remove
> > > programs and tried to uninstall the most recent application I

> > installed
> > > to see if that was the problem but once again I can not uninstall
> > > anything in safe. If someone could help me out with this problem I

> > would
> > > really appreciate it thanks.
> > >
> > > > >

> 'Some Windows Vista functions may not work, or Windows Vista may stop
> responding' (

So I followed the instructions from the link you posted did the scan
and it did find errors but couldn't fix them so I opened up the log it
produced from the scan but I have no idea how to tell what files it
didn't repair. Do you know how to tell? Or no of another way to fix
this problem?

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) ClickOk to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) ClickOk to Terminate the

wadeb_21 wrote:
> Mr. Arnold;861627 Wrote:
>> wadeb_21 wrote:> > >
>>>> For some reason I am getting this error code (Explorer.exe The
>>>> Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022). Click Ok to
>>>> Terminate the Application) whenever I try to log into my computer. I
>>> put
>>>> in my password and then this message comes up and nothing happens it
>>>> wont go to my desktop or anything. I then restarted and logged into
>>> my
>>>> machine through safe mode and everything works. I tried to run a
>>> windows
>>>> update to see if I was missing an update or something but in Safe
>>> Mode
>>>> it will not let me run Windows updates. I also went to add and remove
>>>> programs and tried to uninstall the most recent application I
>>> installed
>>>> to see if that was the problem but once again I can not uninstall
>>>> anything in safe. If someone could help me out with this problem I
>>> would
>>>> really appreciate it thanks.

>> 'Some Windows Vista functions may not work, or Windows Vista may stop
>> responding' (

> So I followed the instructions from the link you posted did the scan
> and it did find errors but couldn't fix them so I opened up the log it
> produced from the scan but I have no idea how to tell what files it
> didn't repair. Do you know how to tell? Or no of another way to fix
> this problem?

The log file is a text file is it not? So open it with Notepad or
something and copy/past the context in a post.

I am not saying I can help you, but maybe, or someone else can help you.
Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

> I just tried this and it tells me access denied. Do you know why it
> would say that?

Did you all in normal mode or safe mode?If you did in normal mode it
was fails because you have UAC turned on - you have to run *cmd.exe*
with administrative previlliges (right click on it>>run as
administrator) and then repeat my commands or repeat all from post 3 in
safe mode.I thought you can't log in normal mode

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Flavius;862208 Wrote:
> > > >

> > I just tried this and it tells me access denied. Do you know why it
> > would say that?
> > > > Did you all in normal mode or safe mode?If you did in normal mode it

> was fails because you have UAC turned on - you have to run *cmd.exe*
> with administrative previlliges (right click on it>>run as
> administrator) and then repeat my commands or repeat all from post 3
> in safe mode.I thought you can't log in normal mode

I just tried both in Safe mode then restarted and I"m still having the
same problem. Man this is getting fustrating, I don't understand what
caused this problem. Do you have any other suggestions?

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

> Do you have any other suggestions?
> I think you have some kind of problems with permissions.Try any which

Arnold gave you: i.e

Try this command in *cmd.exe*

if these commands also return "access denied" you will have really big

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

I'll give those commands a try and let you know how it goes. Is it
possible I could have some sort of maleware that caused this?

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

ok I just ran both those commands. After I ran the first one it said

"C:\windows\system32\jscript.dll" Now owed by user "Michael-PC\Michael"

Then I ran the second command and it said this after

successfully processed one file

What do you think I should do now. should I restart and try and log in
normally to see if those commands fixed the problem?

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

In this case try this in *cmd.exe*

*takeown /f C:\windows
icacls C:\windows /grant administrators:F
and check does trouble gone...

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Flavius;862516 Wrote:
> In this case try this in *cmd.exe*
> *takeown /f C:\windows
> icacls C:\windows /grant administrators:F
> *
> and check does trouble gone...

Ok I just ran both of those commands in safe mode and they were both
successful. I then restarted and tried to log into normal mode and the
same thing is still happening. Man I wish I new what caused this
problem. Do you know of anything else I can do?

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) ClickOk to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) ClickOk to Terminate the

Flavius wrote:
> In this case try this in *cmd.exe*
> *takeown /f C:\windows
> icacls C:\windows /grant administrators:F
> *
> and check does trouble gone...

One shouldn't get carried away trying to take ownership of C:\Windows

Supported Resource Replacement Mechanisms
Replacement of protected resources is supported through the following

Permission for full access to modify WRP-protected resources on Windows
Vista and Windows Server 2008 is restricted to TrustedInstaller with the
Windows Modules Installer service using the following mechanisms:

Windows Service Packs installed by TrustedInstaller.
Hotfixes installed by TrustedInstaller.
Operating system upgrades installed by TrustedInstaller.
Windows Update installed by TrustedInstaller.

Applications and installers attempting to replace a WRP-protected
resource by means other than these specified methods are denied access
to change the resource and generate an access denied error message.
Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Flavius;862556 Wrote:
> try this also in cmd.exe
> *icacls C:\windows /grant users:R
> *if also no help try to use SystemRestore
> ->

I'll try this and let you know. The first thing I tried to do when this
problem started was a system restore but that didn't work either.

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

> I tried to do when this problem started was a system restore but that
> didn't work either.

You've tried System Restore by using DVD Vista?

Choose>>Language>>Repair Computer>>System Restore?

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) ClickOk to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) ClickOk to Terminate the

wadeb_21 wrote:
> Flavius;862516 Wrote:
>> In this case try this in *cmd.exe*
>> *takeown /f C:\windows
>> icacls C:\windows /grant administrators:F
>> *
>> and check does trouble gone...

> Ok I just ran both of those commands in safe mode and they were both
> successful. I then restarted and tried to log into normal mode and the
> same thing is still happening. Man I wish I new what caused this
> problem. Do you know of anything else I can do?

Maybe, you need to contact MS for support via email or contact the
manufacture for software support of an OEM.