Re: Yikes and yowsers
Pebble wrote:
| I've replied to you Bill and you too PCR, but can't see them can I
| see this, can anyone see this??
I see this one, (not the other)! And I knew you wouldn't ever overly
misinterpret my humor & kill-file me! You are too nice, Pebble. I'm sure
you even will give me half the presents people leave at your feet-- NOW
that you glow brighter than a lit Christmas tree!
| Has my brain been vistafied?
Maybe. But the other day my own posts didn't seem to get through,
either. They were there the next day. So, it could also be the site goes
down for maintenance occasionally. When it comes back up, the missing
posts may or may not show up. But it doesn't happen all that often! If
it happens to you 3 times in week, it more likely will be Vista brain
frying at fault-- yea!
| Can
| see my latest reply to Bill in google groups, but not the one to you
| PCR.
| I'm turning invisible.
There have been cases of invisibility before at this NG, you know. Stay
away from the Vista machine for 3 weeks! If your post to me never shows
up, try it again at that time!
| This has only happened once before, in this
| group too!!
| pebbled
| "Pebble" <> wrote in message
| news:OhsOV5lTIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> The red suited fat man with the full bags gave me a toshiba lap top
|> with vista ultimate packed and loaded! And he threw in word 2007
|> for good measure.
|> What ? No floppy hole ?
|> If XP makes you glow in the dark shudder to think what vista will do
|> to me
|> pebble in vistaland
Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,