Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu
dennis@home wrote:
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:#gRm$4IfIHA.5280@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> e wrote:
>> If you're not willing to tell us what programs work in Vista and don't
>> work in Ubuntu, how can anyone help you? Or are you lying like Frank
>> does?
> I'll start the list if you want..
> Then there are things like office, CS3, loads of engineering programs.
> It is probably easier for you to list any programs that run on linux
> that don't run on vista as you can probably do that in one line.
>> I mean how much effort does it take to list a few programs? I would
>> say a lot less than the rant you posted above.
> Well you have your chance now.
With the exception of a few specialized Windows-only programs and games,
Ubuntu can do everything Vista can and would be appropriate for 95% of
retail buyers of Vista, be it retail or preinstalled by Dell et al.
For those few programs that are Windows only and games, a dual boot is
very easy to set up unless you're Frank.
The biggie for me that Vista and XP will run and Linux won't is WPA and
WGA, especially WGA. The other is Windows being prone to viruses, root
kits and other malware.
The other thing is finding programs, even if they do work on Vista, is
much easier than Windows as are updates.
Now, that's programs. The ones you don't have to run in Ubuntu but are
essential in Windows are anti virus and anti malware programs as long as
you have a hard firewall enabled in a router.
Sooo, the best of both worlds is to have both, each for their own
particular benefits. Use Windows for your Windows only specialized
programs and games. Use Ubuntu for everything else. I think sooner or
later someone like Dell or HP will offer a dual boot Vista/Ubuntu.