The Ghost In The Machine
Re: Reasons to Buy Microsoft Vista at this time
Re: Reasons to Buy Microsoft Vista at this time
In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Victor
on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 04:13:58 -0500
> On Sun, 15 Jun 2008 17:38:24 -0700, cheley_bonstell88 wrote:
>> 1: Windows XP is still for sale
>> http://www.windowsmarketplace.com/results.aspx?text=Windows XP&tabid=1
>> 2: You can still buy PC's with Good old reliable Windows XP installed
>> 3
There are other more reliable Operating systems available
>> Others?
> Reasons to buy Vista:
> 1) You built a new computer with a dual/quad core processor, multiple hard
> drives on RAID, high-end video card, high-end sound card, several
> gigabytes of RAM, and a nice widescreen monitor. Get the best of it with
> Vista.
> 2) A lot of new features like SuperFetch, isolated kernel, better 64-bit
> support, revamped network stack, new audio stack, a better UI, among
> others
> 3) Support for DirectX 10 games
> 4) Piss off idiots who are stuck in the past with XP or advocating
> server/development operating systems for desktops
5) Aero!
6) It's from Microsoft, a tried and true company. (They've
been tried, and a lot of the allegations are apparently true.)
7) There's nothing else, though Microsoft for some reason is
trying to delay the inevitable sunset of XP. Why, I
for one don't know, but a search for "Vista" coughs up
some interesting stuff.
8) Customers identify Microsoft Windows with "the computer",
so Vista's ascension is inevitable, since it's the latest
incarnation of Windows. Might as well get with the program.
9) It's preinstalled on most systems, in some form (there
are 9 editions, 5 of which are commonly available in the US,
if I'm not mistaken).
10) It's "free". Microsoft already got their money when the
unit was manufactured; never mind whether it actually gets
sold at some point.
#191, ewill3@earthlink.net
Useless C++ Programming Idea #110309238:
item * f(item *p) { if(p = NULL) return new item; else return p; }
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
Re: Reasons to Buy Microsoft Vista at this time
In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Victor
on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 04:13:58 -0500
> On Sun, 15 Jun 2008 17:38:24 -0700, cheley_bonstell88 wrote:
>> 1: Windows XP is still for sale
>> http://www.windowsmarketplace.com/results.aspx?text=Windows XP&tabid=1
>> 2: You can still buy PC's with Good old reliable Windows XP installed
>> 3

>> Others?
> Reasons to buy Vista:
> 1) You built a new computer with a dual/quad core processor, multiple hard
> drives on RAID, high-end video card, high-end sound card, several
> gigabytes of RAM, and a nice widescreen monitor. Get the best of it with
> Vista.
> 2) A lot of new features like SuperFetch, isolated kernel, better 64-bit
> support, revamped network stack, new audio stack, a better UI, among
> others
> 3) Support for DirectX 10 games
> 4) Piss off idiots who are stuck in the past with XP or advocating
> server/development operating systems for desktops
5) Aero!
6) It's from Microsoft, a tried and true company. (They've
been tried, and a lot of the allegations are apparently true.)
7) There's nothing else, though Microsoft for some reason is
trying to delay the inevitable sunset of XP. Why, I
for one don't know, but a search for "Vista" coughs up
some interesting stuff.
8) Customers identify Microsoft Windows with "the computer",
so Vista's ascension is inevitable, since it's the latest
incarnation of Windows. Might as well get with the program.
9) It's preinstalled on most systems, in some form (there
are 9 editions, 5 of which are commonly available in the US,
if I'm not mistaken).
10) It's "free". Microsoft already got their money when the
unit was manufactured; never mind whether it actually gets
sold at some point.
#191, ewill3@earthlink.net
Useless C++ Programming Idea #110309238:
item * f(item *p) { if(p = NULL) return new item; else return p; }
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **