Windows Vista The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

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Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Flavius <> wrote:

>Do you have some trouble or someone not understand what I told in post

The ONLY people who know the post numbers are those using that
pathetic excuse for a gateway to the MS servers where these groups
originate. If "WADEB_21" shows as a GUEST, then he/she doesn't use
that interface.

We "guests" are on that board because it leeches its posts from the MS
servers, not because we posted there.

Reply via this group
No email please
Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Flavius;867876 Wrote:
> *@wadeb_21*
> Do you have some trouble or someone not understand what I told in post
> 34?

I'm going to give it a try I just haven't had a chance yet. I think I
should have sometime today, I will let you know how it goes. thanks

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Flavius;867312 Wrote:
> > > >

> > See mine is defferent. The read and List folder contents is checked but
> > the Read & Execute is not checked and it wont let me edit it.
> > > > Because you are not the owner.Only owners can change permission.

> '[image:]'
> (
> Two ways to resolve it.Take ownership this folder what i showed above
> or download 'PsTools'
> ( unpack
> file *psexec.exe* and place into folder in *C:\Windows\System32*
> and in *cmd.exe* type
> or
> In this way you run explorer.exe from SYSTEM account level and then
> you can change permissions C:\Users as you wish

Sorry it took me so long to get back, but I did try this and it seems
like everything is working good again. Thanks again for all your help.

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

For those Having Log-In problems, I have the same 0xc0000022 error
this didn't resolve my problem but it did help with a few other things
also for those of you who can't right click on the command prompt to
"Run as Administrator"...

either way in safe mode or normal, admin or not this problem happens

After I tried to log in the error pops up, close it

1. Crtl+Alt+Delete and choose Start Task Manager
2. Select File from the top menu and choose "New Task(Run...)
3. Select Browse and Navagate to your Desktop on the Left
4. Right click on the back ground where the icons appear and select new
text document
5. Down at the bottom in the drop menu that says "Programs" select All
6. Right Click on the new file and select open
7. In the text document type "" -no parentheses
8. Select all files from the drop menu below, then save the file as
9. Now you can right click on that file and select "Run as

10. In the new command prompt, this allows you to activate the hidden
vista administrator with the following command
net user Administrator /active:yes

although this is now possible, I am still getting access denied errors
I've also done a repair with the vista cd, Same error...

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

> although this is now possible, I am still getting access denied errors
> I've also done a repair with the vista cd, Same error...

Repair or restore system not repair permissions
I think like by *@wadeb_21* there trouble with permissions for
*C:\Users* but in differences groups :huh:
Try reset permission for *C:\Users* for all gruops.
1.Download my which I attached bellow,unpack users_p and
place on C:
2.By using task menager run *cmd.exe* and make commands:

These commands restore permissions for C:\Users* but not for
subfolders of this directory

|Filename: |
|Download: |

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

That was good advice, and the commands worked
but the error is immortal
I've tried everything.
I'm fixing this computer for someone and it had a similar problem where
it wouldn't let me log in. I fixed it and it ran fine for a few days.
After a while I turned the computer off and kept it that way to assure
nothing else went wrong with it. Sure enough, the first time i turned it
back on, it gave me that error soon after i clicked a profile to login

I Suppose i need the original OS cd (which isn't good because there is
no DVD rom on this comp!)
The repair cd i have is just over 100 Megs in size and has an install
option but I'm afraid of trying it because first i need access to the
Product Key (which i might be able to pick up a key finder) and second,
I'm afraid the CD is missing the installation part of the OS. Zero
access to the desktop other than using browse in the Run Task proggy.

Am I doomed without the Vista CD?
Really trying not to lose anything on the harddrives
I noticed it said there was a fault in ntll.dll (I believe thats it)
Another scan said some files were corrupted but didn't specify which

btw thanks for the same day reply, its appreciated

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

Re: The Application Failed to Initialize properly (0xc0000022) Click Ok to Terminate the

well I was able to finally get in using ' w a d e b _ 2 1 '
( pstools method... now
just not sure what to change now to get it to stop what its doing
haha... thanks a mil
