Re: Linux is not readly for prime time
FAB wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> FAB wrote:
>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>> FAB wrote:
>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> FAB wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> An experienced Linux user explains why Linux is not ready
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for prime time:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm with the webmasters on this 1000%. It's not that I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>> against Linux, its that I can't be for it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> We know you're too stupid to install *any* OS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The OS is just impossible because you have to know about a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gazillion commands to make it do what you want, and who has
>>>>>>>>>>>>> time for that?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I set up my install of Ubuntu 8.04 without using a command
>>>>>>>>>>>> line one single time. Oops. BTW, in Windows, there is a
>>>>>>>>>>>> thing called CMD. Do you know what it is, lamer?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The apps software that comes with it as open source is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> distinctly second rate, which explains why it is free, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is a dearth of specialized software for particular
>>>>>>>>>>>>> uses. Cross-platform emulators are lame.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ill informed opinion based on never using any of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> applications in Ubuntu because you're too biased and stupid
>>>>>>>>>>>> to install it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The supposed benefits of customizing seem to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-existent for home users, especially since customizing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> does not seem to be to the effect of making the apps any
>>>>>>>>>>>>> better.
>>>>>>>>>>>> You would have to know how to install Linux before you could
>>>>>>>>>>>> make this judgment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The desktops are poor clones of Windows, and are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> counterintuitive to actually use.
>>>>>>>>>>>> False.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The fact that downtime is reduced because of fewer viruses,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> worms or stability issues is offset when you add back the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> extra learning time, research time, and other chores
>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessitated by Linux, not the least of them being frequent
>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to repartition and/or format hard disks if you are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> going to play around with it. It is also not so clear that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux users are immune from such hazards, or if they just
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a reprieve for as long as they fly under the radar.
>>>>>>>>>>>> More ill informed drivel. If you know how to point and
>>>>>>>>>>>> click, you can customize Ubuntu with no problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux websites and helpsites are filled with arrogant Linux
>>>>>>>>>>>>> users who will actually be angry if you question the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> usefulness of vitality of their system, and there is no
>>>>>>>>>>>>> real professional help available.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah, like you, Frank, Spanky, The and Hound Dog help here,
>>>>>>>>>>>> right?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ultimately, the problem with Linux is that free is not the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> same as cheap. Someday that may change, but today there is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lots of expense attached to a Linux install, and not a lot
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of upside, especially since I found myself surprised by its
>>>>>>>>>>>>> difficulty and/or its impossibility even when reading
>>>>>>>>>>>>> instructions from a $30 book. The world ought to know that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there are opinions on both sides, not just the hype of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux lovers. The Internet is filled with lovers of things
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- their soccer heros, their bands, and on an on. There
>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs to be balance from people not so smitten with something.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In fact, the words "whylinuxsucks" won't google to well, so
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm suggesting lots of use of this phrase so people can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> find you more easily: "Should I choose Linux?"
>>>>>>>>>>>> So much FUD. So many lies. How do you live with yourself,
>>>>>>>>>>>> troll?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>> More of your lies?
>>>>>>>>>>> Give it up sheep-fukker, or else continue to have your ass
>>>>>>>>>>> kicked and daily make a fool out of yourself.
>>>>>>>>>>> Loser!
>>>>>>>>>> Once again, Frank the Wank, reveals how educated and classy he
>>>>>>>>>> is.
>>>>>>>>> Ok sheep-fukker...tell us all about your ba, ma and phd ok?
>>>>>>>> Frank's jealous.
>>>>>>> your panties all in a bunch, huh sheep-fukker?
>>>>>>> Got those degrees in lying huh!
>>>>>>> How wonderful!
>>>>>>> You are an accomplished liar!...LOL!
>>>>>> Frank's *really* jealous.
>>>>> Sorry pal. I don't have any degrees in lying.
>>>> Nor do I and, of course, that's not why you're jealous.
>>>>> That's is your own it and you can have it!
>>>>> You deserve it...LOL!
>>>> Ye olde sour grapes again, eh?
>>> Ye olde backpedaling and denial again huh?
>>> Figures!
>> Just be a man instead of a lying low life slime ball and admit you're
>> jealous and wish that you had applied yourself more in school.
> Projecting again huh (as usual)?
> Figures!
Being a low life slime ball liar again, eh?