Re: Linux_and_Mac_OS_X_Eat_Away_at_Windows,_Even_with_XP_SP3_and_Vista_SP1
Alias wrote:
> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> On Sat, 05 Jul 2008 01:51:35 +0300, Clear Windows wrote:
>>>> frank is chicken... all blabbermouth and nothing else
>>> Yeah, he's the poster child for "all talk and no walk".
>>> Alias
>> You and your newly found butt-buddy need to get a room.
>> Two lying cowards!...LOL!
> Puerta del Sol, coward.
You'll never make it there liar. I seriously doubt you even live
anywhere near there. Give us your name, addy and phone number as proof,
or else you're a lying coward.
Funny how when Frank's bluff is called,
I'm calling your bluff sheep-fukker. Name, addy and phone.
> starts doing the back pedal two step.
You proly can't do two things at once (you're an idiot!), so stop
dancing and give us your name, addy and phone.
We'll all wait while you try and figure out how to do that.