Re: Reasons to NOT Buy Microsoft Vista at this time
Re: Reasons to NOT Buy Microsoft Vista at this time
<cheley_bonstell88@live.com> wrote in message
>I'm tired of my friends who've gotten hosed by Vista not being able to
>do the simplest thing with Vista.
>Worse, they think it's them, and have no problem with PDA's .
>Vista is also driving people over to MAC and Linux Flavors
>IMHO, Microsoft has done a great disservice to the IT world in general
>by Killing
>Windows XP.
>- SO , get it while you can.
I am skipping the XP rush. I have 4 XP OEM licensed systems, 2 of which
still run XP, one in dual boot. But have recoveries for the others. No
sense in spending more money on Microsoft.
I think this is great for the IT world. Finally it isn't like a Borg fest
out there and asking for Linux is being listened too. Especially when you
let them know you need a X-Windows server to do your job. No extra charge
with Linux.
At home, people are looking at Macs, a relative just had a PC crap out and
to fix it does not make sense. So they are shopping. They haven't decided
yet, they are looking at an Apple and a XP. They already have decided no to
Vista after talking to a relative who wanted Vista and is now stuck with it.
I wasn't even involved, LOL.
Killing XP will force the IT world to take a long serious look at how locked
they want to be on Microsoft going forward and the costs of such a move.
Re: Reasons to NOT Buy Microsoft Vista at this time
<cheley_bonstell88@live.com> wrote in message
>I'm tired of my friends who've gotten hosed by Vista not being able to
>do the simplest thing with Vista.
>Worse, they think it's them, and have no problem with PDA's .
>Vista is also driving people over to MAC and Linux Flavors
>IMHO, Microsoft has done a great disservice to the IT world in general
>by Killing
>Windows XP.
>- SO , get it while you can.
I am skipping the XP rush. I have 4 XP OEM licensed systems, 2 of which
still run XP, one in dual boot. But have recoveries for the others. No
sense in spending more money on Microsoft.
I think this is great for the IT world. Finally it isn't like a Borg fest
out there and asking for Linux is being listened too. Especially when you
let them know you need a X-Windows server to do your job. No extra charge
with Linux.
At home, people are looking at Macs, a relative just had a PC crap out and
to fix it does not make sense. So they are shopping. They haven't decided
yet, they are looking at an Apple and a XP. They already have decided no to
Vista after talking to a relative who wanted Vista and is now stuck with it.
I wasn't even involved, LOL.
Killing XP will force the IT world to take a long serious look at how locked
they want to be on Microsoft going forward and the costs of such a move.