Windows Vista A businessman tries Ubuntu

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Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

"NoStop" <> wrote in message
> dennis@home wrote:
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:u7dt95JfIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>> dennis@home wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:#gRm$4IfIHA.5280@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>> e wrote:
>>>>> If you're not willing to tell us what programs work in Vista and don't
>>>>> work in Ubuntu, how can anyone help you? Or are you lying like Frank
>>>>> does?
>>>> I'll start the list if you want..
>>>> Then there are things like office, CS3, loads of engineering programs.
>>>> It is probably easier for you to list any programs that run on linux
>>>> that don't run on vista as you can probably do that in one line.
>>>>> I mean how much effort does it take to list a few programs? I would
>>>>> say
>>>>> a lot less than the rant you posted above.
>>>> Well you have your chance now.

>> Lets try again with you answering the question..
>> which Ubuntu programs won't run on windows?

> Let's make if far easier you pathetic moron. Look at the 25000+ software
> packages available through the Ubuntu repos and you tell us which ones
> will
> run on Windoze. That will be a very very short list compared to the other
> way around.

They are all GPL so download the source and run them on windows if it is
worth it.
The ones that are worth it have windows installers already.

> What an pathetic idiot.

You are showing yourself to be more pathetic and stupid every time you post.

Not only do you lie in a vain attempt to make me out to be a troll in the
linux groups but you come and fail at being a troll here.
You should leave before we hurt ourselves laughing at you.
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

"NoStop" <> wrote in message
> dennis@home wrote:
>> "On the Bridge!" <On@the,Bridge> wrote in message
>> news:47cae687$
>>> you are confusing platforms (OS's) with applications!

>> 8<
>>> THATS DARN RIGHT STUPID! You must see the software that is open source
>>> and on ubuntu as
>>> a plus feature, not a replacment for the software that other companies
>>> should be porting...

>> Should be porting?
>> Why should they be porting their apps to linux?
>> As it stands they aren't porting to Linux, however you can run the open
>> source apps on vista so guess who is better off as far as choice of
>> applications goes?

> Very few Open Source apps have been ported to Windoze as Windoze wouldn't
> be
> able to handle the vast majority of them.

Don't be silly.. all the worthwhile ones have been.. its the cr@p that
hasn't. Name one good open source program that hasn't been ported to
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

On the Bridge! wrote:

> Franky poo, when Vista fails you blame the 3rd party company that creates
> the software and not vista dont you?

I do? If you setup Vista correctly you won't have any driver problems.
If 3rd party apps/hardware won't write drives for Vista because they
want you to purchase new product whose fault is that? MS's? I don't
think so.

> When a driver gives a blue screen you blame the driver creator and not vista
> dont you

I don't get "blue screen" you idiot.
> So with LINUX blame the 3rd parties for not creating software and drivers
> and not the platform.

What a complete fool you are.
> As for the monopolistic trends of MS, this is a fact...

Duh! In the USA, being a monopoly is not illegal. It's the miss use of
monopoly power that is illegal. I use to work for one of the Fortune 100
companies. They had an 86% market share and were constantly battling the
gov agencies (FTC, etc) over monopoly issues. In fact, a lot of the 500
companies actually are monopolistic in their dominate market share and
all of them always worry about the gov getting in their face. These
companies view business as "war" and "killing" their competition is the
goal. If you were ever fortunate enough to have been a front line troop
for one of these companies you'd know exactly why I'm talking about.
MS os is no different.

I dont see how you
> can actually live(*) in this century and not undersand this simple thing.

I understand it much better than you and the rest of your "comrades"
ever will!

> not exactly saying its BAD, this is a large discussion.. .but facts are
> facts.

Of course they are.

> (*) Are Cyborgs really alive? Hmmmmm

I know two of them who are...LOL!
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

NoStop wrote:

> e wrote:
>>Which of us is confused? My comparison was not
>>application vs. application. I wanted to get MY various
>>jobs done, so the comparison was on a task by task

> Playing Minesweeper isn't a task. It's a diversion from real computing. Now
> go and defrag your See Drive or download the latest malware definitions. Do
> something useful for christsakes.
> Cheers.

You're really a pathetic POS.
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

NoStop wrote:

> dennis@home wrote:
>>"On the Bridge!" <On@the,Bridge> wrote in message
>>>you are confusing platforms (OS's) with applications!

>>>THATS DARN RIGHT STUPID! You must see the software that is open source
>>>and on ubuntu as
>>>a plus feature, not a replacment for the software that other companies
>>>should be porting...

>>Should be porting?
>>Why should they be porting their apps to linux?
>>As it stands they aren't porting to Linux, however you can run the open
>>source apps on vista so guess who is better off as far as choice of
>>applications goes?

> Very few Open Source apps have been ported to Windoze as Windoze wouldn't be
> able to handle the vast majority of them.
> Cheers.

Translation: Windows already has apps that do the same thing only much
We all knew that long ago.
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

On the Bridge! wrote:

> Yes because if he talked to me I would explain it like a real professional..
> lol

You mean like a real professional idiot?

Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

Holz wrote:

> On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 12:33:32 -0800
> Frank <fb@osspan.clm> wrote:
>>You're totally wrong. Hey you actually think you can get by
>>with that outright lie in this ng? Are you really that stupid, huh?

> In the business environment, Everything that VISTA can with few
> exceptions:
> No anti virus needed on the workstations.

Then why are there anti virus apps for linux available?

> No limit in drive letter connections.

So that is a big problem for most computer users?

> Better support and performance for large drives.


> Better RDP capability.


> Safer browsing on the Internet without the need for third party "Anti"
> software.

Not when using Vista.

> A better built in firewall.


> Better fix and repair capability over the famous re-install.

No need to re-install Vista.

> Bottom line
> There is no business or home PC reason what so ever to have VISTA
> installed.

You're obviously out of your fukkin mind or else extremely stupid.

> Read the Vista forums, sounds like they are running DOS 5.1...

And you're deaf too huh?
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

NoStop wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>>Bullsh*t. One OS, Vista, will run everything...absolutely everything.

> Get a brain Francis.

Get clue you idiot!

I think half of it rolled over
> there ------------------------ > in the great war battlefield you said you
> were involved in.

I see you lost this argument.
> Cheers.

Yeah and now go kiss RS's hairy arse you fool!
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

NoStop wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>>NoStop wrote:
>>>e wrote:
>>>>If you use Linux and are completely satisfied with the
>>>>applications available to you, you've probably shrunk
>>>>your requirements to fit the capability of Linux.
>>>Actually the complete opposite is true.

>>No it is not true.
>>Only for you.
>>You are an avowed linux fanatic and an MS hater.
>>You are blinded by your hate.
>>End of deal!

> You won't know as you know NOTHING about Linux. So just go away you brain
> dead Wintard.
> Cheers.

Can't deal with the truth about you huh?
RE: A businessman tries Ubuntu

Thank you for the thoughtful description of your experiences. Like you, I
wanted to experience Ubuntu, but the wiz-bang graphical installer I need to
use isn't available for an installation to my RAID0 drives I use for the OS.
I could also pull in some experts and eventually get the thing running in a
triple-boot configuration, but my focus is the task at hand, not the OS. Back
when I was younger, smarter, and better looking :) I considered myself a
hobbyist. Now, I want the OS to be invisible so I can get my work done so I
can get to what is important. And despite what most people in this forum
believe, the important stuff in life rarely involves putting your hands on a

"e" wrote:

> A few passionate people here seem to have a mission,
> rather like the white shirt and backpack lads who
> occasionally knock at my front door. Neither get paid
> for their effort, but those very pleasant kids sell
> their version of Heaven for ten percent of my income.
> The online missionaries "sell" Ubuntu and get nothing
> for it. I see the Linux advocates as a cross between
> cult members and those who bought Korean cars in the 80s
> and said "I saved $1,000 - these are great cars!"
> Eventually, relentless pressure works - that's the
> result of "relentless". PLEASE DON'T SQUEEZE THE... was
> an uberannoying ad campaign for buttwipe named "Charmin"
> by some imaginative marketer, but it was successful.
> Unpaid missionaries for Ubuntu run equally annoying and
> relentless unpaid promotions in this newsgroup, which
> was intended to assist Vista users in resolving
> transition issues. Why? Well, perhaps they drive Kias...
> Nevertheless, I tried it. My new laptop boasts an
> incredibly large (120GB) and fast (7200RPM) hard drive,
> and it was an interesting process to set up dual boot,
> install Ubuntu, and conduct a reasonably objective test.
> I'm nothing special - a businessman who does business
> planning and spreadsheeting, simple graphics, financial
> analysis, and articles and books in my hobbies. I do no
> gaming, and view movies only when traveling. Using
> Vista, and excluding OS-specific utilities, I need
> exactly 13 functions (i.e. "software applications") to
> efficiently get my business and personal work done.
> Another 8 nice-to-have apps make life easier and more
> comfortable or entertaining, but aren't critical.
> Using Ubuntu, I could find solutions for only 9 of my 13
> mission-critical apps, and for 6 of the 8 nice-to-have
> ones. Some hardware drivers (fingerprint, camera) were
> simply unavailable, but I don't use them anyway. I
> attended a Linux SIG meeting in the tech community near
> my company, and people there agreed that I needed to
> reduce my requirement or accept less capability. The
> conclusion was that I should continue to dual-boot,
> using Vista for those tasks that are not achievable
> under Ubuntu. Parenthetically, the people at that SIG
> generally liked Vista as an overall solution, and
> considered Ubuntu as an evolving one that is mostly
> applicable to tech-savvy people willing to make
> operational compromises.
> I conducted a fair test over more than two months, and
> was helped by some true experts, many of whom are
> software engineers and system analysts with advanced
> degrees and lots of experience. All were technically
> competent and pro-Linux/Ubuntu (and generally pro "open
> source"), but none was a "missionary". The bottom line:
> Vista does everything I need to do, and well. Ubuntu
> does most of what I need to do, and well. Both are
> stable and fast. Vista costs more, but does more. Some
> of the "more" is mission-critical. I think my conclusion
> applies to most PC users.
> If you use Linux and are completely satisfied with the
> applications available to you, you've probably shrunk
> your requirements to fit the capability of Linux. It is
> an excellent, but limiting, OS. Any Linux missionary who
> argues otherwise drives a 1980 Hyundai that gets 45mpg
> and never, ever, breaks.
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

LOL! Troll??? This is a Windows discussion group and he posted that he liked
both but could only get about 80 percent of his work done in Ubuntu. I would
be interested in your definition of "troll".

"On the Bridge!" wrote:

> I think he is here to troll, unless he tells us what the programs were, his
> credibility does down the drain.
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

NoStop wrote:

> dennis@home wrote:
>>"NoStop" <> wrote in message
>>>e wrote:
>>>>If you use Linux and are completely satisfied with the
>>>>applications available to you, you've probably shrunk
>>>>your requirements to fit the capability of Linux.
>>>Actually the complete opposite is true. I know, because I know how to use
>>>Linux and know what it is capable of doing. My requirements can only be
>>>accomplished efficiently and productively with stability and security by
>>>using Linux. It offers so many tools, so far advanced over anything in
>>>the Windoze world, there is simply no comparison.

>>Such as?

> Such as, you should know as you state you're so familiar with Linux. Here's
> just one ... think X windows and running apps remotely. Here's another ...
> think a transcode cluster. No more hints. I hate helping out trolls.
> Cheers.

What a stupid fukkin idea. Install linux then run some type of an
emulator in order to run Windows apps. Only idiots would think that was
a good way to run a computer.
It's people like you who think you can make a silk purse out of a sow's
ear. Or drag a dead horse around a race track and think you have a winner.
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

Sure when a company grows too powerful so that it stops innovation and
retards progress,
then its broken apart, see what happened to the bell company.
I have to inform you that US has what is called controled capitalism,
capitalism that is controled and regulated by the state. The state has the
power to interfere if there is good reason. This is of course theoretical
because there is much corruption in politice in the US as with every

I am not saying here if what MS is doing is good or not, thats a whole other
discussion, but it is doing it, and thats a fact.

We are talking facts here, and the fact is that MS has control over the
market and doesnt want linux to get in... why is this so hard for you to
understand? This is why MS has done so well and cant be beaten.

>I use to work for one of the Fortune 100 companies.

doing what?

"Frank" <fb@osspan.clm> wrote in message
> On the Bridge! wrote:
>> Franky poo, when Vista fails you blame the 3rd party company that creates
>> the software and not vista dont you?

> I do? If you setup Vista correctly you won't have any driver problems. If
> 3rd party apps/hardware won't write drives for Vista because they want you
> to purchase new product whose fault is that? MS's? I don't think so.
>> When a driver gives a blue screen you blame the driver creator and not
>> vista dont you

> I don't get "blue screen" you idiot.
>> So with LINUX blame the 3rd parties for not creating software and drivers
>> and not the platform.

> What a complete fool you are.
>> As for the monopolistic trends of MS, this is a fact...

> Duh! In the USA, being a monopoly is not illegal. It's the miss use of
> monopoly power that is illegal. I use to work for one of the Fortune 100
> companies. They had an 86% market share and were constantly battling the
> gov agencies (FTC, etc) over monopoly issues. In fact, a lot of the 500
> companies actually are monopolistic in their dominate market share and all
> of them always worry about the gov getting in their face. These companies
> view business as "war" and "killing" their competition is the goal. If you
> were ever fortunate enough to have been a front line troop for one of
> these companies you'd know exactly why I'm talking about.
> MS os is no different.
> I dont see how you
>> can actually live(*) in this century and not undersand this simple thing.

> I understand it much better than you and the rest of your "comrades" ever
> will!
> Im
>> not exactly saying its BAD, this is a large discussion.. .but facts are
>> facts.

> Of course they are.
>> (*) Are Cyborgs really alive? Hmmmmm

> I know two of them who are...LOL!
> Frank
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

> You come accross as stupid incompetent and a snob....

No, he comes off as a user just trying to get his work done. He also
understands that the folks here argue in a circle until they feel they've
won. Unfortunately, winning by attrition in this forum isn't really a win. He
brought his opinion, defended it, and walked away. I respect him for that.
He's not trying to convince you and he's not the one with his foot in the
door. Let it go...

I usually don't pull the "Grammar Police" card because I don't have any
formal training in writing (other than the laughable public school
experience), but if you are going to call someone "stupid" and "incompetent",
you should use punctuation and a spell check to remain credible yourself.
Just sayin'. ;)
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

Good job, Dennis. :) The silence is now deafening...

Since the trolls won't go away and we won't stop feeding them, let's hold up
the mirror!

"dennis@home" wrote:

> "NoStop" <> wrote in message
> > dennis@home wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> "NoStop" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> e wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> If you use Linux and are completely satisfied with the
> >>>> applications available to you, you've probably shrunk
> >>>> your requirements to fit the capability of Linux.
> >>>
> >>> Actually the complete opposite is true. I know, because I know how to
> >>> use
> >>> Linux and know what it is capable of doing. My requirements can only be
> >>> accomplished efficiently and productively with stability and security by
> >>> using Linux. It offers so many tools, so far advanced over anything in
> >>> the Windoze world, there is simply no comparison.
> >>
> >> Such as?

> >
> > Such as, you should know as you state you're so familiar with Linux.
> > Here's
> > just one ... think X windows

> OK I am.. you can run an X server on vista! Opps you got that one wrong.
> > and running apps remotely.

> Well you can use X, vnc, remote desktop and a few more, at least one more
> than Linux AFAICS.
> > Here's another ...
> > think a transcode cluster.

> Transcode what? Name the software.
> If you mean then it GPL software and can be compiled for
> widows if desired.
> Although why you would want to when you can transcode a DVD at better than
> real-time on a laptop like mine anyway.
> > No more hints. I hate helping out trolls.

> You are the troll, I don't mind helping you as you need it.
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

On the Bridge! wrote:
> Sure when a company grows too powerful so that it stops innovation and
> retards progress,
> then its broken apart, see what happened to the bell company.

Well, that's the age old excuse for other smaller companies failures and
failing. Although sometimes true, more often than not it's just an
excuse to shareholders or a reason for filing suit.

> I have to inform you that US has what is called controled capitalism,
> capitalism that is controled and regulated by the state. The state has the
> power to interfere if there is good reason. This is of course theoretical
> because there is much corruption in politice in the US as with every
> country.
> I am not saying here if what MS is doing is good or not, thats a whole other
> discussion, but it is doing it, and thats a fact.
> We are talking facts here, and the fact is that MS has control over the
> market and doesnt want linux to get in...

why is this so hard for you to
> understand? This is why MS has done so well and cant be beaten.

Let me tell you the real truth ok. Linux is it's very own worst enemy.
Start with 350+ distros and a very old way of computing. Blaming MS for
the failure
of linux to gain any substantial market share in 20+ yrs is simply a
cope out. Divide and conquer is exactly what linux did to itself from
the git-go.

>>I use to work for one of the Fortune 100 companies.

> doing what?

Maintaining an existing product line and introducing new products on a
national basis.
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

Frank you seem such a nicer person when you take the time to really talk
normally instead of throwing insults...

> Let me tell you the real truth ok. Linux is it's very own worst enemy.
> Start with 350+ distros and a very old way of computing. Blaming MS for
> the failure

There are 2 sides of the same coin. Having 350 versions may be confusing, at
start, but by letting everyone make its own version, linux has been able to
spread and more and more people are starting to develop things for this...
its this flexibility that's is its strong point. In the evolution of
organism, it is the increase of variation that secures survival of a
species, and the same thing applies to the evolution of computing. In nature
when there is not much variation the species dies off always. And computers
do follow many of the ruls of evolution found in nature. I must remind you
that we are still in the beginning, computers are new in human history...
What system wins in the long run is something very debatable. I am willing
to bet that a whole world full of people experimenting and developing for
linux is stronger than one company even if it is a giant. I also have to
remind you that the world is growing rapidly since third world countries
with vast populations (see china) are starting to use computers. And then we
have the OLPC (laptops for third world country children) thing that runs a
flavor of linux, this will create a wave of new users that will be used to
unix-oid stuff. That's why MS is trying to make XP for that computer...

they know that there is a big danger for a whole generation to not be
dependent on their own PROPRIETARY technology.

> Maintaining an existing product line and introducing new products on a
> national basis.

What was the nature of these products? You don't have to be extremely

"Frank" <fb@osspan.clm> wrote in message
> On the Bridge! wrote:
>> Sure when a company grows too powerful so that it stops innovation and
>> retards progress,
>> then its broken apart, see what happened to the bell company.

> Well, that's the age old excuse for other smaller companies failures and
> failing. Although sometimes true, more often than not it's just an excuse
> to shareholders or a reason for filing suit.
>> I have to inform you that US has what is called controled capitalism,
>> capitalism that is controled and regulated by the state. The state has
>> the power to interfere if there is good reason. This is of course
>> theoretical because there is much corruption in politice in the US as
>> with every country.
>> I am not saying here if what MS is doing is good or not, thats a whole
>> other discussion, but it is doing it, and thats a fact.
>> We are talking facts here, and the fact is that MS has control over the
>> market and doesnt want linux to get in...

> why is this so hard for you to
>> understand? This is why MS has done so well and cant be beaten.

> Let me tell you the real truth ok. Linux is it's very own worst enemy.
> Start with 350+ distros and a very old way of computing. Blaming MS for
> the failure
> of linux to gain any substantial market share in 20+ yrs is simply a cope
> out. Divide and conquer is exactly what linux did to itself from the
> git-go.
>>>I use to work for one of the Fortune 100 companies.

>> doing what?

> Maintaining an existing product line and introducing new products on a
> national basis.
> Frank
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

such topics create endless flamewars and many plant such posts on purpose.

Im not saying that he is a troll for sure... but trolls do use such tacticts

Furthemore he doesnt want to understand why Ubuntu that is simply a platform
cant have the programs he wants to use,
and is blaming the platform itself. The solution to this is simple, its
about business more than blaming

I dont think Ubuntu wouldnt say no if Adobe and Corel started porting their
programs for linux

so he is comparing 2 os for the wrong things.

"PNutts" <> wrote in message
> LOL! Troll??? This is a Windows discussion group and he posted that he
> liked
> both but could only get about 80 percent of his work done in Ubuntu. I
> would
> be interested in your definition of "troll".
> "On the Bridge!" wrote:
>> I think he is here to troll, unless he tells us what the programs were,
>> his
>> credibility does down the drain.

Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

On the Bridge! wrote:
> Frank you seem such a nicer person when you take the time to really talk
> normally instead of throwing insults...
>>Let me tell you the real truth ok. Linux is it's very own worst enemy.
>>Start with 350+ distros and a very old way of computing. Blaming MS for
>>the failure

> There are 2 sides of the same coin. Having 350 versions may be confusing, at
> start, but by letting everyone make its own version, linux has been able to
> spread and more and more people are starting to develop things for this...

I don't agree with that at all and not being able to gain any real
market share says otherwise.

> its this flexibility that's is its strong point. In the evolution of
> organism, it is the increase of variation that secures survival of a
> species, and the same thing applies to the evolution of computing.

No, that's not how product marketing evidenced by the fact
that linux does not have any appreciable desktop market share after all
these yrs.

In nature
> when there is not much variation the species dies off always. And computers
> do follow many of the ruls of evolution found in nature.

Really? I don't think so.

I must remind you
> that we are still in the beginning, computers are new in human history...

But human nature isn't.

> What system wins in the long run is something very debatable.

We are in the long run...MS & Apple already won.

I am willing
> to bet that a whole world full of people experimenting and developing for
> linux is stronger than one company even if it is a giant. focus. No leadership.

I also have to
> remind you that the world is growing rapidly since third world countries
> with vast populations (see china) are starting to use computers.

And become capitalists with money and choices.

And then we
> have the OLPC (laptops for third world country children) thing that runs a
> flavor of linux, this will create a wave of new users that will be used to
> unix-oid stuff.

Yeah...well so far that deal is falling apart like a cheap watch.

That's why MS is trying to make XP for that computer...

Doubt that will happen.
> they know that there is a big danger for a whole generation to not be
> dependent on their own PROPRIETARY technology.

Fear is a great motivator.
>>Maintaining an existing product line and introducing new products on a
>>national basis.

> What was the nature of these products? You don't have to be extremely
> specific.

They were-are personal care products that I'm sure you either use or
have used.
Re: A businessman tries Ubuntu

On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 14:04:19 -0800
Frank <fb@osspan.clm> wrote:

> Holz wrote:
> > On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 12:33:32 -0800
> > Frank <fb@osspan.clm> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>You're totally wrong. Hey you actually think you can get
> >>by with that outright lie in this ng? Are you really that stupid,
> >>huh?

> >
> >
> > In the business environment, Everything that VISTA can with few
> > exceptions:
> > No anti virus needed on the workstations.

> Then why are there anti virus apps for linux available?

To support Windows clients and prevent outbreaks while communication
with Windows.
> > No limit in drive letter connections.

> So that is a big problem for most computer users?

In a large business environment, yes.
> > Better support and performance for large drives.

> Liar!

Check some posts in this NG.
> > Better RDP capability.

> Liar!

Please expand your vocabulary. I heard that one before.
> > Safer browsing on the Internet without the need for third party
> > "Anti" software.

> Not when using Vista.

At what price? over bloated browser with Defender DCS? Does not Catch
> > A better built in firewall.

> Liar!

Your Vista firewall is a toy. My co-worker just got a Vista and on the
second day went to starbucks for a break. Her laptop was hijacked
including her ebay and AOL accounts. where was the most secured OS?
> > Better fix and repair capability over the famous re-install.

> No need to re-install Vista.

No need to install it to begin with.
> > Bottom line
> > There is no business or home PC reason what so ever to have VISTA
> > installed.

> You're obviously out of your fukkin mind or else extremely stupid.

I must be considering I manage a Windows server farm (with no vista
> > Read the Vista forums, sounds like they are running DOS 5.1...

> And you're deaf too huh?
> Frank

To your screaming, yes I am.
> >
> >

Live & let live, or leave.