B B bhawes@@ Apr 19, 2011 how do you use sign in bar in page where we are sign in or register to the site
RSchwarz Apr 17, 2011 Vista in a VM is pretty peppy. More so than I remember it being when I used it as my every day OS.
RSchwarz Apr 12, 2011 And they need to stop obsessing with other people that actually have a life other than online.
RSchwarz Apr 10, 2011 Cloned my Windows install to the new SSD. Damn what a difference in load time for programs and Windows.
Cloned my Windows install to the new SSD. Damn what a difference in load time for programs and Windows.
RSchwarz Apr 9, 2011 Going to merge Forum Buddy into Just BS. Time to consolidate. Still have a forum for sale if anyone is interested. Contact me for details.
Going to merge Forum Buddy into Just BS. Time to consolidate. Still have a forum for sale if anyone is interested. Contact me for details.
RSchwarz Apr 7, 2011 I had with low life spammers. To the point that I just banned gMail accounts from registering on one of my forums.
I had with low life spammers. To the point that I just banned gMail accounts from registering on one of my forums.
B B brandon89 Mar 19, 2011 I have a Machine with SBS 2008 and would like to know how to host a small website on it. Do you know how I could do this?
I have a Machine with SBS 2008 and would like to know how to host a small website on it. Do you know how I could do this?
RSchwarz Mar 18, 2011 Just found out a friend of mine won a cool million from the lottery. It's party time!
RSchwarz Mar 13, 2011 Watching task manager with Firefox running is like watching my blender spin. The memory usage just keeps spinning upwards.
Watching task manager with Firefox running is like watching my blender spin. The memory usage just keeps spinning upwards.