Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don
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Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

When you have the legacy entry set up via VBP using your default boot
process, which you said was Vista, you can set the legacy drive letter to C
or you can copy the three files to the Vista drive then change the boot.ini
if necessary. If you gave the information you have in Disk Management from
Vista it would be easier to help. When you set up the legacy drive you did
not have it pointing to the partition with the ntldr file on it. You can
add the files where you have it pointed or repoint the legacy entry.

"Don" <> wrote in message
> Not yet, I don't think I quite understood exactly how to do it, I will
> re-read again and see what I can do.
> I now have managed to get the choice to load either Vista or XP, but only
> after hitting escape to enter my bios menu and choosing the Vista hard
> drive to boot from, can't seem to get it to do it from my first hard
> drive, the one XP is installed on.
> I reckon I better quit messing with VBP while I am ahead before I screw
> something up...
> --
> Don
> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
> news:OhtPlh0dIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> If you run VBP from the XP partition the way you have changed boot
>> priority 'on the fly', you will overwrite the XP boot process. You would
>> be able to reverse it later, if you actually can get back into VBP on
>> that drive. Have you copied the files I recommended earlier?
>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>> Sure. Won't hurt.
>>> The ideal thing would be to simply do a fresh install of Vista from the
>>> XP desktop but I can understand that you might not want to do that.
>>> In any case, even if you leave everything set up like it is, you should
>>> still make the registry entry in XP. It doesn't matter how you
>>> installed the operating systems, you would still hide Vista from XP the
>>> same way.
>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>> news:upXPZ%23zdIHA.5416@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>I tried that exactly as you suggested Colin, and it made no difference.
>>>> Still boots directly into XP, then I go into bios boot menu, choose the
>>>> third sata drive my Vista is on, then it boots directly into Vista.
>>>> Thanks for the help, probaby something small I am missing - I installed
>>>> VistaBootPro and run it from my Vista install, should I install it and
>>>> run it from the XP install instead?
>>>> --
>>>> Don
>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Use VBP's System Bootloader tab and choose Windows Vista Bootloader
>>>>> and All Drives.
>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:e%23i9fpzdIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> Ok, I will give it another shot then. I tried it once, and either was
>>>>>> doing something major wrong or just not understanding quite what I
>>>>>> was supposed to do, never could get it to do it.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Don
>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> You can use VistaBoot Pro to write the BCD store to the XP drive and
>>>>>>> then you should have a standard boot menu. VistaBoot Pro is free
>>>>>>> and uses a GUI.
>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:u8wfRdzdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> Yes, but I have already installed Vista.
>>>>>>>> I installed it, by booting from the Vista DVD, selecting the new
>>>>>>>> hard drive, formatted it from there, and installed Vista onto it.
>>>>>>>> I do not get a boot menu, now that Vista is up and running showing
>>>>>>>> " Older Version of Windows", and " Microsoft Vista" to choose from.
>>>>>>>> It just automatically boots into XP, unless I hit escape to hit my
>>>>>>>> bios boot menu, and select that third hard drive to boot from.
>>>>>>>> Based on what I had read beforehand, I had expected to get the boot
>>>>>>>> menu option to boot into either OS, and was surprised I did not.
>>>>>>>> When I am in XP, the Vista partition shows as " L " partition,
>>>>>>>> which is fine. When I am in Vista, that same partition shows as "C"
>>>>>>>> partition.
>>>>>>>> I think I understand what I need to do to protect Vista's restore
>>>>>>>> points, just not sure if I am able to get the above boot menu to
>>>>>>>> show or just be happy leaving it as it is .
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> Do not use the escape key technique to install Vista and you will
>>>>>>>>> have a boot options menu showing "Older Version of Windows" and
>>>>>>>>> "Microsoft Vista". If you run Vista setup from the XP desktop and
>>>>>>>>> simply select your desired partition for installation your disk
>>>>>>>>> drive lettering will align between the two systems. If you set
>>>>>>>>> the XP drive as the boot drive and then boot the system with the
>>>>>>>>> Vista dvd you will get variation of the drive lettering (no real
>>>>>>>>> problem) and will have the boot menu after you install Vista on
>>>>>>>>> the second drive or partition.
>>>>>>>>> You may only have to create one registry key in order to protect
>>>>>>>>> the Vista volume from XP so there probably is no need to use any
>>>>>>>>> special techniques when installing Vista to have a safe system.
>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:uyxirZwdIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>> Hmnm, I must have missed something there, I will read again and
>>>>>>>>>> see if I can understand what I need to do.
>>>>>>>>>> I had thought, when I installed Vista on the new third hard
>>>>>>>>>> drive, it would automatically give me that option during boot,
>>>>>>>>>> but it didn't.
>>>>>>>>>> I'll check it out and see what I can do , thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> The registry edits in the procedure I gave in the attachment
>>>>>>>>>>> allows you to use the computer in a normal dual boot setup
>>>>>>>>>>> without risking anything in Vista when you boot XP. It is the
>>>>>>>>>>> resolution for that issue. Use it and you will not have to use
>>>>>>>>>>> the escape key or special boot managers or anything else other
>>>>>>>>>>> than the traditional boot menu Windows sets up for you when you
>>>>>>>>>>> install a second OS on a computer.
>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> news:eMGXDqtdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Colin, that certainly helps me understand what I need to
>>>>>>>>>>>> do, to keep my Vista restore points from getting deleted. I do
>>>>>>>>>>>> have Vista Ultimate, and understand I could use the Bitlocker
>>>>>>>>>>>> feature as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so in regards to booting into XP or Vista, let me clarify
>>>>>>>>>>>> where I am with that and what it is doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have three sata hard drives.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 1 = XP OS ( 2 partitiions)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 2 - XP Data and Apps ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3 = Vista ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, I have my hard disk boot order in bios, set for
>>>>>>>>>>>> drive 1 first, which automatically boots into XP, which is fine
>>>>>>>>>>>> as it is still going to be my main OS for a while.
>>>>>>>>>>>> To get into Vista, during boot, I hit escape to get into a boot
>>>>>>>>>>>> menu, then select boot from hard drive, then select Drive 3,
>>>>>>>>>>>> then it will go ahead and boot into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It is really not that bad a deal, but after doing a few times,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I find myself wishing I could just select which OS to boot into
>>>>>>>>>>>> rather than going through the above steps.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried the Easy Bcd program, and also Vista Boot Pro, but
>>>>>>>>>>>> for some reason can't seem to get it to work. Perhaps I am not
>>>>>>>>>>>> understanding exactly how to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other tips for my simple mind would certainly be
>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the attachment in my latest post. It is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary to go through what you are doing. Microsoft's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended procedure makes that unneccessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Lance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine set now,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will always have to go in and select which drive to boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from correct, rather than having it give me the option of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which OS to boot to during bootup?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure, it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working great as is.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> individual.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's Vista. It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have fun.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro, with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intalled on as the first, and it booted right up into XP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu, choose the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hard disk that Vista is on, and it boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again, many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live with it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like it is if I need to.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unplugged when installing the Vista Ultimate full version
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the new drive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual boot,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it usually means that the Vista installation did not see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your XP drive (was it unplugged?) if so that's just fine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should be able to boot from bios to the drive you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That means,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you don't touch anything XP will boot first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from (usually F10 check your manual ) on most boards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot to XP. If I don't do anything Vista will boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive to create a start menu.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64 bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista Ultimate, retail full version, in what I thought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was a dual boot environment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista on it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose wich OS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the partion on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other hard drive my XP Pro is on, however under Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it shows as drive E?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing here, but apparently I did something I should not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main OS and I desperately need to be able to get back to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Actually, I just realized you are probably talking about Vista x64 and that
won't install from an XP desktop. Sorry about that.

"Don" <> wrote in message
> Dang, still did not work.
> I installed VistaBootPro in Windows XP.
> Installed Vista Bootloader using system bootloader tab, selected C drive,
> which is what my XP is installed, and still just boots directly into XP,
> no boot menu option to choose XP or Vista.
> I just can't seem to get this to work properly in that way.
> --
> Don
> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>> Sure. Won't hurt.
>> The ideal thing would be to simply do a fresh install of Vista from the
>> XP desktop but I can understand that you might not want to do that.
>> In any case, even if you leave everything set up like it is, you should
>> still make the registry entry in XP. It doesn't matter how you installed
>> the operating systems, you would still hide Vista from XP the same way.
>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>> news:upXPZ%23zdIHA.5416@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>I tried that exactly as you suggested Colin, and it made no difference.
>>> Still boots directly into XP, then I go into bios boot menu, choose the
>>> third sata drive my Vista is on, then it boots directly into Vista.
>>> Thanks for the help, probaby something small I am missing - I installed
>>> VistaBootPro and run it from my Vista install, should I install it and
>>> run it from the XP install instead?
>>> --
>>> Don
>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>> Use VBP's System Bootloader tab and choose Windows Vista Bootloader and
>>>> All Drives.
>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:e%23i9fpzdIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>> Ok, I will give it another shot then. I tried it once, and either was
>>>>> doing something major wrong or just not understanding quite what I was
>>>>> supposed to do, never could get it to do it.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Don
>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> You can use VistaBoot Pro to write the BCD store to the XP drive and
>>>>>> then you should have a standard boot menu. VistaBoot Pro is free and
>>>>>> uses a GUI.
>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:u8wfRdzdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>> Yes, but I have already installed Vista.
>>>>>>> I installed it, by booting from the Vista DVD, selecting the new
>>>>>>> hard drive, formatted it from there, and installed Vista onto it.
>>>>>>> I do not get a boot menu, now that Vista is up and running showing "
>>>>>>> Older Version of Windows", and " Microsoft Vista" to choose from.
>>>>>>> It just automatically boots into XP, unless I hit escape to hit my
>>>>>>> bios boot menu, and select that third hard drive to boot from. Based
>>>>>>> on what I had read beforehand, I had expected to get the boot menu
>>>>>>> option to boot into either OS, and was surprised I did not.
>>>>>>> When I am in XP, the Vista partition shows as " L " partition, which
>>>>>>> is fine. When I am in Vista, that same partition shows as "C"
>>>>>>> partition.
>>>>>>> I think I understand what I need to do to protect Vista's restore
>>>>>>> points, just not sure if I am able to get the above boot menu to
>>>>>>> show or just be happy leaving it as it is .
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> Do not use the escape key technique to install Vista and you will
>>>>>>>> have a boot options menu showing "Older Version of Windows" and
>>>>>>>> "Microsoft Vista". If you run Vista setup from the XP desktop and
>>>>>>>> simply select your desired partition for installation your disk
>>>>>>>> drive lettering will align between the two systems. If you set the
>>>>>>>> XP drive as the boot drive and then boot the system with the Vista
>>>>>>>> dvd you will get variation of the drive lettering (no real problem)
>>>>>>>> and will have the boot menu after you install Vista on the second
>>>>>>>> drive or partition.
>>>>>>>> You may only have to create one registry key in order to protect
>>>>>>>> the Vista volume from XP so there probably is no need to use any
>>>>>>>> special techniques when installing Vista to have a safe system.
>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:uyxirZwdIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>> Hmnm, I must have missed something there, I will read again and
>>>>>>>>> see if I can understand what I need to do.
>>>>>>>>> I had thought, when I installed Vista on the new third hard drive,
>>>>>>>>> it would automatically give me that option during boot, but it
>>>>>>>>> didn't.
>>>>>>>>> I'll check it out and see what I can do , thanks.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> The registry edits in the procedure I gave in the attachment
>>>>>>>>>> allows you to use the computer in a normal dual boot setup
>>>>>>>>>> without risking anything in Vista when you boot XP. It is the
>>>>>>>>>> resolution for that issue. Use it and you will not have to use
>>>>>>>>>> the escape key or special boot managers or anything else other
>>>>>>>>>> than the traditional boot menu Windows sets up for you when you
>>>>>>>>>> install a second OS on a computer.
>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:eMGXDqtdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Colin, that certainly helps me understand what I need to
>>>>>>>>>>> do, to keep my Vista restore points from getting deleted. I do
>>>>>>>>>>> have Vista Ultimate, and understand I could use the Bitlocker
>>>>>>>>>>> feature as well.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so in regards to booting into XP or Vista, let me clarify
>>>>>>>>>>> where I am with that and what it is doing.
>>>>>>>>>>> I have three sata hard drives.
>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 1 = XP OS ( 2 partitiions)
>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 2 - XP Data and Apps ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3 = Vista ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, I have my hard disk boot order in bios, set for drive
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 first, which automatically boots into XP, which is fine as it
>>>>>>>>>>> is still going to be my main OS for a while.
>>>>>>>>>>> To get into Vista, during boot, I hit escape to get into a boot
>>>>>>>>>>> menu, then select boot from hard drive, then select Drive 3,
>>>>>>>>>>> then it will go ahead and boot into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>> It is really not that bad a deal, but after doing a few times, I
>>>>>>>>>>> find myself wishing I could just select which OS to boot into
>>>>>>>>>>> rather than going through the above steps.
>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried the Easy Bcd program, and also Vista Boot Pro, but
>>>>>>>>>>> for some reason can't seem to get it to work. Perhaps I am not
>>>>>>>>>>> understanding exactly how to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Any other tips for my simple mind would certainly be
>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the attachment in my latest post. It is not
>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary to go through what you are doing. Microsoft's
>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended procedure makes that unneccessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Lance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine set now,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will always have to go in and select which drive to boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from correct, rather than having it give me the option of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which OS to boot to during bootup?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure, it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> working great as is.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> individual.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's Vista. It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have fun.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro, with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intalled on as the first, and it booted right up into XP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu, choose the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hard disk that Vista is on, and it boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again, many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live with it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like it is if I need to.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on unplugged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when installing the Vista Ultimate full version on the new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual boot,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it usually means that the Vista installation did not see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your XP drive (was it unplugged?) if so that's just fine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should be able to boot from bios to the drive you want.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That means, if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you don't touch anything XP will boot first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from (usually F10 check your manual ) on most boards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP drive to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot to XP. If I don't do anything Vista will boot first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive to create a start menu.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64 bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista Ultimate, retail full version, in what I thought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was a dual boot environment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista on it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose wich OS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the partion on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other hard drive my XP Pro is on, however under Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it shows as drive E?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing here, but apparently I did something I should not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main OS and I desperately need to be able to get back to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

The funniest thing is that we are discussing this on 2 threads. LOL

Colin, I thought that since you seem to be quite savvy with O/S talk and
since I am French and don't always find the right words, I thought that
saying a reg hack would have been understood by you because I often see this
type of term used.


So let's call it a registry modification.

Now, let's make this clear.

1.. System is powered on
2.. The CMOS loads the BIOS and then runs POST
3.. Looks for the MBR on the bootable device
4.. Through the MBR the boot sector is located and the BOOTMGR is loaded
5.. BOOTMGR looks for active partition
6.. BOOTMGR reads the BCD file from the \boot directory on the active
7.. The BCD (boot configuration database) contains various configuration
parameters( this information was previously stored in the boot.ini)
8.. When windows vista is selected, BOOTMGR transfer control to the
Windows Loader (winload.exe) or winresume.exe in case the system was
9.. Winloader loads drivers that are set to start at boot and then
transfers the control to the windows kernel.
10.. There is not msgina.dll in windows vista ( the shell draws the login
With XP it was called NTLDR with boot.ini file

With Vista it's called bootmgr with a Boot Configuration Database. to pay
with boot configuration, you need to run in admin mode command bcd.exe

Imagine, if we didn't have have VisatBootPro, imagine were we would be if if
BCDwas gone!!

Now Don, the reason you have this issue, is because your XP drive was
plugged. That is one amongst many reasons that experienced users prefer to
use bios option than Vista boot manager.

As you can see from my pic, BCD store only shows Vista, but can't see XP
because I unplugged the drive when I installed Vista.
Now for those who have installed Vista while XP was plugged in and have the
Volume shadow copy issue and restore points can't be seen,

Copy this command into notepad. for each drive that you want to change,
modify the letter of the drive that you wish to be offline. In this case if
it were J, then E in my reg tweak would be J. This command works for XP and

In your case Don, I imagine that since you have three drives and two are for
XP the third drive would be E for your Vista drive (check to make sure in
XP). The command would be E in this case to fix your issue. If this is the
case, paste what is between the two lines into notepad and save as
Offline.txt press enter. Then rename the .TXT extension to .REG and click
OK. Now double click on the reg file and you have just created a hidden
Vista E drive from XP.

BTW Clint, you did some nice work in your article and is is very nice. Just
one thing, as you can see the reg key has quotes and a back slashes before
and after DosDevices. Double slash if you create an auto Reg tweak and
single slash if you modify directly from the registry (don't forget to leave
the quotes)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres

"Don" <> wrote in message
> Ok, I am in Vista now, and have just checked.
> As I suspected, no I do not have any restore points. Whenever I boot into
> XP, and come back into Vista, even though I am using the bios to boot from
> the drive Vista is on, it still apparently deletes Vista's restore points.
> --
> Don
> "Don" <> wrote in message
> news:e9J7HezdIHA.4684@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> Thanks Lance, I will have to re-check, but I think even without the boot
>> menu, doing it as I am in the bios, I still am losing Vista restore
>> points, I will go check this and advise.
>> --
>> Don
>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>> news:ujbA%23vxdIHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> No you won't Don. If the first drive is XP in the bios, by default it
>>> will boot into XP without requests. If you want Vista then you must use
>>> the boot menu.
>>> Vista bootmngr when used with XP can be a real hassle. Because if you
>>> decide to get rid of Vista Xp will not boot anymore if Vista was using
>>> botmngr for both drives.
>>> Having 2 different O/S boot on two different drives with bios boot,
>>> eliminates Bootmngr and loosing system restore options without having to
>>> hack the registry.
>>> --
>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>> news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>> Hey Lance,
>>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine set now, I will
>>>> always have to go in and select which drive to boot from correct,
>>>> rather than having it give me the option of which OS to boot to during
>>>> bootup?
>>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure, it is working
>>>> great as is.
>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>> Don
>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive is individual.
>>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot manager.
>>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For me it's Vista.
>>>>> It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>>> Have fun.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro, with all
>>>>>> parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP was intalled on
>>>>>> as the first, and it booted right up into XP.
>>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu, choose the hard disk
>>>>>> that Vista is on, and it boots into Vista.
>>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again, many thanks!!
>>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me an option
>>>>>> between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live with it like it
>>>>>> is if I need to.
>>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on unplugged when
>>>>>> installing the Vista Ultimate full version on the new drive.
>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>> Don
>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual boot, it usually
>>>>>>> means that the Vista installation did not see your XP drive (was it
>>>>>>> unplugged?) if so that's just fine. You should be able to boot from
>>>>>>> bios to the drive you want.
>>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That means, if you
>>>>>>> don't touch anything XP will boot first.
>>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose boot from
>>>>>>> (usually F10 check your manual ) on most boards.
>>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP drive to boot to
>>>>>>> XP. If I don't do anything Vista will boot first.
>>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your Vista drive to
>>>>>>> create a start menu.
>>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64 bit Vista
>>>>>>>> Ultimate, retail full version, in what I thought was a dual boot
>>>>>>>> environment.
>>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista on it.
>>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose wich OS to boot
>>>>>>>> to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the partion on the other
>>>>>>>> hard drive my XP Pro is on, however under Vista it shows as drive
>>>>>>>> E?
>>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I was doing here,
>>>>>>>> but apparently I did something I should not have.
>>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is my main OS and
>>>>>>>> I desperately need to be able to get back to it.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

I'm sorry, I had forgotten the LINK.

The funniest thing is that we are discussing this on 2 threads. LOL

Colin, I thought that since you seem to be quite savvy with O/S talk and
since I am French and don't always find the right words, I thought that
saying a reg hack would have been understood by you because I often see this
type of term used.


So let's call it a registry modification.

Now, let's make this clear.

1.. System is powered on
2.. The CMOS loads the BIOS and then runs POST
3.. Looks for the MBR on the bootable device
4.. Through the MBR the boot sector is located and the BOOTMGR is loaded
5.. BOOTMGR looks for active partition
6.. BOOTMGR reads the BCD file from the \boot directory on the active
7.. The BCD (boot configuration database) contains various configuration
parameters( this information was previously stored in the boot.ini)
8.. When windows vista is selected, BOOTMGR transfer control to the
Windows Loader (winload.exe) or winresume.exe in case the system was
9.. Winloader loads drivers that are set to start at boot and then
transfers the control to the windows kernel.
10.. There is not msgina.dll in windows vista ( the shell draws the login
With XP it was called NTLDR with boot.ini file

With Vista it's called bootmgr with a Boot Configuration Database. to pay
with boot configuration, you need to run in admin mode command bcd.exe

Imagine, if we didn't have have VisatBootPro, imagine were we would be if if
BCDwas gone!!

Now Don, the reason you have this issue, is because your XP drive was
plugged. That is one amongst many reasons that experienced users prefer to
use bios option than Vista boot manager.

As you can see from my pic, BCD store only shows Vista, but can't see XP
because I unplugged the drive when I installed Vista.
Now for those who have installed Vista while XP was plugged in and have the
Volume shadow copy issue and restore points can't be seen,

Copy this command into notepad. for each drive that you want to change,
modify the letter of the drive that you wish to be offline. In this case if
it were J, then E in my reg tweak would be J. This command works for XP and

In your case Don, I imagine that since you have three drives and two are for
XP the third drive would be E for your Vista drive (check to make sure in
XP). The command would be E in this case to fix your issue. If this is the
case, paste what is between the two lines into notepad and save as
Offline.txt press enter. Then rename the .TXT extension to .REG and click
OK. Now double click on the reg file and you have just created a hidden
Vista E drive from XP.

BTW Clint, you did some nice work in your article and is is very nice. Just
one thing, as you can see the reg key has quotes and a back slashes before
and after DosDevices. Double slash if you create an auto Reg tweak and
single slash if you modify directly from the registry (don't forget to leave
the quotes)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres

"Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
> Adding a registry entry is not a hack. It is, well, adding a registry
> entry. It is simply adding a new definition to the database for the OS to
> use in configuring Windows. That's what regedit is for. A Windows hack
> is quite something else again.
> The BCD store (what you are referring to as the botmangr) is written to
> the root of the XP drive when adding Vista to an XP system. Removing the
> BCD store does not cripple XP. Anyway that's where VistaBoot Pro is so
> handy.
> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
> news:ujbA%23vxdIHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> No you won't Don. If the first drive is XP in the bios, by default it
>> will boot into XP without requests. If you want Vista then you must use
>> the boot menu.
>> Vista bootmngr when used with XP can be a real hassle. Because if you
>> decide to get rid of Vista Xp will not boot anymore if Vista was using
>> botmngr for both drives.
>> Having 2 different O/S boot on two different drives with bios boot,
>> eliminates Bootmngr and loosing system restore options without having to
>> hack the registry.
>> --
>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>> news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> Hey Lance,
>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine set now, I will
>>> always have to go in and select which drive to boot from correct, rather
>>> than having it give me the option of which OS to boot to during bootup?
>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure, it is working
>>> great as is.
>>> Many thanks again,
>>> Don
>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive is individual.
>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot manager.
>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For me it's Vista.
>>>> It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>> Have fun.
>>>> --
>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro, with all
>>>>> parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP was intalled on
>>>>> as the first, and it booted right up into XP.
>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu, choose the hard disk
>>>>> that Vista is on, and it boots into Vista.
>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again, many thanks!!
>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me an option
>>>>> between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live with it like it is
>>>>> if I need to.
>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on unplugged when
>>>>> installing the Vista Ultimate full version on the new drive.
>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>> Don
>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual boot, it usually
>>>>>> means that the Vista installation did not see your XP drive (was it
>>>>>> unplugged?) if so that's just fine. You should be able to boot from
>>>>>> bios to the drive you want.
>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That means, if you don't
>>>>>> touch anything XP will boot first.
>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose boot from (usually
>>>>>> F10 check your manual ) on most boards.
>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP drive to boot to
>>>>>> XP. If I don't do anything Vista will boot first.
>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your Vista drive to
>>>>>> create a start menu.
>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64 bit Vista
>>>>>>> Ultimate, retail full version, in what I thought was a dual boot
>>>>>>> environment.
>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista on it.
>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose wich OS to boot
>>>>>>> to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the partion on the other
>>>>>>> hard drive my XP Pro is on, however under Vista it shows as drive E?
>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I was doing here,
>>>>>>> but apparently I did something I should not have.
>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is my main OS and I
>>>>>>> desperately need to be able to get back to it.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Colin, please check my last post with a pic included.

Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres

"Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
> Whether the systems are on partitions on the same drive or on different
> drives is immaterial.
> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive is individual.
>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot manager.
>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For me it's Vista.
>> It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>> Have fun.
>> --
>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>> news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro, with all parition
>>> letters intact as they should be.
>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP was intalled on as
>>> the first, and it booted right up into XP.
>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu, choose the hard disk
>>> that Vista is on, and it boots into Vista.
>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again, many thanks!!
>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me an option between
>>> Vista and XP upon booting?
>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live with it like it is
>>> if I need to.
>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on unplugged when
>>> installing the Vista Ultimate full version on the new drive.
>>> Many thanks again,
>>> Don
>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual boot, it usually
>>>> means that the Vista installation did not see your XP drive (was it
>>>> unplugged?) if so that's just fine. You should be able to boot from
>>>> bios to the drive you want.
>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That means, if you don't
>>>> touch anything XP will boot first.
>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose boot from (usually
>>>> F10 check your manual ) on most boards.
>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP drive to boot to XP.
>>>> If I don't do anything Vista will boot first.
>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your Vista drive to create
>>>> a start menu.
>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>> --
>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64 bit Vista Ultimate,
>>>>> retail full version, in what I thought was a dual boot environment.
>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista on it.
>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose wich OS to boot to,
>>>>> it only boots into Vista.
>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the partion on the other
>>>>> hard drive my XP Pro is on, however under Vista it shows as drive E?
>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I was doing here, but
>>>>> apparently I did something I should not have.
>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is my main OS and I
>>>>> desperately need to be able to get back to it.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

XP is my default boot drive, it is installed on my first sata hard drive,
and that is the boot order I have selected in the bios, which is what I
I want it to boot into XP by default, I only want to boot to Vista, by
making the selection to do so.

Ok,while in Vista, below is what is shown under computer:

Vista = C
XP = E

I did not list the other partitions, as I did not think they would be

Obviously, when booted into XP, the drive letters are different, XP then
becomes C, and Vista becomes L.



"John Barnes" <> wrote in message
> When you have the legacy entry set up via VBP using your default boot
> process, which you said was Vista, you can set the legacy drive letter to
> C or you can copy the three files to the Vista drive then change the
> boot.ini if necessary. If you gave the information you have in Disk
> Management from Vista it would be easier to help. When you set up the
> legacy drive you did not have it pointing to the partition with the ntldr
> file on it. You can add the files where you have it pointed or repoint
> the legacy entry.
> "Don" <> wrote in message
> news:uLnOXm0dIHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> Not yet, I don't think I quite understood exactly how to do it, I will
>> re-read again and see what I can do.
>> I now have managed to get the choice to load either Vista or XP, but only
>> after hitting escape to enter my bios menu and choosing the Vista hard
>> drive to boot from, can't seem to get it to do it from my first hard
>> drive, the one XP is installed on.
>> I reckon I better quit messing with VBP while I am ahead before I screw
>> something up...
>> --
>> Don
>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>> news:OhtPlh0dIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>> If you run VBP from the XP partition the way you have changed boot
>>> priority 'on the fly', you will overwrite the XP boot process. You
>>> would be able to reverse it later, if you actually can get back into VBP
>>> on that drive. Have you copied the files I recommended earlier?
>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>> Sure. Won't hurt.
>>>> The ideal thing would be to simply do a fresh install of Vista from the
>>>> XP desktop but I can understand that you might not want to do that.
>>>> In any case, even if you leave everything set up like it is, you should
>>>> still make the registry entry in XP. It doesn't matter how you
>>>> installed the operating systems, you would still hide Vista from XP the
>>>> same way.
>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:upXPZ%23zdIHA.5416@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>I tried that exactly as you suggested Colin, and it made no difference.
>>>>> Still boots directly into XP, then I go into bios boot menu, choose
>>>>> the third sata drive my Vista is on, then it boots directly into
>>>>> Vista.
>>>>> Thanks for the help, probaby something small I am missing - I
>>>>> installed VistaBootPro and run it from my Vista install, should I
>>>>> install it and run it from the XP install instead?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Don
>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> Use VBP's System Bootloader tab and choose Windows Vista Bootloader
>>>>>> and All Drives.
>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:e%23i9fpzdIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>> Ok, I will give it another shot then. I tried it once, and either
>>>>>>> was doing something major wrong or just not understanding quite what
>>>>>>> I was supposed to do, never could get it to do it.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> You can use VistaBoot Pro to write the BCD store to the XP drive
>>>>>>>> and then you should have a standard boot menu. VistaBoot Pro is
>>>>>>>> free and uses a GUI.
>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:u8wfRdzdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>> Yes, but I have already installed Vista.
>>>>>>>>> I installed it, by booting from the Vista DVD, selecting the new
>>>>>>>>> hard drive, formatted it from there, and installed Vista onto it.
>>>>>>>>> I do not get a boot menu, now that Vista is up and running showing
>>>>>>>>> " Older Version of Windows", and " Microsoft Vista" to choose
>>>>>>>>> from.
>>>>>>>>> It just automatically boots into XP, unless I hit escape to hit my
>>>>>>>>> bios boot menu, and select that third hard drive to boot from.
>>>>>>>>> Based on what I had read beforehand, I had expected to get the
>>>>>>>>> boot menu option to boot into either OS, and was surprised I did
>>>>>>>>> not.
>>>>>>>>> When I am in XP, the Vista partition shows as " L " partition,
>>>>>>>>> which is fine. When I am in Vista, that same partition shows as
>>>>>>>>> "C" partition.
>>>>>>>>> I think I understand what I need to do to protect Vista's restore
>>>>>>>>> points, just not sure if I am able to get the above boot menu to
>>>>>>>>> show or just be happy leaving it as it is .
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> Do not use the escape key technique to install Vista and you will
>>>>>>>>>> have a boot options menu showing "Older Version of Windows" and
>>>>>>>>>> "Microsoft Vista". If you run Vista setup from the XP desktop and
>>>>>>>>>> simply select your desired partition for installation your disk
>>>>>>>>>> drive lettering will align between the two systems. If you set
>>>>>>>>>> the XP drive as the boot drive and then boot the system with the
>>>>>>>>>> Vista dvd you will get variation of the drive lettering (no real
>>>>>>>>>> problem) and will have the boot menu after you install Vista on
>>>>>>>>>> the second drive or partition.
>>>>>>>>>> You may only have to create one registry key in order to protect
>>>>>>>>>> the Vista volume from XP so there probably is no need to use any
>>>>>>>>>> special techniques when installing Vista to have a safe system.
>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:uyxirZwdIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>> Hmnm, I must have missed something there, I will read again and
>>>>>>>>>>> see if I can understand what I need to do.
>>>>>>>>>>> I had thought, when I installed Vista on the new third hard
>>>>>>>>>>> drive, it would automatically give me that option during boot,
>>>>>>>>>>> but it didn't.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'll check it out and see what I can do , thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> The registry edits in the procedure I gave in the attachment
>>>>>>>>>>>> allows you to use the computer in a normal dual boot setup
>>>>>>>>>>>> without risking anything in Vista when you boot XP. It is the
>>>>>>>>>>>> resolution for that issue. Use it and you will not have to use
>>>>>>>>>>>> the escape key or special boot managers or anything else other
>>>>>>>>>>>> than the traditional boot menu Windows sets up for you when you
>>>>>>>>>>>> install a second OS on a computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eMGXDqtdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Colin, that certainly helps me understand what I need
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to do, to keep my Vista restore points from getting deleted. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> do have Vista Ultimate, and understand I could use the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bitlocker feature as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so in regards to booting into XP or Vista, let me clarify
>>>>>>>>>>>>> where I am with that and what it is doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have three sata hard drives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 1 = XP OS ( 2 partitiions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 2 - XP Data and Apps ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3 = Vista ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, I have my hard disk boot order in bios, set for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive 1 first, which automatically boots into XP, which is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine as it is still going to be my main OS for a while.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To get into Vista, during boot, I hit escape to get into a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot menu, then select boot from hard drive, then select Drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3, then it will go ahead and boot into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is really not that bad a deal, but after doing a few times,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I find myself wishing I could just select which OS to boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>> into rather than going through the above steps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried the Easy Bcd program, and also Vista Boot Pro,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but for some reason can't seem to get it to work. Perhaps I am
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not understanding exactly how to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other tips for my simple mind would certainly be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the attachment in my latest post. It is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary to go through what you are doing. Microsoft's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended procedure makes that unneccessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Lance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now, I will always have to go in and select which drive to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot from correct, rather than having it give me the option
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of which OS to boot to during bootup?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure, it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working great as is.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> individual.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's Vista. It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have fun.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro, with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intalled on as the first, and it booted right up into XP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu, choose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hard disk that Vista is on, and it boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again, many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it like it is if I need to.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unplugged when installing the Vista Ultimate full version
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the new drive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual boot,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it usually means that the Vista installation did not see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your XP drive (was it unplugged?) if so that's just fine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should be able to boot from bios to the drive you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That means,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you don't touch anything XP will boot first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from (usually F10 check your manual ) on most boards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot to XP. If I don't do anything Vista will boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive to create a start menu.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64 bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista Ultimate, retail full version, in what I thought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was a dual boot environment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose wich
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OS to boot to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the partion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the other hard drive my XP Pro is on, however under
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista it shows as drive E?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing here, but apparently I did something I should not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main OS and I desperately need to be able to get back to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Yes, that is corret, I am running 64 bit Vista Ultimate.



"Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
> Actually, I just realized you are probably talking about Vista x64 and
> that won't install from an XP desktop. Sorry about that.
> "Don" <> wrote in message
> news:%23XNYqU0dIHA.5560@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Dang, still did not work.
>> I installed VistaBootPro in Windows XP.
>> Installed Vista Bootloader using system bootloader tab, selected C
>> drive, which is what my XP is installed, and still just boots directly
>> into XP, no boot menu option to choose XP or Vista.
>> I just can't seem to get this to work properly in that way.
>> --
>> Don
>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>> Sure. Won't hurt.
>>> The ideal thing would be to simply do a fresh install of Vista from the
>>> XP desktop but I can understand that you might not want to do that.
>>> In any case, even if you leave everything set up like it is, you should
>>> still make the registry entry in XP. It doesn't matter how you
>>> installed the operating systems, you would still hide Vista from XP the
>>> same way.
>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>> news:upXPZ%23zdIHA.5416@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>I tried that exactly as you suggested Colin, and it made no difference.
>>>> Still boots directly into XP, then I go into bios boot menu, choose the
>>>> third sata drive my Vista is on, then it boots directly into Vista.
>>>> Thanks for the help, probaby something small I am missing - I installed
>>>> VistaBootPro and run it from my Vista install, should I install it and
>>>> run it from the XP install instead?
>>>> --
>>>> Don
>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Use VBP's System Bootloader tab and choose Windows Vista Bootloader
>>>>> and All Drives.
>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:e%23i9fpzdIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> Ok, I will give it another shot then. I tried it once, and either was
>>>>>> doing something major wrong or just not understanding quite what I
>>>>>> was supposed to do, never could get it to do it.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Don
>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> You can use VistaBoot Pro to write the BCD store to the XP drive and
>>>>>>> then you should have a standard boot menu. VistaBoot Pro is free
>>>>>>> and uses a GUI.
>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:u8wfRdzdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> Yes, but I have already installed Vista.
>>>>>>>> I installed it, by booting from the Vista DVD, selecting the new
>>>>>>>> hard drive, formatted it from there, and installed Vista onto it.
>>>>>>>> I do not get a boot menu, now that Vista is up and running showing
>>>>>>>> " Older Version of Windows", and " Microsoft Vista" to choose from.
>>>>>>>> It just automatically boots into XP, unless I hit escape to hit my
>>>>>>>> bios boot menu, and select that third hard drive to boot from.
>>>>>>>> Based on what I had read beforehand, I had expected to get the boot
>>>>>>>> menu option to boot into either OS, and was surprised I did not.
>>>>>>>> When I am in XP, the Vista partition shows as " L " partition,
>>>>>>>> which is fine. When I am in Vista, that same partition shows as "C"
>>>>>>>> partition.
>>>>>>>> I think I understand what I need to do to protect Vista's restore
>>>>>>>> points, just not sure if I am able to get the above boot menu to
>>>>>>>> show or just be happy leaving it as it is .
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> Do not use the escape key technique to install Vista and you will
>>>>>>>>> have a boot options menu showing "Older Version of Windows" and
>>>>>>>>> "Microsoft Vista". If you run Vista setup from the XP desktop and
>>>>>>>>> simply select your desired partition for installation your disk
>>>>>>>>> drive lettering will align between the two systems. If you set
>>>>>>>>> the XP drive as the boot drive and then boot the system with the
>>>>>>>>> Vista dvd you will get variation of the drive lettering (no real
>>>>>>>>> problem) and will have the boot menu after you install Vista on
>>>>>>>>> the second drive or partition.
>>>>>>>>> You may only have to create one registry key in order to protect
>>>>>>>>> the Vista volume from XP so there probably is no need to use any
>>>>>>>>> special techniques when installing Vista to have a safe system.
>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:uyxirZwdIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>> Hmnm, I must have missed something there, I will read again and
>>>>>>>>>> see if I can understand what I need to do.
>>>>>>>>>> I had thought, when I installed Vista on the new third hard
>>>>>>>>>> drive, it would automatically give me that option during boot,
>>>>>>>>>> but it didn't.
>>>>>>>>>> I'll check it out and see what I can do , thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> The registry edits in the procedure I gave in the attachment
>>>>>>>>>>> allows you to use the computer in a normal dual boot setup
>>>>>>>>>>> without risking anything in Vista when you boot XP. It is the
>>>>>>>>>>> resolution for that issue. Use it and you will not have to use
>>>>>>>>>>> the escape key or special boot managers or anything else other
>>>>>>>>>>> than the traditional boot menu Windows sets up for you when you
>>>>>>>>>>> install a second OS on a computer.
>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> news:eMGXDqtdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Colin, that certainly helps me understand what I need to
>>>>>>>>>>>> do, to keep my Vista restore points from getting deleted. I do
>>>>>>>>>>>> have Vista Ultimate, and understand I could use the Bitlocker
>>>>>>>>>>>> feature as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so in regards to booting into XP or Vista, let me clarify
>>>>>>>>>>>> where I am with that and what it is doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have three sata hard drives.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 1 = XP OS ( 2 partitiions)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 2 - XP Data and Apps ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3 = Vista ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, I have my hard disk boot order in bios, set for
>>>>>>>>>>>> drive 1 first, which automatically boots into XP, which is fine
>>>>>>>>>>>> as it is still going to be my main OS for a while.
>>>>>>>>>>>> To get into Vista, during boot, I hit escape to get into a boot
>>>>>>>>>>>> menu, then select boot from hard drive, then select Drive 3,
>>>>>>>>>>>> then it will go ahead and boot into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It is really not that bad a deal, but after doing a few times,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I find myself wishing I could just select which OS to boot into
>>>>>>>>>>>> rather than going through the above steps.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried the Easy Bcd program, and also Vista Boot Pro, but
>>>>>>>>>>>> for some reason can't seem to get it to work. Perhaps I am not
>>>>>>>>>>>> understanding exactly how to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other tips for my simple mind would certainly be
>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the attachment in my latest post. It is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary to go through what you are doing. Microsoft's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended procedure makes that unneccessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Lance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine set now,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will always have to go in and select which drive to boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from correct, rather than having it give me the option of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which OS to boot to during bootup?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure, it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working great as is.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> individual.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's Vista. It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have fun.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro, with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intalled on as the first, and it booted right up into XP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu, choose the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hard disk that Vista is on, and it boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again, many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live with it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like it is if I need to.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unplugged when installing the Vista Ultimate full version
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the new drive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual boot,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it usually means that the Vista installation did not see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your XP drive (was it unplugged?) if so that's just fine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should be able to boot from bios to the drive you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That means,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you don't touch anything XP will boot first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from (usually F10 check your manual ) on most boards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot to XP. If I don't do anything Vista will boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive to create a start menu.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64 bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista Ultimate, retail full version, in what I thought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was a dual boot environment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista on it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose wich OS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the partion on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other hard drive my XP Pro is on, however under Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it shows as drive E?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing here, but apparently I did something I should not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main OS and I desperately need to be able to get back to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Thanks Lance,

I just got back in from having to run and take care of something
unexpectedly, I will try and take this in as soon as I can , looks like some
good info there.


"Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
> I'm sorry, I had forgotten the LINK.
> The funniest thing is that we are discussing this on 2 threads. LOL
> Colin, I thought that since you seem to be quite savvy with O/S talk and
> since I am French and don't always find the right words, I thought that
> saying a reg hack would have been understood by you because I often see
> this
> type of term used.
> I meant BOOTMGR
> So let's call it a registry modification.
> Now, let's make this clear.
> 1.. System is powered on
> 2.. The CMOS loads the BIOS and then runs POST
> 3.. Looks for the MBR on the bootable device
> 4.. Through the MBR the boot sector is located and the BOOTMGR is loaded
> 5.. BOOTMGR looks for active partition
> 6.. BOOTMGR reads the BCD file from the \boot directory on the active
> partition
> 7.. The BCD (boot configuration database) contains various configuration
> parameters( this information was previously stored in the boot.ini)
> 8.. When windows vista is selected, BOOTMGR transfer control to the
> Windows Loader (winload.exe) or winresume.exe in case the system was
> hibernated.
> 9.. Winloader loads drivers that are set to start at boot and then
> transfers the control to the windows kernel.
> 10.. There is not msgina.dll in windows vista ( the shell draws the login
> screen)
> With XP it was called NTLDR with boot.ini file
> With Vista it's called bootmgr with a Boot Configuration Database. to pay
> with boot configuration, you need to run in admin mode command bcd.exe
> Imagine, if we didn't have have VisatBootPro, imagine were we would be if
> if
> BCDwas gone!!
> Now Don, the reason you have this issue, is because your XP drive was
> plugged. That is one amongst many reasons that experienced users prefer to
> use bios option than Vista boot manager.
> As you can see from my pic, BCD store only shows Vista, but can't see XP
> because I unplugged the drive when I installed Vista.
> _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> Now for those who have installed Vista while XP was plugged in and have
> the
> Volume shadow copy issue and restore points can't be seen,
> Copy this command into notepad. for each drive that you want to change,
> modify the letter of the drive that you wish to be offline. In this case
> if
> it were J, then E in my reg tweak would be J. This command works for XP
> and
> Vista.
> In your case Don, I imagine that since you have three drives and two are
> for
> XP the third drive would be E for your Vista drive (check to make sure in
> XP). The command would be E in this case to fix your issue. If this is the
> case, paste what is between the two lines into notepad and save as
> Offline.txt press enter. Then rename the .TXT extension to .REG and click
> OK. Now double click on the reg file and you have just created a hidden
> Vista E drive from XP.
> BTW Clint, you did some nice work in your article and is is very nice.
> Just
> one thing, as you can see the reg key has quotes and a back slashes before
> and after DosDevices. Double slash if you create an auto Reg tweak and
> single slash if you modify directly from the registry (don't forget to
> leave
> the quotes)
> ___________________________________________________________________________________
> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices\Offline]
> "\\DosDevices\\E:"=dword:00000001
> ___________________________________________________________________________________
> --
> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>> Adding a registry entry is not a hack. It is, well, adding a registry
>> entry. It is simply adding a new definition to the database for the OS
>> to
>> use in configuring Windows. That's what regedit is for. A Windows hack
>> is quite something else again.
>> The BCD store (what you are referring to as the botmangr) is written to
>> the root of the XP drive when adding Vista to an XP system. Removing the
>> BCD store does not cripple XP. Anyway that's where VistaBoot Pro is so
>> handy.
>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>> news:ujbA%23vxdIHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> No you won't Don. If the first drive is XP in the bios, by default it
>>> will boot into XP without requests. If you want Vista then you must use
>>> the boot menu.
>>> Vista bootmngr when used with XP can be a real hassle. Because if you
>>> decide to get rid of Vista Xp will not boot anymore if Vista was using
>>> botmngr for both drives.
>>> Having 2 different O/S boot on two different drives with bios boot,
>>> eliminates Bootmngr and loosing system restore options without having to
>>> hack the registry.
>>> --
>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>> news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>> Hey Lance,
>>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine set now, I will
>>>> always have to go in and select which drive to boot from correct,
>>>> rather
>>>> than having it give me the option of which OS to boot to during bootup?
>>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure, it is working
>>>> great as is.
>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>> Don
>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive is individual.
>>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot manager.
>>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For me it's Vista.
>>>>> It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>>> Have fun.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro, with all
>>>>>> parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP was intalled on
>>>>>> as the first, and it booted right up into XP.
>>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu, choose the hard disk
>>>>>> that Vista is on, and it boots into Vista.
>>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again, many thanks!!
>>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me an option
>>>>>> between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live with it like it
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> if I need to.
>>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on unplugged when
>>>>>> installing the Vista Ultimate full version on the new drive.
>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>> Don
>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual boot, it usually
>>>>>>> means that the Vista installation did not see your XP drive (was it
>>>>>>> unplugged?) if so that's just fine. You should be able to boot from
>>>>>>> bios to the drive you want.
>>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That means, if you
>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>> touch anything XP will boot first.
>>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose boot from
>>>>>>> (usually
>>>>>>> F10 check your manual ) on most boards.
>>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP drive to boot to
>>>>>>> XP. If I don't do anything Vista will boot first.
>>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your Vista drive to
>>>>>>> create a start menu.
>>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64 bit Vista
>>>>>>>> Ultimate, retail full version, in what I thought was a dual boot
>>>>>>>> environment.
>>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista on it.
>>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose wich OS to boot
>>>>>>>> to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the partion on the other
>>>>>>>> hard drive my XP Pro is on, however under Vista it shows as drive
>>>>>>>> E?
>>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I was doing here,
>>>>>>>> but apparently I did something I should not have.
>>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is my main OS and
>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>> desperately need to be able to get back to it.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Information is not drive letter. Information is what is in the parentheses
for each partition on each hard drive.
Do this from what ever system you boot to when you have your boot priority
the way you want to leave it. (it is not necessary to have the XP drive as
the 0 drive to have XP your default system, in fact if you have your boot
manager on the Vista drive, and add the legacy entry from there, you will be
able to remove the XP system more easily once you make that decision in the
Let the system boot default the way you have the drives set up with the XP
drive as the 0 drive.
Using VBP add or edit the Vista BCD. Add a legacy system entry pointed to C
Reboot. Select the legacy entry. What messages if any do you get.
Alternative. Run startup repair from the Vista DVD (also with the system
set up with the XP drive as your 'system' drive.
It makes NO difference which drive you have as your system drive (first in
boot priority {0} and active primary). You must have the Vista boot manager
on it, it must contain a legacy system entry and you can use VBP to set the
timeout and default system. The legacy entry must point to the ntldr and
boot.ini and must also be on the root of that partition.
Good luck. At one point you had the legacy entry but was pointed to the
wrong drive letter. Change the drive letter. C probably would have worked
but with no info it's a guess.
You have all the information you need to do it. IT IS EASY and SIMPLE.

"Don" <> wrote in message
> XP is my default boot drive, it is installed on my first sata hard drive,
> and that is the boot order I have selected in the bios, which is what I
> want.
> I want it to boot into XP by default, I only want to boot to Vista, by
> making the selection to do so.
> Ok,while in Vista, below is what is shown under computer:
> Vista = C
> XP = E
> I did not list the other partitions, as I did not think they would be
> relevant.
> Obviously, when booted into XP, the drive letters are different, XP then
> becomes C, and Vista becomes L.
> Thanks,
> --
> Don
> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
> news:%23gp37t0dIHA.2688@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> When you have the legacy entry set up via VBP using your default boot
>> process, which you said was Vista, you can set the legacy drive letter to
>> C or you can copy the three files to the Vista drive then change the
>> boot.ini if necessary. If you gave the information you have in Disk
>> Management from Vista it would be easier to help. When you set up the
>> legacy drive you did not have it pointing to the partition with the ntldr
>> file on it. You can add the files where you have it pointed or repoint
>> the legacy entry.
>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>> news:uLnOXm0dIHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> Not yet, I don't think I quite understood exactly how to do it, I will
>>> re-read again and see what I can do.
>>> I now have managed to get the choice to load either Vista or XP, but
>>> only after hitting escape to enter my bios menu and choosing the Vista
>>> hard drive to boot from, can't seem to get it to do it from my first
>>> hard drive, the one XP is installed on.
>>> I reckon I better quit messing with VBP while I am ahead before I screw
>>> something up...
>>> --
>>> Don
>>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>>> news:OhtPlh0dIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>> If you run VBP from the XP partition the way you have changed boot
>>>> priority 'on the fly', you will overwrite the XP boot process. You
>>>> would be able to reverse it later, if you actually can get back into
>>>> VBP on that drive. Have you copied the files I recommended earlier?
>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Sure. Won't hurt.
>>>>> The ideal thing would be to simply do a fresh install of Vista from
>>>>> the XP desktop but I can understand that you might not want to do
>>>>> that.
>>>>> In any case, even if you leave everything set up like it is, you
>>>>> should still make the registry entry in XP. It doesn't matter how you
>>>>> installed the operating systems, you would still hide Vista from XP
>>>>> the same way.
>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:upXPZ%23zdIHA.5416@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>I tried that exactly as you suggested Colin, and it made no
>>>>>> Still boots directly into XP, then I go into bios boot menu, choose
>>>>>> the third sata drive my Vista is on, then it boots directly into
>>>>>> Vista.
>>>>>> Thanks for the help, probaby something small I am missing - I
>>>>>> installed VistaBootPro and run it from my Vista install, should I
>>>>>> install it and run it from the XP install instead?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Don
>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> Use VBP's System Bootloader tab and choose Windows Vista Bootloader
>>>>>>> and All Drives.
>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:e%23i9fpzdIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> Ok, I will give it another shot then. I tried it once, and either
>>>>>>>> was doing something major wrong or just not understanding quite
>>>>>>>> what I was supposed to do, never could get it to do it.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> You can use VistaBoot Pro to write the BCD store to the XP drive
>>>>>>>>> and then you should have a standard boot menu. VistaBoot Pro is
>>>>>>>>> free and uses a GUI.
>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:u8wfRdzdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>> Yes, but I have already installed Vista.
>>>>>>>>>> I installed it, by booting from the Vista DVD, selecting the new
>>>>>>>>>> hard drive, formatted it from there, and installed Vista onto it.
>>>>>>>>>> I do not get a boot menu, now that Vista is up and running
>>>>>>>>>> showing " Older Version of Windows", and " Microsoft Vista" to
>>>>>>>>>> choose from.
>>>>>>>>>> It just automatically boots into XP, unless I hit escape to hit
>>>>>>>>>> my bios boot menu, and select that third hard drive to boot from.
>>>>>>>>>> Based on what I had read beforehand, I had expected to get the
>>>>>>>>>> boot menu option to boot into either OS, and was surprised I did
>>>>>>>>>> not.
>>>>>>>>>> When I am in XP, the Vista partition shows as " L " partition,
>>>>>>>>>> which is fine. When I am in Vista, that same partition shows as
>>>>>>>>>> "C" partition.
>>>>>>>>>> I think I understand what I need to do to protect Vista's restore
>>>>>>>>>> points, just not sure if I am able to get the above boot menu to
>>>>>>>>>> show or just be happy leaving it as it is .
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> Do not use the escape key technique to install Vista and you
>>>>>>>>>>> will have a boot options menu showing "Older Version of Windows"
>>>>>>>>>>> and "Microsoft Vista". If you run Vista setup from the XP
>>>>>>>>>>> desktop and simply select your desired partition for
>>>>>>>>>>> installation your disk drive lettering will align between the
>>>>>>>>>>> two systems. If you set the XP drive as the boot drive and then
>>>>>>>>>>> boot the system with the Vista dvd you will get variation of the
>>>>>>>>>>> drive lettering (no real problem) and will have the boot menu
>>>>>>>>>>> after you install Vista on the second drive or partition.
>>>>>>>>>>> You may only have to create one registry key in order to protect
>>>>>>>>>>> the Vista volume from XP so there probably is no need to use any
>>>>>>>>>>> special techniques when installing Vista to have a safe system.
>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> news:uyxirZwdIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmnm, I must have missed something there, I will read again and
>>>>>>>>>>>> see if I can understand what I need to do.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I had thought, when I installed Vista on the new third hard
>>>>>>>>>>>> drive, it would automatically give me that option during boot,
>>>>>>>>>>>> but it didn't.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll check it out and see what I can do , thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The registry edits in the procedure I gave in the attachment
>>>>>>>>>>>>> allows you to use the computer in a normal dual boot setup
>>>>>>>>>>>>> without risking anything in Vista when you boot XP. It is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> resolution for that issue. Use it and you will not have to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> use the escape key or special boot managers or anything else
>>>>>>>>>>>>> other than the traditional boot menu Windows sets up for you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> when you install a second OS on a computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eMGXDqtdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Colin, that certainly helps me understand what I need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to do, to keep my Vista restore points from getting deleted.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do have Vista Ultimate, and understand I could use the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bitlocker feature as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so in regards to booting into XP or Vista, let me clarify
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where I am with that and what it is doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have three sata hard drives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 1 = XP OS ( 2 partitiions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 2 - XP Data and Apps ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3 = Vista ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, I have my hard disk boot order in bios, set for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive 1 first, which automatically boots into XP, which is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine as it is still going to be my main OS for a while.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To get into Vista, during boot, I hit escape to get into a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot menu, then select boot from hard drive, then select
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3, then it will go ahead and boot into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is really not that bad a deal, but after doing a few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> times, I find myself wishing I could just select which OS to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot into rather than going through the above steps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried the Easy Bcd program, and also Vista Boot Pro,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but for some reason can't seem to get it to work. Perhaps I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am not understanding exactly how to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other tips for my simple mind would certainly be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the attachment in my latest post. It is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary to go through what you are doing. Microsoft's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended procedure makes that unneccessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Lance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now, I will always have to go in and select which drive to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot from correct, rather than having it give me the option
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of which OS to boot to during bootup?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure, it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working great as is.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> individual.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's Vista. It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have fun.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with all parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intalled on as the first, and it booted right up into XP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu, choose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hard disk that Vista is on, and it boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again, many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it like it is if I need to.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unplugged when installing the Vista Ultimate full version
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the new drive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot, it usually means that the Vista installation did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not see your XP drive (was it unplugged?) if so that's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just fine. You should be able to boot from bios to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive you want.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That means,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you don't touch anything XP will boot first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from (usually F10 check your manual ) on most boards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot to XP. If I don't do anything Vista will boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive to create a start menu.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64 bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista Ultimate, retail full version, in what I thought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was a dual boot environment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose wich
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OS to boot to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the partion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the other hard drive my XP Pro is on, however under
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista it shows as drive E?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing here, but apparently I did something I should not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main OS and I desperately need to be able to get back
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Thanks for taking the time to explain further John.

I will read carefully and see what I can do with the information when I can,
and let y'all know how I make out.


"John Barnes" <> wrote in message
> Information is not drive letter. Information is what is in the
> parentheses for each partition on each hard drive.
> Do this from what ever system you boot to when you have your boot priority
> the way you want to leave it. (it is not necessary to have the XP drive as
> the 0 drive to have XP your default system, in fact if you have your boot
> manager on the Vista drive, and add the legacy entry from there, you will
> be able to remove the XP system more easily once you make that decision in
> the future)
> Let the system boot default the way you have the drives set up with the XP
> drive as the 0 drive.
> Using VBP add or edit the Vista BCD. Add a legacy system entry pointed to
> C Reboot. Select the legacy entry. What messages if any do you get.
> Alternative. Run startup repair from the Vista DVD (also with the system
> set up with the XP drive as your 'system' drive.
> It makes NO difference which drive you have as your system drive (first in
> boot priority {0} and active primary). You must have the Vista boot
> manager on it, it must contain a legacy system entry and you can use VBP
> to set the timeout and default system. The legacy entry must point to the
> ntldr and boot.ini and must also be on the root of that
> partition.
> Good luck. At one point you had the legacy entry but was pointed to the
> wrong drive letter. Change the drive letter. C probably would have
> worked but with no info it's a guess.
> You have all the information you need to do it. IT IS EASY and SIMPLE.
> Adios
Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 05:43:35 -0600, "Don"
<> wrote:

>Thanks Colin, that certainly helps me understand what I need to do, to keep
>my Vista restore points from getting deleted. I do have Vista Ultimate, and
>understand I could use the Bitlocker feature as well.
>Ok, so in regards to booting into XP or Vista, let me clarify where I am
>with that and what it is doing.
>I have three sata hard drives.
>Drive 1 = XP OS ( 2 partitiions)
>Drive 2 - XP Data and Apps ( 2 partitions)
> Drive 3 = Vista ( 2 partitions)
>Currently, I have my hard disk boot order in bios, set for drive 1 first,
>which automatically boots into XP, which is fine as it is still going to be
>my main OS for a while.
>To get into Vista, during boot, I hit escape to get into a boot menu, then
>select boot from hard drive, then select Drive 3, then it will go ahead and
>boot into Vista.
>It is really not that bad a deal, but after doing a few times, I find myself
>wishing I could just select which OS to boot into rather than going through
>the above steps.
>I have tried the Easy Bcd program, and also Vista Boot Pro, but for some
>reason can't seem to get it to work. Perhaps I am not understanding exactly
>how to do it.
>Any other tips for my simple mind would certainly be appreciated.

First you have to copy hidden file Bootmgr.exe plus hidden folder Boot
from the root directory in the system partition of the Vista drive to
the root directory in the system partition of the XP drive. Then run
Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

"Andy" <1@2.3> wrote in message
> On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 05:43:35 -0600, "Don"
> <> wrote:
>>Thanks Colin, that certainly helps me understand what I need to do, to
>>my Vista restore points from getting deleted. I do have Vista Ultimate,
>>understand I could use the Bitlocker feature as well.
>>Ok, so in regards to booting into XP or Vista, let me clarify where I am
>>with that and what it is doing.
>>I have three sata hard drives.
>>Drive 1 = XP OS ( 2 partitiions)
>>Drive 2 - XP Data and Apps ( 2 partitions)
>> Drive 3 = Vista ( 2 partitions)
>>Currently, I have my hard disk boot order in bios, set for drive 1 first,
>>which automatically boots into XP, which is fine as it is still going to
>>my main OS for a while.
>>To get into Vista, during boot, I hit escape to get into a boot menu, then
>>select boot from hard drive, then select Drive 3, then it will go ahead
>>boot into Vista.
>>It is really not that bad a deal, but after doing a few times, I find
>>wishing I could just select which OS to boot into rather than going
>>the above steps.
>>I have tried the Easy Bcd program, and also Vista Boot Pro, but for some
>>reason can't seem to get it to work. Perhaps I am not understanding
>>how to do it.
>>Any other tips for my simple mind would certainly be appreciated.

> First you have to copy hidden file Bootmgr.exe plus hidden folder Boot
> from the root directory in the system partition of the Vista drive to
> the root directory in the system partition of the XP drive. Then run
> EasyBCD.

Thanks Andy, I may give that a try. At this point, I am almost afraid I am
going to do something that makes windows unbootable for me, John also gave
me a lot of good information I need to try as well.
Perhaps I will work up the nerve and try some of this again :).

I appreciate the help,

Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Allright gang,

I am back in town now for the weekend.

I have printed out, Colin's excellent " gray or white" paper, on how to hide
my Vista volumes from my XP install. I was just going to use Vista 64 to
play around with for a while, and restore points were not that big a deal
for me, but am finding myself liking it more and more and booting more into
it, than XP.

I have also printed out the great feedback from John and others, on how to
get a boot menu to show up when my system is first booting up from the XP
partition, I hope to get it to where I can choose to boot either into XP Pro
or Vista 64, rather than having to go into my boot menu in bios and select
the appropriate hard drive to boot from. ( this one especially makes me
nervous, always afraid I will screw something and make my system

Tonight, is time for my wife and I . :)

Tomorrow, I shall try to tackle both of these, will advise how I make out.

Thanks again, to all that have offered help in these two areas.

Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Ok gang,

I just can't seem to get this. I typically can get things figured out,
especially with the help of such knowledgeable folks, but this one has me
somewhat stumped. It is really not that big a deal, I can still boot into
Vista 64 bit by using the boot menu in my bios, was just trying to make it
easier by having a selection of either XP or Vista when it is first booting
up. I thought for sure by printing out all this information, reading and
following carefully, I could get it.

First, thanks to all for the advice, I am sure I am missing a very simple
step, but I just don't know what it is. I will try and summarize, what I
have done so far. I also understand, if no one wants to try and help any
further, as I am sure I have all the information I needed, just can't seem
to make it come together.

My system, by default, boots into XP Pro, which is what I want. XP pro, sees
it's partition as drive C. When I boot into Vista, which I have on it's own
hard drive, it too see's it's partition as C.

I tried using VistaBootPro. When I launch it from within Vista, I first get
an error message that " there is no vista installed, or it is on a hidden
partition". I can click ok and get to the menu screen.
From within XP Pro, when I launch VistaBootPro, I get an error message, that
the bcd is either missing or corrupt, and have to hit ok over and over a few
times before getting to the menu screen,

I tried adding a legacy entry, from within both Vista and XP Pro, made no
difference at all. It still behaves the same way, boots into XP Pro by
default, I can hit escape during the boot process, access my bios boot menu,
choose the hard drive Vista is installed on to boot from, then Vista boots
just fine. I just would like to have a menu option, choosing one or the
other, and be done with it.

If anyone thinks of anything I may have missed, feel free to let me know,
again, I understand if no one wants to bother with this one any more.



"John Barnes" <> wrote in message
> Information is not drive letter. Information is what is in the
> parentheses for each partition on each hard drive.
> Do this from what ever system you boot to when you have your boot priority
> the way you want to leave it. (it is not necessary to have the XP drive as
> the 0 drive to have XP your default system, in fact if you have your boot
> manager on the Vista drive, and add the legacy entry from there, you will
> be able to remove the XP system more easily once you make that decision in
> the future)
> Let the system boot default the way you have the drives set up with the XP
> drive as the 0 drive.
> Using VBP add or edit the Vista BCD. Add a legacy system entry pointed to
> C Reboot. Select the legacy entry. What messages if any do you get.
> Alternative. Run startup repair from the Vista DVD (also with the system
> set up with the XP drive as your 'system' drive.
> It makes NO difference which drive you have as your system drive (first in
> boot priority {0} and active primary). You must have the Vista boot
> manager on it, it must contain a legacy system entry and you can use VBP
> to set the timeout and default system. The legacy entry must point to the
> ntldr and boot.ini and must also be on the root of that
> partition.
> Good luck. At one point you had the legacy entry but was pointed to the
> wrong drive letter. Change the drive letter. C probably would have
> worked but with no info it's a guess.
> You have all the information you need to do it. IT IS EASY and SIMPLE.
> Adios
> "Don" <> wrote in message
> news:esBAGt2dIHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> XP is my default boot drive, it is installed on my first sata hard drive,
>> and that is the boot order I have selected in the bios, which is what I
>> want.
>> I want it to boot into XP by default, I only want to boot to Vista, by
>> making the selection to do so.
>> Ok,while in Vista, below is what is shown under computer:
>> Vista = C
>> XP = E
>> I did not list the other partitions, as I did not think they would be
>> relevant.
>> Obviously, when booted into XP, the drive letters are different, XP then
>> becomes C, and Vista becomes L.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Don
>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>> news:%23gp37t0dIHA.2688@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> When you have the legacy entry set up via VBP using your default boot
>>> process, which you said was Vista, you can set the legacy drive letter
>>> to C or you can copy the three files to the Vista drive then change the
>>> boot.ini if necessary. If you gave the information you have in Disk
>>> Management from Vista it would be easier to help. When you set up the
>>> legacy drive you did not have it pointing to the partition with the
>>> ntldr file on it. You can add the files where you have it pointed or
>>> repoint the legacy entry.
>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>> news:uLnOXm0dIHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>> Not yet, I don't think I quite understood exactly how to do it, I will
>>>> re-read again and see what I can do.
>>>> I now have managed to get the choice to load either Vista or XP, but
>>>> only after hitting escape to enter my bios menu and choosing the Vista
>>>> hard drive to boot from, can't seem to get it to do it from my first
>>>> hard drive, the one XP is installed on.
>>>> I reckon I better quit messing with VBP while I am ahead before I screw
>>>> something up...
>>>> --
>>>> Don
>>>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:OhtPlh0dIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>> If you run VBP from the XP partition the way you have changed boot
>>>>> priority 'on the fly', you will overwrite the XP boot process. You
>>>>> would be able to reverse it later, if you actually can get back into
>>>>> VBP on that drive. Have you copied the files I recommended earlier?
>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> Sure. Won't hurt.
>>>>>> The ideal thing would be to simply do a fresh install of Vista from
>>>>>> the XP desktop but I can understand that you might not want to do
>>>>>> that.
>>>>>> In any case, even if you leave everything set up like it is, you
>>>>>> should still make the registry entry in XP. It doesn't matter how
>>>>>> you installed the operating systems, you would still hide Vista from
>>>>>> XP the same way.
>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:upXPZ%23zdIHA.5416@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>I tried that exactly as you suggested Colin, and it made no
>>>>>>> Still boots directly into XP, then I go into bios boot menu, choose
>>>>>>> the third sata drive my Vista is on, then it boots directly into
>>>>>>> Vista.
>>>>>>> Thanks for the help, probaby something small I am missing - I
>>>>>>> installed VistaBootPro and run it from my Vista install, should I
>>>>>>> install it and run it from the XP install instead?
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> Use VBP's System Bootloader tab and choose Windows Vista Bootloader
>>>>>>>> and All Drives.
>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:e%23i9fpzdIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>> Ok, I will give it another shot then. I tried it once, and either
>>>>>>>>> was doing something major wrong or just not understanding quite
>>>>>>>>> what I was supposed to do, never could get it to do it.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> You can use VistaBoot Pro to write the BCD store to the XP drive
>>>>>>>>>> and then you should have a standard boot menu. VistaBoot Pro is
>>>>>>>>>> free and uses a GUI.
>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:u8wfRdzdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, but I have already installed Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>> I installed it, by booting from the Vista DVD, selecting the new
>>>>>>>>>>> hard drive, formatted it from there, and installed Vista onto
>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>> I do not get a boot menu, now that Vista is up and running
>>>>>>>>>>> showing " Older Version of Windows", and " Microsoft Vista" to
>>>>>>>>>>> choose from.
>>>>>>>>>>> It just automatically boots into XP, unless I hit escape to hit
>>>>>>>>>>> my bios boot menu, and select that third hard drive to boot
>>>>>>>>>>> from. Based on what I had read beforehand, I had expected to get
>>>>>>>>>>> the boot menu option to boot into either OS, and was surprised I
>>>>>>>>>>> did not.
>>>>>>>>>>> When I am in XP, the Vista partition shows as " L " partition,
>>>>>>>>>>> which is fine. When I am in Vista, that same partition shows as
>>>>>>>>>>> "C" partition.
>>>>>>>>>>> I think I understand what I need to do to protect Vista's
>>>>>>>>>>> restore points, just not sure if I am able to get the above boot
>>>>>>>>>>> menu to show or just be happy leaving it as it is .
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do not use the escape key technique to install Vista and you
>>>>>>>>>>>> will have a boot options menu showing "Older Version of
>>>>>>>>>>>> Windows" and "Microsoft Vista". If you run Vista setup from the
>>>>>>>>>>>> XP desktop and simply select your desired partition for
>>>>>>>>>>>> installation your disk drive lettering will align between the
>>>>>>>>>>>> two systems. If you set the XP drive as the boot drive and
>>>>>>>>>>>> then boot the system with the Vista dvd you will get variation
>>>>>>>>>>>> of the drive lettering (no real problem) and will have the boot
>>>>>>>>>>>> menu after you install Vista on the second drive or partition.
>>>>>>>>>>>> You may only have to create one registry key in order to
>>>>>>>>>>>> protect the Vista volume from XP so there probably is no need
>>>>>>>>>>>> to use any special techniques when installing Vista to have a
>>>>>>>>>>>> safe system.
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uyxirZwdIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmnm, I must have missed something there, I will read again
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and see if I can understand what I need to do.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I had thought, when I installed Vista on the new third hard
>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive, it would automatically give me that option during boot,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but it didn't.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll check it out and see what I can do , thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The registry edits in the procedure I gave in the attachment
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allows you to use the computer in a normal dual boot setup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without risking anything in Vista when you boot XP. It is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the resolution for that issue. Use it and you will not have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to use the escape key or special boot managers or anything
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> else other than the traditional boot menu Windows sets up for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you when you install a second OS on a computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eMGXDqtdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Colin, that certainly helps me understand what I need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to do, to keep my Vista restore points from getting deleted.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do have Vista Ultimate, and understand I could use the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bitlocker feature as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so in regards to booting into XP or Vista, let me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clarify where I am with that and what it is doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have three sata hard drives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 1 = XP OS ( 2 partitiions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 2 - XP Data and Apps ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3 = Vista ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, I have my hard disk boot order in bios, set for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive 1 first, which automatically boots into XP, which is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine as it is still going to be my main OS for a while.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To get into Vista, during boot, I hit escape to get into a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot menu, then select boot from hard drive, then select
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3, then it will go ahead and boot into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is really not that bad a deal, but after doing a few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> times, I find myself wishing I could just select which OS to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot into rather than going through the above steps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried the Easy Bcd program, and also Vista Boot Pro,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but for some reason can't seem to get it to work. Perhaps I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am not understanding exactly how to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other tips for my simple mind would certainly be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the attachment in my latest post. It is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary to go through what you are doing. Microsoft's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended procedure makes that unneccessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Lance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now, I will always have to go in and select which drive to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot from correct, rather than having it give me the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option of which OS to boot to during bootup?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure, it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is working great as is.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> individual.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's Vista. It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have fun.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with all parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was intalled on as the first, and it booted right up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into XP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu, choose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hard disk that Vista is on, and it boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again, many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an option between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it like it is if I need to.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unplugged when installing the Vista Ultimate full
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version on the new drive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot, it usually means that the Vista installation did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not see your XP drive (was it unplugged?) if so that's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just fine. You should be able to boot from bios to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive you want.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> means, if you don't touch anything XP will boot first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from (usually F10 check your manual ) on most boards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot to XP. If I don't do anything Vista will boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive to create a start menu.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64 bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista Ultimate, retail full version, in what I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought was a dual boot environment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose wich
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OS to boot to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the partion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the other hard drive my XP Pro is on, however under
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista it shows as drive E?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing here, but apparently I did something I should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main OS and I desperately need to be able to get back
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Don, you have spent so much time fighting the computer that you really would
have been better off flattening the computer, installing XP first and Vista
second. You would be done in a couple of hours and no issues. You would
have a nice boot menu and everything would be flying right along for you.

"Don" <> wrote in message
> Ok gang,
> I just can't seem to get this. I typically can get things figured out,
> especially with the help of such knowledgeable folks, but this one has me
> somewhat stumped. It is really not that big a deal, I can still boot into
> Vista 64 bit by using the boot menu in my bios, was just trying to make it
> easier by having a selection of either XP or Vista when it is first
> booting up. I thought for sure by printing out all this information,
> reading and following carefully, I could get it.
> First, thanks to all for the advice, I am sure I am missing a very simple
> step, but I just don't know what it is. I will try and summarize, what I
> have done so far. I also understand, if no one wants to try and help any
> further, as I am sure I have all the information I needed, just can't
> seem to make it come together.
> My system, by default, boots into XP Pro, which is what I want. XP pro,
> sees it's partition as drive C. When I boot into Vista, which I have on
> it's own hard drive, it too see's it's partition as C.
> I tried using VistaBootPro. When I launch it from within Vista, I first
> get an error message that " there is no vista installed, or it is on a
> hidden partition". I can click ok and get to the menu screen.
> From within XP Pro, when I launch VistaBootPro, I get an error message,
> that the bcd is either missing or corrupt, and have to hit ok over and
> over a few times before getting to the menu screen,
> I tried adding a legacy entry, from within both Vista and XP Pro, made no
> difference at all. It still behaves the same way, boots into XP Pro by
> default, I can hit escape during the boot process, access my bios boot
> menu, choose the hard drive Vista is installed on to boot from, then Vista
> boots just fine. I just would like to have a menu option, choosing one or
> the other, and be done with it.
> If anyone thinks of anything I may have missed, feel free to let me know,
> again, I understand if no one wants to bother with this one any more.
> Thanks,
> --
> Don
> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
> news:e9xNRh6dIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Information is not drive letter. Information is what is in the
>> parentheses for each partition on each hard drive.
>> Do this from what ever system you boot to when you have your boot
>> priority the way you want to leave it. (it is not necessary to have the
>> XP drive as the 0 drive to have XP your default system, in fact if you
>> have your boot manager on the Vista drive, and add the legacy entry from
>> there, you will be able to remove the XP system more easily once you make
>> that decision in the future)
>> Let the system boot default the way you have the drives set up with the
>> XP drive as the 0 drive.
>> Using VBP add or edit the Vista BCD. Add a legacy system entry pointed
>> to C Reboot. Select the legacy entry. What messages if any do you get.
>> Alternative. Run startup repair from the Vista DVD (also with the system
>> set up with the XP drive as your 'system' drive.
>> It makes NO difference which drive you have as your system drive (first
>> in boot priority {0} and active primary). You must have the Vista boot
>> manager on it, it must contain a legacy system entry and you can use VBP
>> to set the timeout and default system. The legacy entry must point to
>> the ntldr and boot.ini and must also be on the root of that
>> partition.
>> Good luck. At one point you had the legacy entry but was pointed to the
>> wrong drive letter. Change the drive letter. C probably would have
>> worked but with no info it's a guess.
>> You have all the information you need to do it. IT IS EASY and SIMPLE.
>> Adios
>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>> news:esBAGt2dIHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>> XP is my default boot drive, it is installed on my first sata hard
>>> drive, and that is the boot order I have selected in the bios, which is
>>> what I want.
>>> I want it to boot into XP by default, I only want to boot to Vista, by
>>> making the selection to do so.
>>> Ok,while in Vista, below is what is shown under computer:
>>> Vista = C
>>> XP = E
>>> I did not list the other partitions, as I did not think they would be
>>> relevant.
>>> Obviously, when booted into XP, the drive letters are different, XP then
>>> becomes C, and Vista becomes L.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Don
>>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>>> news:%23gp37t0dIHA.2688@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>> When you have the legacy entry set up via VBP using your default boot
>>>> process, which you said was Vista, you can set the legacy drive letter
>>>> to C or you can copy the three files to the Vista drive then change the
>>>> boot.ini if necessary. If you gave the information you have in Disk
>>>> Management from Vista it would be easier to help. When you set up the
>>>> legacy drive you did not have it pointing to the partition with the
>>>> ntldr file on it. You can add the files where you have it pointed or
>>>> repoint the legacy entry.
>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:uLnOXm0dIHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>> Not yet, I don't think I quite understood exactly how to do it, I will
>>>>> re-read again and see what I can do.
>>>>> I now have managed to get the choice to load either Vista or XP, but
>>>>> only after hitting escape to enter my bios menu and choosing the Vista
>>>>> hard drive to boot from, can't seem to get it to do it from my first
>>>>> hard drive, the one XP is installed on.
>>>>> I reckon I better quit messing with VBP while I am ahead before I
>>>>> screw something up...
>>>>> --
>>>>> Don
>>>>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:OhtPlh0dIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> If you run VBP from the XP partition the way you have changed boot
>>>>>> priority 'on the fly', you will overwrite the XP boot process. You
>>>>>> would be able to reverse it later, if you actually can get back into
>>>>>> VBP on that drive. Have you copied the files I recommended earlier?
>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> Sure. Won't hurt.
>>>>>>> The ideal thing would be to simply do a fresh install of Vista from
>>>>>>> the XP desktop but I can understand that you might not want to do
>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>> In any case, even if you leave everything set up like it is, you
>>>>>>> should still make the registry entry in XP. It doesn't matter how
>>>>>>> you installed the operating systems, you would still hide Vista from
>>>>>>> XP the same way.
>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:upXPZ%23zdIHA.5416@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>I tried that exactly as you suggested Colin, and it made no
>>>>>>>> Still boots directly into XP, then I go into bios boot menu, choose
>>>>>>>> the third sata drive my Vista is on, then it boots directly into
>>>>>>>> Vista.
>>>>>>>> Thanks for the help, probaby something small I am missing - I
>>>>>>>> installed VistaBootPro and run it from my Vista install, should I
>>>>>>>> install it and run it from the XP install instead?
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> Use VBP's System Bootloader tab and choose Windows Vista
>>>>>>>>> Bootloader and All Drives.
>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:e%23i9fpzdIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>> Ok, I will give it another shot then. I tried it once, and either
>>>>>>>>>> was doing something major wrong or just not understanding quite
>>>>>>>>>> what I was supposed to do, never could get it to do it.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> You can use VistaBoot Pro to write the BCD store to the XP drive
>>>>>>>>>>> and then you should have a standard boot menu. VistaBoot Pro is
>>>>>>>>>>> free and uses a GUI.
>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> news:u8wfRdzdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, but I have already installed Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I installed it, by booting from the Vista DVD, selecting the
>>>>>>>>>>>> new hard drive, formatted it from there, and installed Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>> onto it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not get a boot menu, now that Vista is up and running
>>>>>>>>>>>> showing " Older Version of Windows", and " Microsoft Vista" to
>>>>>>>>>>>> choose from.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It just automatically boots into XP, unless I hit escape to hit
>>>>>>>>>>>> my bios boot menu, and select that third hard drive to boot
>>>>>>>>>>>> from. Based on what I had read beforehand, I had expected to
>>>>>>>>>>>> get the boot menu option to boot into either OS, and was
>>>>>>>>>>>> surprised I did not.
>>>>>>>>>>>> When I am in XP, the Vista partition shows as " L " partition,
>>>>>>>>>>>> which is fine. When I am in Vista, that same partition shows as
>>>>>>>>>>>> "C" partition.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I understand what I need to do to protect Vista's
>>>>>>>>>>>> restore points, just not sure if I am able to get the above
>>>>>>>>>>>> boot menu to show or just be happy leaving it as it is .
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do not use the escape key technique to install Vista and you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will have a boot options menu showing "Older Version of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Windows" and "Microsoft Vista". If you run Vista setup from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the XP desktop and simply select your desired partition for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> installation your disk drive lettering will align between the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> two systems. If you set the XP drive as the boot drive and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> then boot the system with the Vista dvd you will get variation
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the drive lettering (no real problem) and will have the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot menu after you install Vista on the second drive or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> partition.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You may only have to create one registry key in order to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect the Vista volume from XP so there probably is no need
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to use any special techniques when installing Vista to have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> safe system.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uyxirZwdIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmnm, I must have missed something there, I will read again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and see if I can understand what I need to do.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I had thought, when I installed Vista on the new third hard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive, it would automatically give me that option during
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot, but it didn't.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll check it out and see what I can do , thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The registry edits in the procedure I gave in the attachment
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allows you to use the computer in a normal dual boot setup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without risking anything in Vista when you boot XP. It is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the resolution for that issue. Use it and you will not have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to use the escape key or special boot managers or anything
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> else other than the traditional boot menu Windows sets up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for you when you install a second OS on a computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eMGXDqtdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Colin, that certainly helps me understand what I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to do, to keep my Vista restore points from getting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deleted. I do have Vista Ultimate, and understand I could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use the Bitlocker feature as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so in regards to booting into XP or Vista, let me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clarify where I am with that and what it is doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have three sata hard drives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 1 = XP OS ( 2 partitiions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 2 - XP Data and Apps ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3 = Vista ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, I have my hard disk boot order in bios, set for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive 1 first, which automatically boots into XP, which is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine as it is still going to be my main OS for a while.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To get into Vista, during boot, I hit escape to get into a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot menu, then select boot from hard drive, then select
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3, then it will go ahead and boot into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is really not that bad a deal, but after doing a few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> times, I find myself wishing I could just select which OS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot into rather than going through the above steps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried the Easy Bcd program, and also Vista Boot Pro,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but for some reason can't seem to get it to work. Perhaps I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am not understanding exactly how to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other tips for my simple mind would certainly be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the attachment in my latest post. It is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary to go through what you are doing. Microsoft's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended procedure makes that unneccessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Lance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now, I will always have to go in and select which drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot from correct, rather than having it give me the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option of which OS to boot to during bootup?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure, it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is working great as is.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is individual.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me it's Vista. It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have fun.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with all parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was intalled on as the first, and it booted right up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into XP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu, choose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hard disk that Vista is on, and it boots into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many thanks!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an option between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with it like it is if I need to.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unplugged when installing the Vista Ultimate full
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version on the new drive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot, it usually means that the Vista installation did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not see your XP drive (was it unplugged?) if so that's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just fine. You should be able to boot from bios to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive you want.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> means, if you don't touch anything XP will boot first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot from (usually F10 check your manual ) on most
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive to boot to XP. If I don't do anything Vista will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista drive to create a start menu.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bit Vista Ultimate, retail full version, in what I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought was a dual boot environment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wich OS to boot to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partion on the other hard drive my XP Pro is on,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however under Vista it shows as drive E?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was doing here, but apparently I did something I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should not have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my main OS and I desperately need to be able to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> back to it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Not really, I have spent lot more time playing on it that fighting it, have
been out of town most of the week though.

I had XP Installed first thought, before installing Vista.

I can live with it like it is, eventually I will go only with Vista, just
thought if there was a way I missed ya know....


"Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
> Don, you have spent so much time fighting the computer that you really
> would have been better off flattening the computer, installing XP first
> and Vista second. You would be done in a couple of hours and no issues.
> You would have a nice boot menu and everything would be flying right along
> for you.
> "Don" <> wrote in message
>> Ok gang,
>> I just can't seem to get this. I typically can get things figured out,
>> especially with the help of such knowledgeable folks, but this one has me
>> somewhat stumped. It is really not that big a deal, I can still boot into
>> Vista 64 bit by using the boot menu in my bios, was just trying to make
>> it easier by having a selection of either XP or Vista when it is first
>> booting up. I thought for sure by printing out all this information,
>> reading and following carefully, I could get it.
>> First, thanks to all for the advice, I am sure I am missing a very simple
>> step, but I just don't know what it is. I will try and summarize, what I
>> have done so far. I also understand, if no one wants to try and help any
>> further, as I am sure I have all the information I needed, just can't
>> seem to make it come together.
>> My system, by default, boots into XP Pro, which is what I want. XP pro,
>> sees it's partition as drive C. When I boot into Vista, which I have on
>> it's own hard drive, it too see's it's partition as C.
>> I tried using VistaBootPro. When I launch it from within Vista, I first
>> get an error message that " there is no vista installed, or it is on a
>> hidden partition". I can click ok and get to the menu screen.
>> From within XP Pro, when I launch VistaBootPro, I get an error message,
>> that the bcd is either missing or corrupt, and have to hit ok over and
>> over a few times before getting to the menu screen,
>> I tried adding a legacy entry, from within both Vista and XP Pro, made no
>> difference at all. It still behaves the same way, boots into XP Pro by
>> default, I can hit escape during the boot process, access my bios boot
>> menu, choose the hard drive Vista is installed on to boot from, then
>> Vista boots just fine. I just would like to have a menu option, choosing
>> one or the other, and be done with it.
>> If anyone thinks of anything I may have missed, feel free to let me know,
>> again, I understand if no one wants to bother with this one any more.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Don
>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>> news:e9xNRh6dIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>> Information is not drive letter. Information is what is in the
>>> parentheses for each partition on each hard drive.
>>> Do this from what ever system you boot to when you have your boot
>>> priority the way you want to leave it. (it is not necessary to have the
>>> XP drive as the 0 drive to have XP your default system, in fact if you
>>> have your boot manager on the Vista drive, and add the legacy entry from
>>> there, you will be able to remove the XP system more easily once you
>>> make that decision in the future)
>>> Let the system boot default the way you have the drives set up with the
>>> XP drive as the 0 drive.
>>> Using VBP add or edit the Vista BCD. Add a legacy system entry pointed
>>> to C Reboot. Select the legacy entry. What messages if any do you get.
>>> Alternative. Run startup repair from the Vista DVD (also with the
>>> system set up with the XP drive as your 'system' drive.
>>> It makes NO difference which drive you have as your system drive (first
>>> in boot priority {0} and active primary). You must have the Vista boot
>>> manager on it, it must contain a legacy system entry and you can use VBP
>>> to set the timeout and default system. The legacy entry must point to
>>> the ntldr and boot.ini and must also be on the root of that
>>> partition.
>>> Good luck. At one point you had the legacy entry but was pointed to the
>>> wrong drive letter. Change the drive letter. C probably would have
>>> worked but with no info it's a guess.
>>> You have all the information you need to do it. IT IS EASY and SIMPLE.
>>> Adios
>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>> news:esBAGt2dIHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>> XP is my default boot drive, it is installed on my first sata hard
>>>> drive, and that is the boot order I have selected in the bios, which is
>>>> what I want.
>>>> I want it to boot into XP by default, I only want to boot to Vista, by
>>>> making the selection to do so.
>>>> Ok,while in Vista, below is what is shown under computer:
>>>> Vista = C
>>>> XP = E
>>>> I did not list the other partitions, as I did not think they would be
>>>> relevant.
>>>> Obviously, when booted into XP, the drive letters are different, XP
>>>> then becomes C, and Vista becomes L.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> --
>>>> Don
>>>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:%23gp37t0dIHA.2688@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>> When you have the legacy entry set up via VBP using your default boot
>>>>> process, which you said was Vista, you can set the legacy drive letter
>>>>> to C or you can copy the three files to the Vista drive then change
>>>>> the boot.ini if necessary. If you gave the information you have in
>>>>> Disk Management from Vista it would be easier to help. When you set
>>>>> up the legacy drive you did not have it pointing to the partition with
>>>>> the ntldr file on it. You can add the files where you have it pointed
>>>>> or repoint the legacy entry.
>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:uLnOXm0dIHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> Not yet, I don't think I quite understood exactly how to do it, I
>>>>>> will re-read again and see what I can do.
>>>>>> I now have managed to get the choice to load either Vista or XP, but
>>>>>> only after hitting escape to enter my bios menu and choosing the
>>>>>> Vista hard drive to boot from, can't seem to get it to do it from my
>>>>>> first hard drive, the one XP is installed on.
>>>>>> I reckon I better quit messing with VBP while I am ahead before I
>>>>>> screw something up...
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Don
>>>>>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:OhtPlh0dIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>> If you run VBP from the XP partition the way you have changed boot
>>>>>>> priority 'on the fly', you will overwrite the XP boot process. You
>>>>>>> would be able to reverse it later, if you actually can get back into
>>>>>>> VBP on that drive. Have you copied the files I recommended earlier?
>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> Sure. Won't hurt.
>>>>>>>> The ideal thing would be to simply do a fresh install of Vista from
>>>>>>>> the XP desktop but I can understand that you might not want to do
>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>> In any case, even if you leave everything set up like it is, you
>>>>>>>> should still make the registry entry in XP. It doesn't matter how
>>>>>>>> you installed the operating systems, you would still hide Vista
>>>>>>>> from XP the same way.
>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:upXPZ%23zdIHA.5416@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>I tried that exactly as you suggested Colin, and it made no
>>>>>>>>> Still boots directly into XP, then I go into bios boot menu,
>>>>>>>>> choose the third sata drive my Vista is on, then it boots directly
>>>>>>>>> into Vista.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the help, probaby something small I am missing - I
>>>>>>>>> installed VistaBootPro and run it from my Vista install, should I
>>>>>>>>> install it and run it from the XP install instead?
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> Use VBP's System Bootloader tab and choose Windows Vista
>>>>>>>>>> Bootloader and All Drives.
>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:e%23i9fpzdIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, I will give it another shot then. I tried it once, and
>>>>>>>>>>> either was doing something major wrong or just not understanding
>>>>>>>>>>> quite what I was supposed to do, never could get it to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> You can use VistaBoot Pro to write the BCD store to the XP
>>>>>>>>>>>> drive and then you should have a standard boot menu. VistaBoot
>>>>>>>>>>>> Pro is free and uses a GUI.
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> news:u8wfRdzdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, but I have already installed Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I installed it, by booting from the Vista DVD, selecting the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> new hard drive, formatted it from there, and installed Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>> onto it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not get a boot menu, now that Vista is up and running
>>>>>>>>>>>>> showing " Older Version of Windows", and " Microsoft Vista" to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> choose from.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It just automatically boots into XP, unless I hit escape to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hit my bios boot menu, and select that third hard drive to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot from. Based on what I had read beforehand, I had expected
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to get the boot menu option to boot into either OS, and was
>>>>>>>>>>>>> surprised I did not.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I am in XP, the Vista partition shows as " L " partition,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is fine. When I am in Vista, that same partition shows
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as "C" partition.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I understand what I need to do to protect Vista's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> restore points, just not sure if I am able to get the above
>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot menu to show or just be happy leaving it as it is .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do not use the escape key technique to install Vista and you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will have a boot options menu showing "Older Version of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Windows" and "Microsoft Vista". If you run Vista setup from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the XP desktop and simply select your desired partition for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installation your disk drive lettering will align between the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two systems. If you set the XP drive as the boot drive and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then boot the system with the Vista dvd you will get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variation of the drive lettering (no real problem) and will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have the boot menu after you install Vista on the second
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive or partition.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You may only have to create one registry key in order to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect the Vista volume from XP so there probably is no need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to use any special techniques when installing Vista to have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> safe system.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uyxirZwdIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmnm, I must have missed something there, I will read again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and see if I can understand what I need to do.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I had thought, when I installed Vista on the new third hard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive, it would automatically give me that option during
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot, but it didn't.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll check it out and see what I can do , thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The registry edits in the procedure I gave in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attachment allows you to use the computer in a normal dual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot setup without risking anything in Vista when you boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP. It is the resolution for that issue. Use it and you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will not have to use the escape key or special boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> managers or anything else other than the traditional boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> menu Windows sets up for you when you install a second OS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on a computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eMGXDqtdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Colin, that certainly helps me understand what I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to do, to keep my Vista restore points from getting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deleted. I do have Vista Ultimate, and understand I could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use the Bitlocker feature as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so in regards to booting into XP or Vista, let me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clarify where I am with that and what it is doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have three sata hard drives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 1 = XP OS ( 2 partitiions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 2 - XP Data and Apps ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3 = Vista ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, I have my hard disk boot order in bios, set for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive 1 first, which automatically boots into XP, which is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine as it is still going to be my main OS for a while.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To get into Vista, during boot, I hit escape to get into a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot menu, then select boot from hard drive, then select
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3, then it will go ahead and boot into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is really not that bad a deal, but after doing a few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> times, I find myself wishing I could just select which OS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot into rather than going through the above steps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried the Easy Bcd program, and also Vista Boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pro, but for some reason can't seem to get it to work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps I am not understanding exactly how to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other tips for my simple mind would certainly be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the attachment in my latest post. It is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary to go through what you are doing. Microsoft's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended procedure makes that unneccessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Lance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now, I will always have to go in and select which drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot from correct, rather than having it give me the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option of which OS to boot to during bootup?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure, it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is working great as is.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is individual.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me it's Vista. It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have fun.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with all parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was intalled on as the first, and it booted right up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into XP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> choose the hard disk that Vista is on, and it boots
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many thanks!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an option between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with it like it is if I need to.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unplugged when installing the Vista Ultimate full
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version on the new drive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot, it usually means that the Vista installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did not see your XP drive (was it unplugged?) if so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's just fine. You should be able to boot from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bios to the drive you want.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> means, if you don't touch anything XP will boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot from (usually F10 check your manual ) on most
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive to boot to XP. If I don't do anything Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will boot first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista drive to create a start menu.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bit Vista Ultimate, retail full version, in what I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought was a dual boot environment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wich OS to boot to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partion on the other hard drive my XP Pro is on,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however under Vista it shows as drive E?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was doing here, but apparently I did something I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should not have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my main OS and I desperately need to be able to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> back to it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

You installed Vista second but by manipulating the BIOS, not by using the
normal method of simply booting with the Vista dvd and installing that way.

"Don" <> wrote in message
> Not really, I have spent lot more time playing on it that fighting it,
> have been out of town most of the week though.
> I had XP Installed first thought, before installing Vista.
> I can live with it like it is, eventually I will go only with Vista, just
> thought if there was a way I missed ya know....
> --
> Don
> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>> Don, you have spent so much time fighting the computer that you really
>> would have been better off flattening the computer, installing XP first
>> and Vista second. You would be done in a couple of hours and no issues.
>> You would have a nice boot menu and everything would be flying right
>> along for you.
>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>> Ok gang,
>>> I just can't seem to get this. I typically can get things figured out,
>>> especially with the help of such knowledgeable folks, but this one has
>>> me somewhat stumped. It is really not that big a deal, I can still boot
>>> into Vista 64 bit by using the boot menu in my bios, was just trying to
>>> make it easier by having a selection of either XP or Vista when it is
>>> first booting up. I thought for sure by printing out all this
>>> information, reading and following carefully, I could get it.
>>> First, thanks to all for the advice, I am sure I am missing a very
>>> simple step, but I just don't know what it is. I will try and summarize,
>>> what I have done so far. I also understand, if no one wants to try and
>>> help any further, as I am sure I have all the information I needed,
>>> just can't seem to make it come together.
>>> My system, by default, boots into XP Pro, which is what I want. XP pro,
>>> sees it's partition as drive C. When I boot into Vista, which I have on
>>> it's own hard drive, it too see's it's partition as C.
>>> I tried using VistaBootPro. When I launch it from within Vista, I first
>>> get an error message that " there is no vista installed, or it is on a
>>> hidden partition". I can click ok and get to the menu screen.
>>> From within XP Pro, when I launch VistaBootPro, I get an error message,
>>> that the bcd is either missing or corrupt, and have to hit ok over and
>>> over a few times before getting to the menu screen,
>>> I tried adding a legacy entry, from within both Vista and XP Pro, made
>>> no difference at all. It still behaves the same way, boots into XP Pro
>>> by default, I can hit escape during the boot process, access my bios
>>> boot menu, choose the hard drive Vista is installed on to boot from,
>>> then Vista boots just fine. I just would like to have a menu option,
>>> choosing one or the other, and be done with it.
>>> If anyone thinks of anything I may have missed, feel free to let me
>>> know, again, I understand if no one wants to bother with this one any
>>> more.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Don
>>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>>> news:e9xNRh6dIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>> Information is not drive letter. Information is what is in the
>>>> parentheses for each partition on each hard drive.
>>>> Do this from what ever system you boot to when you have your boot
>>>> priority the way you want to leave it. (it is not necessary to have the
>>>> XP drive as the 0 drive to have XP your default system, in fact if you
>>>> have your boot manager on the Vista drive, and add the legacy entry
>>>> from there, you will be able to remove the XP system more easily once
>>>> you make that decision in the future)
>>>> Let the system boot default the way you have the drives set up with the
>>>> XP drive as the 0 drive.
>>>> Using VBP add or edit the Vista BCD. Add a legacy system entry pointed
>>>> to C Reboot. Select the legacy entry. What messages if any do you
>>>> get.
>>>> Alternative. Run startup repair from the Vista DVD (also with the
>>>> system set up with the XP drive as your 'system' drive.
>>>> It makes NO difference which drive you have as your system drive (first
>>>> in boot priority {0} and active primary). You must have the Vista boot
>>>> manager on it, it must contain a legacy system entry and you can use
>>>> VBP to set the timeout and default system. The legacy entry must point
>>>> to the ntldr and boot.ini and must also be on the root of
>>>> that partition.
>>>> Good luck. At one point you had the legacy entry but was pointed to
>>>> the wrong drive letter. Change the drive letter. C probably would
>>>> have worked but with no info it's a guess.
>>>> You have all the information you need to do it. IT IS EASY and SIMPLE.
>>>> Adios
>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:esBAGt2dIHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>> XP is my default boot drive, it is installed on my first sata hard
>>>>> drive, and that is the boot order I have selected in the bios, which
>>>>> is what I want.
>>>>> I want it to boot into XP by default, I only want to boot to Vista, by
>>>>> making the selection to do so.
>>>>> Ok,while in Vista, below is what is shown under computer:
>>>>> Vista = C
>>>>> XP = E
>>>>> I did not list the other partitions, as I did not think they would be
>>>>> relevant.
>>>>> Obviously, when booted into XP, the drive letters are different, XP
>>>>> then becomes C, and Vista becomes L.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Don
>>>>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:%23gp37t0dIHA.2688@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> When you have the legacy entry set up via VBP using your default boot
>>>>>> process, which you said was Vista, you can set the legacy drive
>>>>>> letter to C or you can copy the three files to the Vista drive then
>>>>>> change the boot.ini if necessary. If you gave the information you
>>>>>> have in Disk Management from Vista it would be easier to help. When
>>>>>> you set up the legacy drive you did not have it pointing to the
>>>>>> partition with the ntldr file on it. You can add the files where you
>>>>>> have it pointed or repoint the legacy entry.
>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:uLnOXm0dIHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>> Not yet, I don't think I quite understood exactly how to do it, I
>>>>>>> will re-read again and see what I can do.
>>>>>>> I now have managed to get the choice to load either Vista or XP, but
>>>>>>> only after hitting escape to enter my bios menu and choosing the
>>>>>>> Vista hard drive to boot from, can't seem to get it to do it from my
>>>>>>> first hard drive, the one XP is installed on.
>>>>>>> I reckon I better quit messing with VBP while I am ahead before I
>>>>>>> screw something up...
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>> "John Barnes" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:OhtPlh0dIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> If you run VBP from the XP partition the way you have changed boot
>>>>>>>> priority 'on the fly', you will overwrite the XP boot process. You
>>>>>>>> would be able to reverse it later, if you actually can get back
>>>>>>>> into VBP on that drive. Have you copied the files I recommended
>>>>>>>> earlier?
>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> Sure. Won't hurt.
>>>>>>>>> The ideal thing would be to simply do a fresh install of Vista
>>>>>>>>> from the XP desktop but I can understand that you might not want
>>>>>>>>> to do that.
>>>>>>>>> In any case, even if you leave everything set up like it is, you
>>>>>>>>> should still make the registry entry in XP. It doesn't matter how
>>>>>>>>> you installed the operating systems, you would still hide Vista
>>>>>>>>> from XP the same way.
>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:upXPZ%23zdIHA.5416@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>I tried that exactly as you suggested Colin, and it made no
>>>>>>>>>> Still boots directly into XP, then I go into bios boot menu,
>>>>>>>>>> choose the third sata drive my Vista is on, then it boots
>>>>>>>>>> directly into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the help, probaby something small I am missing - I
>>>>>>>>>> installed VistaBootPro and run it from my Vista install, should I
>>>>>>>>>> install it and run it from the XP install instead?
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> Use VBP's System Bootloader tab and choose Windows Vista
>>>>>>>>>>> Bootloader and All Drives.
>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> news:e%23i9fpzdIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, I will give it another shot then. I tried it once, and
>>>>>>>>>>>> either was doing something major wrong or just not
>>>>>>>>>>>> understanding quite what I was supposed to do, never could get
>>>>>>>>>>>> it to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can use VistaBoot Pro to write the BCD store to the XP
>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive and then you should have a standard boot menu.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> VistaBoot Pro is free and uses a GUI.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:u8wfRdzdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, but I have already installed Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I installed it, by booting from the Vista DVD, selecting the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new hard drive, formatted it from there, and installed Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> onto it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not get a boot menu, now that Vista is up and running
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> showing " Older Version of Windows", and " Microsoft Vista"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to choose from.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It just automatically boots into XP, unless I hit escape to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hit my bios boot menu, and select that third hard drive to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot from. Based on what I had read beforehand, I had
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expected to get the boot menu option to boot into either OS,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and was surprised I did not.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I am in XP, the Vista partition shows as " L "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partition, which is fine. When I am in Vista, that same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partition shows as "C" partition.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I understand what I need to do to protect Vista's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restore points, just not sure if I am able to get the above
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot menu to show or just be happy leaving it as it is .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do not use the escape key technique to install Vista and you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will have a boot options menu showing "Older Version of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Windows" and "Microsoft Vista". If you run Vista setup from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the XP desktop and simply select your desired partition for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installation your disk drive lettering will align between
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the two systems. If you set the XP drive as the boot drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and then boot the system with the Vista dvd you will get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variation of the drive lettering (no real problem) and will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have the boot menu after you install Vista on the second
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive or partition.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You may only have to create one registry key in order to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect the Vista volume from XP so there probably is no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to use any special techniques when installing Vista to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a safe system.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uyxirZwdIHA.5164@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmnm, I must have missed something there, I will read again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and see if I can understand what I need to do.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I had thought, when I installed Vista on the new third hard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive, it would automatically give me that option during
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot, but it didn't.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll check it out and see what I can do , thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The registry edits in the procedure I gave in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attachment allows you to use the computer in a normal dual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot setup without risking anything in Vista when you boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP. It is the resolution for that issue. Use it and you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will not have to use the escape key or special boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> managers or anything else other than the traditional boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> menu Windows sets up for you when you install a second OS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on a computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eMGXDqtdIHA.4728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Colin, that certainly helps me understand what I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to do, to keep my Vista restore points from getting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deleted. I do have Vista Ultimate, and understand I could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use the Bitlocker feature as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so in regards to booting into XP or Vista, let me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clarify where I am with that and what it is doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have three sata hard drives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 1 = XP OS ( 2 partitiions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 2 - XP Data and Apps ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drive 3 = Vista ( 2 partitions)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, I have my hard disk boot order in bios, set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for drive 1 first, which automatically boots into XP,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is fine as it is still going to be my main OS for a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> while.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To get into Vista, during boot, I hit escape to get into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a boot menu, then select boot from hard drive, then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> select Drive 3, then it will go ahead and boot into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is really not that bad a deal, but after doing a few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> times, I find myself wishing I could just select which OS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to boot into rather than going through the above steps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried the Easy Bcd program, and also Vista Boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pro, but for some reason can't seem to get it to work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps I am not understanding exactly how to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other tips for my simple mind would certainly be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the attachment in my latest post. It is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary to go through what you are doing. Microsoft's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended procedure makes that unneccessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message news:uY%23G5CndIHA.544@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Lance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to make sure I understand, they way I have mine
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> set now, I will always have to go in and select which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive to boot from correct, rather than having it give
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me the option of which OS to boot to during bootup?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is no big deal for me, just wanted to make sure,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it is working great as is.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eF0UgomdIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colin, He's not in a dual boot situation so each drive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is individual.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You would have to do this if Vista was the boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don, Choose which ever OS you want to boot first. For
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me it's Vista. It's running nice and smooth with SP1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have fun.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don B" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message news:ebmVmhldIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awesome I finally was able to boot back to my XP Pro,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with all parition letters intact as they should be.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks Lance!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I changed the hard disk boot priority, to the disk XP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was intalled on as the first, and it booted right up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into XP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I restard, I hit escape to enter boot menu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> choose the hard disk that Vista is on, and it boots
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whew, I was nervous there for a few minutes, again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many thanks!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, what would be best way, to get it to just give
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me an option between Vista and XP upon booting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I sure don't want to scredw anything up, I can live
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with it like it is if I need to.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Btw, no I did not have my main drive that XP is on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unplugged when installing the Vista Ultimate full
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version on the new drive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Lance Le Claire" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message news:Om1KLUldIHA.5400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You made a good choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's how I installed mine. If you don't have dual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot, it usually means that the Vista installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did not see your XP drive (was it unplugged?) if so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's just fine. You should be able to boot from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bios to the drive you want.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go to your bios and set XP hd as first boot. That
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> means, if you don't touch anything XP will boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usually on boot screen you ave an option to choose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot from (usually F10 check your manual ) on most
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hit the F10, get a drive menu and choose the XP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive to boot to XP. If I don't do anything Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will boot first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If worst comes to worst, use VistaBootPro on your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista drive to create a start menu.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vista boot Pro can be found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lance Frca {497083/1008563} MVP Shell/User
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XP-Vista Trucs et Astuces et autres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Don" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:eFBrtDldIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey gang,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I have messed up here. I just installed 64
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bit Vista Ultimate, retail full version, in what I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought was a dual boot environment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I added a new sata hard drive, and installed Vista
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I do not get an option when I boot to choose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wich OS to boot to, it only boots into Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under Vista, it shows as my C drive, I see the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partion on the other hard drive my XP Pro is on,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however under Vista it shows as drive E?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dangit, I thought I had read enough to know what I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was doing here, but apparently I did something I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should not have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would sure appreciate any help here, my XP Pro is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my main OS and I desperately need to be able to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> back to it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don


Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Not at all Colin,

Here is how I installed Vista: ( XP was already installed )

I added a new sata hard drive.

I booted from the Vista 64 bit dvd, formatted the new hard drive, and
installed Vista onto it. Not sure why I didn't get the boot menu after


"Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message
> You installed Vista second but by manipulating the BIOS, not by using the
> normal method of simply booting with the Vista dvd and installing that
> way.
Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

Well I'll be a son of a drunken sailor, I got it!! :)

I installed Easy BCD again, thought I would give that another go. Installed
it to my XP installation.
When I launched it, I got an error message, stating it needed to fix
something in the boot record, and could not find my Vista install, it asked
me to point to the drive letter Vista was on, which I did and pressed ok. I
then got a message it had been fixed or repaired.

I also installed it in Vista, then, I added the legacy Windows XP entry, and
pointed to the drive letter that XP showed on whilst I was in Vista. At
least, I think this is somewhat close to what I did :).

I then rebooted, and voila! There she was!! A choice, between my ever
reliable XP Pro install, or Vista! Tried them both, and they work as they
should! I increased the timeout from the default 5 seconds to 30. Yay!!!!

Thanks again to all, for the patience and help!

Now, to hide my Vista from XP so my restore points don't get blown out.
Colin, would it be better to use your procedure, or use the built in
bitlocker in Ultimate?


EVGA 780i MB
Intel Core2 Duo E6600 @ 3.3 ghz
Zalman 9700 NT Heatsink/Fan
4 gb PC 8500 Corsair Dominator Ram
BFG 8800 GTS 640 mb video card
Soundblaster XFi Extreme Music Platinum
CoolerMaster 830e Case
Re: Installed Vista dual boot, think I screwed up!

With your history here I wouldn't recommend you risk bitlocker.

"Don" <> wrote in message
> Well I'll be a son of a drunken sailor, I got it!! :)
> I installed Easy BCD again, thought I would give that another go.
> Installed it to my XP installation.
> When I launched it, I got an error message, stating it needed to fix
> something in the boot record, and could not find my Vista install, it
> asked me to point to the drive letter Vista was on, which I did and
> pressed ok. I then got a message it had been fixed or repaired.
> I also installed it in Vista, then, I added the legacy Windows XP entry,
> and pointed to the drive letter that XP showed on whilst I was in Vista.
> At least, I think this is somewhat close to what I did :).
> I then rebooted, and voila! There she was!! A choice, between my ever
> reliable XP Pro install, or Vista! Tried them both, and they work as they
> should! I increased the timeout from the default 5 seconds to 30. Yay!!!!
> Thanks again to all, for the patience and help!
> Now, to hide my Vista from XP so my restore points don't get blown out.
> Colin, would it be better to use your procedure, or use the built in
> bitlocker in Ultimate?
> --
> Don
> EVGA 780i MB
> Intel Core2 Duo E6600 @ 3.3 ghz
> Zalman 9700 NT Heatsink/Fan
> 4 gb PC 8500 Corsair Dominator Ram
> BFG 8800 GTS 640 mb video card
> Soundblaster XFi Extreme Music Platinum
> CoolerMaster 830e Case