Re: Delurking: My opinion about this group and its mental patients
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 18:50:07 +0100, Alias
<> wrote:
>Donald L McDaniel wrote:
>> On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 16:12:58 GMT, kurttrail
>> <> wrote:
>>> Boy, does this group need a "Self-Anointed Moderator," or what?! ;-)
>>> Back in the good ole days of xp.gen, the pro v. anti-microsoft forces
>>> used to fight over things that were at least tangentially on-topic, you
>>> know about the OS, and the company that made the OS. Sure, the fighting
>>> got dirty, nasty, and personal, but it was never as totally off-topic as
>>> this group is.
Let's examine a few threads in this group, ok? And see how
"off-topic" they really are:
Out of 411 Unread threads for this day, only about 10 or so are
off-topic: The VAST MAJORITY are "General" questions about Microsoft
Vista, devices used with Vista, software used with Vista. i.e.,
"GENERAL questions about Vista."
And the off-topic ones are mostly ad-hominem attacks on a few idiots
by a few idiots. Just wave 'em off like mosquitos or gnats.
>>> This group is more like the collection of trolls over at
>>> xp, more about trolling than the topic at hand.
>>> People of good conscience need to take a stand against these trolls that
>>> have hijacked this group. Sitting back quietly has only condoned the
>>> actions of these childish trolls.
The Book of Proverbs tell us to not "answer a fool according to his
folly..." i.e., "retort with the same foolish words", or you will
become a fool like him. No, we are to "answer a fool as his folly
deserves..." (i.e., show him his foolishness in such a way that he
recognizes its foolishness.)
I just don't see how a few malcontents and idiots posting attacks on
each other comprises "hijacking" of this group.
If you want to be the "policeman" of the group, go right ahead. Yer
welcome to it (as if my word actually carries any weight with anyone).
I doubt your fooling around will affect the group very much. But you
will tend to draw others like yourself on the days or nights they feel
like slurping a lot of suds and getting on the old "InterTubes".
>>> Ya'll have only a few choices:
>>> 1.) Do nothing, and let this group continue its downward spiral.
>>> 2.) Stand up to these children, and keep putting them in their place,
>>> until they leave with their tails tucked firmly between their legs.
>>> 3.) Go on strike, stop posting here, and force MS to deal with this troll
>>> problem in their group.
Good idea. Try #3 first.
Let's see how quickly Microsoft responds to being "forced to deal"
with a lone voice like yours.
Kurt, Kurt, there is no such "troll problem", as you call it, in this
Want to see a group with a "troll problem"? Go to
Then come back here and go on and on about the imagined "troll
problem" in this group.
>>> Is this a group for those needing help with Vista, or is this just a
>>> place for trolls to play?
>>> The choice is in the hands of the more rational members of this group.
>>> Do something, anything, or just continue to condone the trolls' control
>>> this group!
>> Who are you talking about, Kurt? Yourself?
>> You are one of the biggest "trolls" of all.
>> Perhaps YOU should leave this group, and never come back. Then
>> perhaps more peace will reign here.
>I don't see you saying that to Frank or AlexB. Are you afraid of Frank
>and AlexB?
Don't worry, I'll get around to them, in time.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt told us, "We have nothing to fear but fear
Anyway, I was in a terrible mood that day. I seem to have taken it
out on Kurt. For which I have apologized, I hope.
But, as to the so-called "trolls": let them ramble on. They will
eventually get tired. Children usually tire out after awhile, and go
play elsewhere, or play with other toys.
They will also eventually run into the same problems everyone else
has, and need help themselves at some point.
We will be there to help them, hopefully.
If you want to, just kill-file them.
Personally, I prefer not to. Even idiots sometimes speak wisdom.
Donald L McDaniel
How can so many otherwise very intelligent people screw up
something so simple so badly? If you stick a computer
keyboard in front of most people, they'll suddenly drop
30 points off their IQs. Much like placing a "Pork Barrel"
bill in front of a politician: He'll forget all about
"cooperation" the minute he counts the zeroes before the
decimal point.