Re: Why one should choose Linux over Vista
fb wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>> "Alias" <aka@mascaradoyanónimo.jo> wrote in message
>>> news:g6nc76$ds9$1@aioe.org...
>>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>>> 1) Because you are poor
>>>> It's true, the poor, whom you and Frank so disdain, cannot afford
>>>> Vista and Linux and Open Office are good tools to use to get out of
>>>> poverty. What have you and Frank got against the poor? Are you
>>>> afraid that you may join them? Do you consider yourself "better"
>>>> than the poor?
>>> I said nothing bad about the poor.
>> You have said a lot of bad things about Linux and OO so all one need
>> do is connect the dots.
> What dots? You're insane!
Do you just *have* to remind us how impaired your sense of logic and
reading comprehension skills are?
>>> If you can't afford Vista and Office, then you should use Linux/Open
>>> Office. Don't twist my comments. I was poor once, but I got an
>>> education and worked my way into "not being poor"!!!
>> So you know that you're not being poor today could be different tomorrow?
> WTF is wrong with you? You're sick in the head!
Do you just *have* to remind us how impaired your sense of logic and
reading comprehension skills are?
>>>>> 2) Because you don't have any desire to do actual work
>>>> False.
>>>>> 3) Because GIMP sounds so dorky
>>>> I agree, they could have chosen a better name. MS with it's Outlook
>>>> and Outlook Express, etc. could choose better names too.
>>>>> 4) Because entering cryptic line commands sounds exciting
>>>> I never do that. I use the GUI all the way with no problems. Oops.
>>>> In fact, with this install of Hardy, I have yet to even open a
>>>> terminal, much less use it. You do know what CMD is in Windows, right?
>>> Yes, I am aware of CMD in Windows. Use it every once-in-a-while.
>> With cryptic commands? <chuckle>
> You know of them? <chuckle>
"Of them"? LOL! Learn how to speak English and maybe you'll pass that
GED when your try for the tenth time.
>>>>> 5) Because you hate Microsoft
>>>> How can one hate Microsoft? One can dislike what it does but hate? I
>>>> have three ex wives and I don't hate them so you can be assured I am
>>>> not going to waste my emotions on hating a corporation that's seeing
>>>> its last days due to greed and a total disdain for their paying
>>>> customers.
>>>> Alias
>>> Lots of people say they hate Microsoft. I don't know about the
>>> others, go ask them. Hundreds of people here say they hate
>>> Microsoft. Do you question them? You do waste your time quite a bit
>>> here trying to convince people to switch to Ubuntu and Open Office.
>>> Look at your last sentence. Seems like you hate Microsoft.
>> I don't hate anything but hatred.
> You hate all of us who use Vista and who have shown you for what you
> are, a lying linux troll.
Do you just *have* to remind us how impaired your sense of logic and
reading comprehension skills are?
fb wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>> "Alias" <aka@mascaradoyanónimo.jo> wrote in message
>>> news:g6nc76$ds9$1@aioe.org...
>>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>>> 1) Because you are poor
>>>> It's true, the poor, whom you and Frank so disdain, cannot afford
>>>> Vista and Linux and Open Office are good tools to use to get out of
>>>> poverty. What have you and Frank got against the poor? Are you
>>>> afraid that you may join them? Do you consider yourself "better"
>>>> than the poor?
>>> I said nothing bad about the poor.
>> You have said a lot of bad things about Linux and OO so all one need
>> do is connect the dots.
> What dots? You're insane!
Do you just *have* to remind us how impaired your sense of logic and
reading comprehension skills are?
>>> If you can't afford Vista and Office, then you should use Linux/Open
>>> Office. Don't twist my comments. I was poor once, but I got an
>>> education and worked my way into "not being poor"!!!
>> So you know that you're not being poor today could be different tomorrow?
> WTF is wrong with you? You're sick in the head!
Do you just *have* to remind us how impaired your sense of logic and
reading comprehension skills are?
>>>>> 2) Because you don't have any desire to do actual work
>>>> False.
>>>>> 3) Because GIMP sounds so dorky
>>>> I agree, they could have chosen a better name. MS with it's Outlook
>>>> and Outlook Express, etc. could choose better names too.
>>>>> 4) Because entering cryptic line commands sounds exciting
>>>> I never do that. I use the GUI all the way with no problems. Oops.
>>>> In fact, with this install of Hardy, I have yet to even open a
>>>> terminal, much less use it. You do know what CMD is in Windows, right?
>>> Yes, I am aware of CMD in Windows. Use it every once-in-a-while.
>> With cryptic commands? <chuckle>
> You know of them? <chuckle>
"Of them"? LOL! Learn how to speak English and maybe you'll pass that
GED when your try for the tenth time.
>>>>> 5) Because you hate Microsoft
>>>> How can one hate Microsoft? One can dislike what it does but hate? I
>>>> have three ex wives and I don't hate them so you can be assured I am
>>>> not going to waste my emotions on hating a corporation that's seeing
>>>> its last days due to greed and a total disdain for their paying
>>>> customers.
>>>> Alias
>>> Lots of people say they hate Microsoft. I don't know about the
>>> others, go ask them. Hundreds of people here say they hate
>>> Microsoft. Do you question them? You do waste your time quite a bit
>>> here trying to convince people to switch to Ubuntu and Open Office.
>>> Look at your last sentence. Seems like you hate Microsoft.
>> I don't hate anything but hatred.
> You hate all of us who use Vista and who have shown you for what you
> are, a lying linux troll.
Do you just *have* to remind us how impaired your sense of logic and
reading comprehension skills are?