Windows Vista Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

  • Thread starter Thread starter Spanky deMonkey
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Spanky deMonkey

Well, Linux, it was fun to see you again, but its time to send you back to
the hole whence you came.

I thought I would give Linux another try, after 2 years or so away from it.
So I (stupidly) downloaded Partition Magic and attempted to Partition the C
drive. Result, Windows wouldn't start anymore. I figured, nothing to fear, I
have a new copy of Linux. Fedora 7 to be exact, on disc and ready to go!

I installed that rascal on the partition I had just created, at the expense
of windows, and off I went.

My goal was to accomplish 3 things:
1. Recover my files from my Windows drive
2. Make EVE-Online work in Linux until I got my windows disc again.
3. Watch DVDs with Linux, for additional entertainment.
4. Play MP3's

Guess what? 48 hours and about 20 dollars later, Linux is 1 for 4. 1
success, after a while, and 3 miserable, total failures. So I'm going to put
away my wallet, and go back to Windows XP. I will talk about what Linux is
good for, and what it is not. Lets start positive, with the good:

1. Programming. No doubt about it, unless you cough up some serious dough
for developer software, Linux uber Windows in the programming arena, any
day. Programming is what introduced me to Linux in the first place, when I
took Computational Physics and Programming for Engineers. I was an
Engineering Physics Major with a Minor in Computer Engineering.

2. Data Manipulation and control. Linux is good at this, I was able to force
mount my fubar Windows partition and save my documents, and I will use Linux
one more time when Windows is back up to push my documents onto the Windows
partition. It was the only benefit Linux has provided to me.

3. None, a lot of people say "low cost". I disagree. Lets talk about cost,
but I'm going to put it in the failure category.

Failures of Linux:
1. Multimedia. I tried to get a DVD player for Linux for 12 straight hours.
I used Yum, RPMs, Google, Forums, and every other resource I could find. To
no avail. This leads to me Linux's second failure, and probably, one of its

2. Support. Actually Linux community, you should take this personally,
because you are the support. Therefore, YOU FAIL. You and your forums and
websites, while noble intentions were in your heart, failure weighs on your

In my 12 hour ordeal to find a DVD player, I noticed an interesting forum
post from a young man, much like me, asking for a 'step by step' explanation
of EXACTLY how he get a working DVD player in linux. 2 Linux knuckleheads
replied. The first reply just said, you need to use this search engine to
find this and that. The second reply was, you can use yum, you need a "some
vague description" and a "some other less vague but still vague
description". Well Linux community, that's not step by step. Its also not
helpful. This is the thing that has pissed me off the most. A computer's
base language is binary, but its instructions are assembly. Assembly tells
registers where to go, which function to perform, and then where in memory
to go when the operation is complete. Step by step, who, what, when, where,
why, how. Linux Community, please learn from your computers, especially your
assemblers. And stop being so damn vague.

3. Gaming. Everyone knows this ad nauseum, I downloaded Cedega, paid the 15
dollars for access, downloaded the latest ATI Drivers. Does it work? Of
course not. What's wrong with it? I think its my OpenGL drivers, in fact,
I'm positive. So I tried to edit my xorg.conf file, checked websites forums,
ATI website. 12 X crashes and all kinds of aticonfigs with Parse Errors
later, and I'm done. And what do you know, not one damn person in the ENTIRE
LINUX WORLD has the competence to be able to solve my problem. Not one. I
know I'm not the only person to have this problem, because others are
pleading on the forums for help for the same damn problem, and getting vague
irrelevant answers or answers that are simply questions. See Part 2 about
giving clear instructions. I use my computer to entertain me, Linux does not
entertain. Linux only shows me how to fail.

4. Cost. Oh yes, I bet you think I can't form an argument against you on
this, because Linux is "free" right? WRONG! I earn about 26 dollars an hour
as an entry level engineer. Windows XP cost me, maybe $150. That means 6
hours of work, and I have just paid for Windows XP. I spent 12 hours trying
to download a F***ing DVD Player. I probably spent at least 8 to 12 hours on
the damn Graphics Card problem, which still isn't fixed either. I have
WASTED 520 dollars worth of my time on trying to 'fix' Linux, because its
broken. And yes, if it doesn't play my video games or my DVD's or my MP3's
it IS BROKEN. I have already lost more money than my Windows XP cost me, and
I still don't have the same amount of functionality.

5. Delivery. People wonder how the hell Windows thrives and Linux kind of
survives. Windows costs money, closed source, not as flexible. Well, its
because Linux DOESN'T DELIVER. PERIOD. Wanna know why 90 percent of the
world pays for Microsoft and shuns your free linux, because I am perfectly
happy to PAY MONEY to get what I want, as is everyone else. Windows gives me
what I want. When I put in a DVD, I get to watch a movie. Not search through
Forums and Yum to download a Xine. When I double click on my video games, I
play a game, not try to reprogram config files to get the video card to
work. When I install a Video Card Driver, the only work I have to do is
double click, and go take a piss while it installs for me. Not have to sit
there and try to read the manual on ATICONFIG to see if i can it to actually
do its job.

Its all about delivery folks. Why do I pay to take women out on dates and
get them all liquored up? Because there is a much better chance that woman
will deliver what I want. A piece of that ass. I could probably find a nice
woman, and hang out and be her friend, completely free, but then, I would
rather pay to get what I want.

So here's what Linux needs to do to make itself competitive:
Comprehensive, Plug and Play Video Game Support. Installation and
playability as easy as Windows. Only Linux could probably support game
console emulation in addition to Windows, Linux could be better than windows
for gaming.
Adaptability to an actual customerbase. Like I said before, Windows succeeds
because it give people what they want, entertainment, not heartache. Linux
needs to do the same, instead of only responding to some dissident
anti-social underground movement.

Linux had 2 years or more since I last messed with it to improve.
Cosmetically, there were some improvements, functionality and ease of use.
ZERO improvement. Well Linux community, give it another try, you keep on
editing those config files and trying to get answers on your forums. I'm
going to get what I want from my computer, even if I have to pay for it for
the next 2 years. Let me know if you fix it between now and then.
RE: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

Well said. Now get ready for some bashing from the Linux lovers. I have
tried Linux on many occasions and find the software lacking in many areas.
What bothered me the most was the lack of third party software and support
for the Linux systems. However, I refuse to go to the Linux forums and
downplay or denigrate the Linux software. It is their choice to use it and I
respect their choice. I wish the Linux users would extend the same courtesy
to us Windows users.

I prefer to pay money for the Windows operating systems, because as you
pointed out, you get what you pay for. I have seriously considered going with
Apple's OS on one of my computers but haven't made the jump yet because I am
satisfied with the offerings from Microsoft.

Have a nice day.

Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

I agree, but I paid for my linux...Suse 10.1...60 bucks, and after weeks of
tring to get "drivers" for video and every other piece of hardware it
wouldn't regognize, I gave up. The forums are a big run around in circles to
find any useful info, and then nothing. I even bought a serial modem, cause
linux sucks for PCI modems....couldn't get the serial modem to work
either.Novell was no help ...they give you some kind of 30 day installation
assistance, but they must hide it real well....cause I got nothing.
The small problems associated with Vista are nothing compared to linux, tho
to be fair my only stab at it was the boxed retail version of Suse. Its
still in the box, and maybe in a year or 20 I'll try it again.
"Spanky deMonkey" <> wrote in message
> Well, Linux, it was fun to see you again, but its time to send you back to
> the hole whence you came.
> I thought I would give Linux another try, after 2 years or so away from
> it. So I (stupidly) downloaded Partition Magic and attempted to Partition
> the C drive. Result, Windows wouldn't start anymore. I figured, nothing to
> fear, I have a new copy of Linux. Fedora 7 to be exact, on disc and ready
> to go!
> I installed that rascal on the partition I had just created, at the
> expense of windows, and off I went.
> My goal was to accomplish 3 things:
> 1. Recover my files from my Windows drive
> 2. Make EVE-Online work in Linux until I got my windows disc again.
> 3. Watch DVDs with Linux, for additional entertainment.
> 4. Play MP3's
> Guess what? 48 hours and about 20 dollars later, Linux is 1 for 4. 1
> success, after a while, and 3 miserable, total failures. So I'm going to
> put away my wallet, and go back to Windows XP. I will talk about what
> Linux is good for, and what it is not. Lets start positive, with the good:
> 1. Programming. No doubt about it, unless you cough up some serious dough
> for developer software, Linux uber Windows in the programming arena, any
> day. Programming is what introduced me to Linux in the first place, when I
> took Computational Physics and Programming for Engineers. I was an
> Engineering Physics Major with a Minor in Computer Engineering.
> 2. Data Manipulation and control. Linux is good at this, I was able to
> force mount my fubar Windows partition and save my documents, and I will
> use Linux one more time when Windows is back up to push my documents onto
> the Windows partition. It was the only benefit Linux has provided to me.
> 3. None, a lot of people say "low cost". I disagree. Lets talk about cost,
> but I'm going to put it in the failure category.
> Failures of Linux:
> 1. Multimedia. I tried to get a DVD player for Linux for 12 straight
> hours. I used Yum, RPMs, Google, Forums, and every other resource I could
> find. To no avail. This leads to me Linux's second failure, and probably,
> one of its greatest.
> 2. Support. Actually Linux community, you should take this personally,
> because you are the support. Therefore, YOU FAIL. You and your forums and
> websites, while noble intentions were in your heart, failure weighs on
> your efforts.
> In my 12 hour ordeal to find a DVD player, I noticed an interesting forum
> post from a young man, much like me, asking for a 'step by step'
> explanation of EXACTLY how he get a working DVD player in linux. 2 Linux
> knuckleheads replied. The first reply just said, you need to use this
> search engine to find this and that. The second reply was, you can use
> yum, you need a "some vague description" and a "some other less vague but
> still vague description". Well Linux community, that's not step by step.
> Its also not helpful. This is the thing that has pissed me off the most. A
> computer's base language is binary, but its instructions are assembly.
> Assembly tells registers where to go, which function to perform, and then
> where in memory to go when the operation is complete. Step by step, who,
> what, when, where, why, how. Linux Community, please learn from your
> computers, especially your assemblers. And stop being so damn vague.
> 3. Gaming. Everyone knows this ad nauseum, I downloaded Cedega, paid the
> 15 dollars for access, downloaded the latest ATI Drivers. Does it work? Of
> course not. What's wrong with it? I think its my OpenGL drivers, in fact,
> I'm positive. So I tried to edit my xorg.conf file, checked websites
> forums, ATI website. 12 X crashes and all kinds of aticonfigs with Parse
> Errors later, and I'm done. And what do you know, not one damn person in
> the ENTIRE LINUX WORLD has the competence to be able to solve my problem.
> Not one. I know I'm not the only person to have this problem, because
> others are pleading on the forums for help for the same damn problem, and
> getting vague irrelevant answers or answers that are simply questions. See
> Part 2 about giving clear instructions. I use my computer to entertain me,
> Linux does not entertain. Linux only shows me how to fail.
> 4. Cost. Oh yes, I bet you think I can't form an argument against you on
> this, because Linux is "free" right? WRONG! I earn about 26 dollars an
> hour as an entry level engineer. Windows XP cost me, maybe $150. That
> means 6 hours of work, and I have just paid for Windows XP. I spent 12
> hours trying to download a F***ing DVD Player. I probably spent at least 8
> to 12 hours on the damn Graphics Card problem, which still isn't fixed
> either. I have WASTED 520 dollars worth of my time on trying to 'fix'
> Linux, because its broken. And yes, if it doesn't play my video games or
> my DVD's or my MP3's it IS BROKEN. I have already lost more money than my
> Windows XP cost me, and I still don't have the same amount of
> functionality.
> 5. Delivery. People wonder how the hell Windows thrives and Linux kind of
> survives. Windows costs money, closed source, not as flexible. Well, its
> because Linux DOESN'T DELIVER. PERIOD. Wanna know why 90 percent of the
> world pays for Microsoft and shuns your free linux, because I am perfectly
> happy to PAY MONEY to get what I want, as is everyone else. Windows gives
> me what I want. When I put in a DVD, I get to watch a movie. Not search
> through Forums and Yum to download a Xine. When I double click on my video
> games, I play a game, not try to reprogram config files to get the video
> card to work. When I install a Video Card Driver, the only work I have to
> do is double click, and go take a piss while it installs for me. Not have
> to sit there and try to read the manual on ATICONFIG to see if i can it to
> actually do its job.
> Its all about delivery folks. Why do I pay to take women out on dates and
> get them all liquored up? Because there is a much better chance that woman
> will deliver what I want. A piece of that ass. I could probably find a
> nice woman, and hang out and be her friend, completely free, but then, I
> would rather pay to get what I want.
> So here's what Linux needs to do to make itself competitive:
> Comprehensive, Plug and Play Video Game Support. Installation and
> playability as easy as Windows. Only Linux could probably support game
> console emulation in addition to Windows, Linux could be better than
> windows for gaming.
> Adaptability to an actual customerbase. Like I said before, Windows
> succeeds because it give people what they want, entertainment, not
> heartache. Linux needs to do the same, instead of only responding to some
> dissident anti-social underground movement.
> Linux had 2 years or more since I last messed with it to improve.
> Cosmetically, there were some improvements, functionality and ease of use.
> ZERO improvement. Well Linux community, give it another try, you keep on
> editing those config files and trying to get answers on your forums. I'm
> going to get what I want from my computer, even if I have to pay for it
> for the next 2 years. Let me know if you fix it between now and then.
Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

Spanky deMonkey wrote:
> Well, Linux, it was fun to see you again, but its time to send you back to
> the hole whence you came.
> I thought I would give Linux another try, after 2 years or so away from it.
> So I (stupidly) downloaded Partition Magic and attempted to Partition the C
> drive. Result, Windows wouldn't start anymore. I figured, nothing to fear, I
> have a new copy of Linux. Fedora 7 to be exact, on disc and ready to go!
> I installed that rascal on the partition I had just created, at the expense
> of windows, and off I went.
> My goal was to accomplish 3 things:
> 1. Recover my files from my Windows drive
> 2. Make EVE-Online work in Linux until I got my windows disc again.
> 3. Watch DVDs with Linux, for additional entertainment.
> 4. Play MP3's
> Guess what? 48 hours and about 20 dollars later, Linux is 1 for 4. 1
> success, after a while, and 3 miserable, total failures. So I'm going to put
> away my wallet, and go back to Windows XP. I will talk about what Linux is
> good for, and what it is not. Lets start positive, with the good:
> 1. Programming. No doubt about it, unless you cough up some serious dough
> for developer software, Linux uber Windows in the programming arena, any
> day. Programming is what introduced me to Linux in the first place, when I
> took Computational Physics and Programming for Engineers. I was an
> Engineering Physics Major with a Minor in Computer Engineering.
> 2. Data Manipulation and control. Linux is good at this, I was able to force
> mount my fubar Windows partition and save my documents, and I will use Linux
> one more time when Windows is back up to push my documents onto the Windows
> partition. It was the only benefit Linux has provided to me.
> 3. None, a lot of people say "low cost". I disagree. Lets talk about cost,
> but I'm going to put it in the failure category.
> Failures of Linux:
> 1. Multimedia. I tried to get a DVD player for Linux for 12 straight hours.
> I used Yum, RPMs, Google, Forums, and every other resource I could find. To
> no avail. This leads to me Linux's second failure, and probably, one of its
> greatest.

Playing a DVD right now.

> 2. Support. Actually Linux community, you should take this personally,
> because you are the support. Therefore, YOU FAIL. You and your forums and
> websites, while noble intentions were in your heart, failure weighs on your
> efforts.

I've gotten excellent support for Ubuntu.

> In my 12 hour ordeal to find a DVD player, I noticed an interesting forum
> post from a young man, much like me, asking for a 'step by step' explanation
> of EXACTLY how he get a working DVD player in linux. 2 Linux knuckleheads
> replied. The first reply just said, you need to use this search engine to
> find this and that. The second reply was, you can use yum, you need a "some
> vague description" and a "some other less vague but still vague
> description". Well Linux community, that's not step by step. Its also not
> helpful. This is the thing that has pissed me off the most. A computer's
> base language is binary, but its instructions are assembly. Assembly tells
> registers where to go, which function to perform, and then where in memory
> to go when the operation is complete. Step by step, who, what, when, where,
> why, how. Linux Community, please learn from your computers, especially your
> assemblers. And stop being so damn vague.
> 3. Gaming. Everyone knows this ad nauseum, I downloaded Cedega, paid the 15
> dollars for access, downloaded the latest ATI Drivers. Does it work? Of
> course not. What's wrong with it? I think its my OpenGL drivers, in fact,
> I'm positive. So I tried to edit my xorg.conf file, checked websites forums,
> ATI website. 12 X crashes and all kinds of aticonfigs with Parse Errors
> later, and I'm done. And what do you know, not one damn person in the ENTIRE
> LINUX WORLD has the competence to be able to solve my problem. Not one. I
> know I'm not the only person to have this problem, because others are
> pleading on the forums for help for the same damn problem, and getting vague
> irrelevant answers or answers that are simply questions. See Part 2 about
> giving clear instructions. I use my computer to entertain me, Linux does not
> entertain. Linux only shows me how to fail.
> 4. Cost. Oh yes, I bet you think I can't form an argument against you on
> this, because Linux is "free" right? WRONG! I earn about 26 dollars an hour
> as an entry level engineer. Windows XP cost me, maybe $150. That means 6
> hours of work, and I have just paid for Windows XP. I spent 12 hours trying
> to download a F***ing DVD Player. I probably spent at least 8 to 12 hours on
> the damn Graphics Card problem, which still isn't fixed either. I have
> WASTED 520 dollars worth of my time on trying to 'fix' Linux, because its
> broken. And yes, if it doesn't play my video games or my DVD's or my MP3's
> it IS BROKEN. I have already lost more money than my Windows XP cost me, and
> I still don't have the same amount of functionality.

Well, being so useless and all and not being able to install Linux, you
should get paid nothing.

> 5. Delivery. People wonder how the hell Windows thrives and Linux kind of
> survives. Windows costs money, closed source, not as flexible. Well, its
> because Linux DOESN'T DELIVER. PERIOD. Wanna know why 90 percent of the
> world pays for Microsoft and shuns your free linux, because I am perfectly
> happy to PAY MONEY to get what I want, as is everyone else. Windows gives me
> what I want. When I put in a DVD, I get to watch a movie. Not search through
> Forums and Yum to download a Xine. When I double click on my video games, I
> play a game, not try to reprogram config files to get the video card to
> work. When I install a Video Card Driver, the only work I have to do is
> double click, and go take a piss while it installs for me. Not have to sit
> there and try to read the manual on ATICONFIG to see if i can it to actually
> do its job.

ATI is not famous for supporting Linux. Had you done any research, you
would have used an nVidia card.

> Its all about delivery folks. Why do I pay to take women out on dates and
> get them all liquored up? Because there is a much better chance that woman
> will deliver what I want. A piece of that ass. I could probably find a nice
> woman, and hang out and be her friend, completely free, but then, I would
> rather pay to get what I want.

Ah, another MS fanboy that pays for sex. How extraordinarily quaint.

> So here's what Linux needs to do to make itself competitive:
> Comprehensive, Plug and Play Video Game Support. Installation and
> playability as easy as Windows.

I found Ubuntu to much easier to install than XP.

> Only Linux could probably support game
> console emulation in addition to Windows, Linux could be better than windows
> for gaming.

Linux is not all that great for gaming because the people who make games
don't make them for Linux. And, lately, the games originally made for a
console are horrible to play on a PC.

> Adaptability to an actual customerbase. Like I said before, Windows succeeds
> because it give people what they want, entertainment, not heartache. Linux
> needs to do the same, instead of only responding to some dissident
> anti-social underground movement.
> Linux had 2 years or more since I last messed with it to improve.
> Cosmetically, there were some improvements, functionality and ease of use.
> ZERO improvement. Well Linux community, give it another try, you keep on
> editing those config files and trying to get answers on your forums. I'm
> going to get what I want from my computer, even if I have to pay for it for
> the next 2 years. Let me know if you fix it between now and then.

Seriously, get yourself a nVidia graphics card and try Ubuntu.

Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

I don't use Linux for watching DVDs (actually I don't watch DVDs on ANY
computer), games or much of anything except a terminal with word processing
capability and internet access.
Our orginazation uses terminal emulation via internet to access an AS400/800
system for our management/accounting software.
I don't have a problem getting the LAN, browser and email working.
That's all I need from it, and it works fine FOR MY PURPOSE.
I don't use it on my personal machine at home, but DO use it (on a P2-450)
for a proxy server
I have Vista on my main machine at home because eventually I will have to
support it. It works OK, other than the stupidity of UAC.
If I wanted to be protected from myself, I'd stay offline.
After using Vista daily for over a year (between the BETA, RC and RTM
versions) I still don't see any WOW, it's more like WTF were they
thinking.... if Vista is the future of MS, IMHO, they're in deep trouble.

A Professional Amateur...If anyone knew it all, none of would be here!
Change Alpha to Numeric to reply
"Spanky deMonkey" <> wrote in message
> Well, Linux, it was fun to see you again, but its time to send you back to
> the hole whence you came.
> I thought I would give Linux another try, after 2 years or so away from
> it. So I (stupidly) downloaded Partition Magic and attempted to Partition
> the C drive. Result, Windows wouldn't start anymore. I figured, nothing to
> fear, I have a new copy of Linux. Fedora 7 to be exact, on disc and ready
> to go!
> I installed that rascal on the partition I had just created, at the
> expense of windows, and off I went.
> My goal was to accomplish 3 things:
> 1. Recover my files from my Windows drive
> 2. Make EVE-Online work in Linux until I got my windows disc again.
> 3. Watch DVDs with Linux, for additional entertainment.
> 4. Play MP3's
> Guess what? 48 hours and about 20 dollars later, Linux is 1 for 4. 1
> success, after a while, and 3 miserable, total failures. So I'm going to
> put away my wallet, and go back to Windows XP. I will talk about what
> Linux is good for, and what it is not. Lets start positive, with the good:
> 1. Programming. No doubt about it, unless you cough up some serious dough
> for developer software, Linux uber Windows in the programming arena, any
> day. Programming is what introduced me to Linux in the first place, when I
> took Computational Physics and Programming for Engineers. I was an
> Engineering Physics Major with a Minor in Computer Engineering.
> 2. Data Manipulation and control. Linux is good at this, I was able to
> force mount my fubar Windows partition and save my documents, and I will
> use Linux one more time when Windows is back up to push my documents onto
> the Windows partition. It was the only benefit Linux has provided to me.
> 3. None, a lot of people say "low cost". I disagree. Lets talk about cost,
> but I'm going to put it in the failure category.
> Failures of Linux:
> 1. Multimedia. I tried to get a DVD player for Linux for 12 straight
> hours. I used Yum, RPMs, Google, Forums, and every other resource I could
> find. To no avail. This leads to me Linux's second failure, and probably,
> one of its greatest.
> 2. Support. Actually Linux community, you should take this personally,
> because you are the support. Therefore, YOU FAIL. You and your forums and
> websites, while noble intentions were in your heart, failure weighs on
> your efforts.
> In my 12 hour ordeal to find a DVD player, I noticed an interesting forum
> post from a young man, much like me, asking for a 'step by step'
> explanation of EXACTLY how he get a working DVD player in linux. 2 Linux
> knuckleheads replied. The first reply just said, you need to use this
> search engine to find this and that. The second reply was, you can use
> yum, you need a "some vague description" and a "some other less vague but
> still vague description". Well Linux community, that's not step by step.
> Its also not helpful. This is the thing that has pissed me off the most. A
> computer's base language is binary, but its instructions are assembly.
> Assembly tells registers where to go, which function to perform, and then
> where in memory to go when the operation is complete. Step by step, who,
> what, when, where, why, how. Linux Community, please learn from your
> computers, especially your assemblers. And stop being so damn vague.
> 3. Gaming. Everyone knows this ad nauseum, I downloaded Cedega, paid the
> 15 dollars for access, downloaded the latest ATI Drivers. Does it work? Of
> course not. What's wrong with it? I think its my OpenGL drivers, in fact,
> I'm positive. So I tried to edit my xorg.conf file, checked websites
> forums, ATI website. 12 X crashes and all kinds of aticonfigs with Parse
> Errors later, and I'm done. And what do you know, not one damn person in
> the ENTIRE LINUX WORLD has the competence to be able to solve my problem.
> Not one. I know I'm not the only person to have this problem, because
> others are pleading on the forums for help for the same damn problem, and
> getting vague irrelevant answers or answers that are simply questions. See
> Part 2 about giving clear instructions. I use my computer to entertain me,
> Linux does not entertain. Linux only shows me how to fail.
> 4. Cost. Oh yes, I bet you think I can't form an argument against you on
> this, because Linux is "free" right? WRONG! I earn about 26 dollars an
> hour as an entry level engineer. Windows XP cost me, maybe $150. That
> means 6 hours of work, and I have just paid for Windows XP. I spent 12
> hours trying to download a F***ing DVD Player. I probably spent at least 8
> to 12 hours on the damn Graphics Card problem, which still isn't fixed
> either. I have WASTED 520 dollars worth of my time on trying to 'fix'
> Linux, because its broken. And yes, if it doesn't play my video games or
> my DVD's or my MP3's it IS BROKEN. I have already lost more money than my
> Windows XP cost me, and I still don't have the same amount of
> functionality.
> 5. Delivery. People wonder how the hell Windows thrives and Linux kind of
> survives. Windows costs money, closed source, not as flexible. Well, its
> because Linux DOESN'T DELIVER. PERIOD. Wanna know why 90 percent of the
> world pays for Microsoft and shuns your free linux, because I am perfectly
> happy to PAY MONEY to get what I want, as is everyone else. Windows gives
> me what I want. When I put in a DVD, I get to watch a movie. Not search
> through Forums and Yum to download a Xine. When I double click on my video
> games, I play a game, not try to reprogram config files to get the video
> card to work. When I install a Video Card Driver, the only work I have to
> do is double click, and go take a piss while it installs for me. Not have
> to sit there and try to read the manual on ATICONFIG to see if i can it to
> actually do its job.
> Its all about delivery folks. Why do I pay to take women out on dates and
> get them all liquored up? Because there is a much better chance that woman
> will deliver what I want. A piece of that ass. I could probably find a
> nice woman, and hang out and be her friend, completely free, but then, I
> would rather pay to get what I want.
> So here's what Linux needs to do to make itself competitive:
> Comprehensive, Plug and Play Video Game Support. Installation and
> playability as easy as Windows. Only Linux could probably support game
> console emulation in addition to Windows, Linux could be better than
> windows for gaming.
> Adaptability to an actual customerbase. Like I said before, Windows
> succeeds because it give people what they want, entertainment, not
> heartache. Linux needs to do the same, instead of only responding to some
> dissident anti-social underground movement.
> Linux had 2 years or more since I last messed with it to improve.
> Cosmetically, there were some improvements, functionality and ease of use.
> ZERO improvement. Well Linux community, give it another try, you keep on
> editing those config files and trying to get answers on your forums. I'm
> going to get what I want from my computer, even if I have to pay for it
> for the next 2 years. Let me know if you fix it between now and then.
Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

GO wrote:
>> And, lately, the games originally
>> made for a console are horrible to play on a PC.

> You think that too eh? I've actually grown concerned for the future of PC
> gaming lately. Too many games these days are being released cross-platform,
> but the PC version seems to be an after thought. I understand why they
> develop cross-platform as it increases their potential sales, but too many
> games just don't translate well, or maybe they would if they put a little
> more effort/thought into it.

Check points are a pain. If I want to save the game seconds before
certain death, that should be my choice and not have to wait until I get
to the check point after repeating a hard section twenty times. If that
doesn't straighten out, I won't have much use for Windows. On the bright
side, at least you don't have to genuinize to go to the next level yet ;-)

Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

"Spanky deMonkey" <> wrote in message
>> Linux had 2 years or more since I last messed with it to improve.

> Cosmetically, there were some improvements, functionality and ease of use.
> ZERO improvement. Well Linux community, give it another try, you keep on
> editing those config files and trying to get answers on your forums. I'm
> going to get what I want from my computer, even if I have to pay for it
> for the next 2 years. Let me know if you fix it between now and then.

Well see, you were using the WRONG DISTRO! You need my super duper,
PCXanHatDebTuOS release, version 5.7.234 with Linux Kernel 2.6.876. It's

Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

Mike wrote:
> "Spanky deMonkey" <> wrote in message
> news:eEmn8akzHHA.3600@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>> Linux had 2 years or more since I last messed with it to improve.

>> Cosmetically, there were some improvements, functionality and ease of
>> use. ZERO improvement. Well Linux community, give it another try, you
>> keep on editing those config files and trying to get answers on your
>> forums. I'm going to get what I want from my computer, even if I have
>> to pay for it for the next 2 years. Let me know if you fix it between
>> now and then.

> Well see, you were using the WRONG DISTRO! You need my super duper,
> PCXanHatDebTuOS release, version 5.7.234 with Linux Kernel 2.6.876.
> It's THE ONE!!!
> Mike

So, is your logic that Linux must only have one choice? Vista has
choices (of sorts), so what's your problem?

Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

GO wrote:

> There are a lot of users
> that could make the switch to Linux and it will do everything they need, but
> it's still not a suitable replacement for Windows "power users", IMO.

This is rapidly changing. For normal, home use, it's ready, willing and

Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

Spanky deMonkey wrote:
> Well, Linux, it was fun to see you again, but its time to send you back to
> the hole whence you came.
> I thought I would give Linux another try, after 2 years or so away from it.
> So I (stupidly) downloaded Partition Magic and attempted to Partition the C
> drive. Result, Windows wouldn't start anymore. I figured, nothing to fear, I
> have a new copy of Linux. Fedora 7 to be exact, on disc and ready to go!
> I installed that rascal on the partition I had just created, at the expense
> of windows, and off I went.
> My goal was to accomplish 3 things:
> 1. Recover my files from my Windows drive
> 2. Make EVE-Online work in Linux until I got my windows disc again.
> 3. Watch DVDs with Linux, for additional entertainment.
> 4. Play MP3's
> Guess what? 48 hours and about 20 dollars later, Linux is 1 for 4. 1
> success, after a while, and 3 miserable, total failures. So I'm going to put
> away my wallet, and go back to Windows XP. I will talk about what Linux is
> good for, and what it is not. Lets start positive, with the good:
> 1. Programming. No doubt about it, unless you cough up some serious dough
> for developer software, Linux uber Windows in the programming arena, any
> day. Programming is what introduced me to Linux in the first place, when I
> took Computational Physics and Programming for Engineers. I was an
> Engineering Physics Major with a Minor in Computer Engineering.
> 2. Data Manipulation and control. Linux is good at this, I was able to force
> mount my fubar Windows partition and save my documents, and I will use Linux
> one more time when Windows is back up to push my documents onto the Windows
> partition. It was the only benefit Linux has provided to me.
> 3. None, a lot of people say "low cost". I disagree. Lets talk about cost,
> but I'm going to put it in the failure category.
> Failures of Linux:
> 1. Multimedia. I tried to get a DVD player for Linux for 12 straight hours.
> I used Yum, RPMs, Google, Forums, and every other resource I could find. To
> no avail. This leads to me Linux's second failure, and probably, one of its
> greatest.
> 2. Support. Actually Linux community, you should take this personally,
> because you are the support. Therefore, YOU FAIL. You and your forums and
> websites, while noble intentions were in your heart, failure weighs on your
> efforts.
> In my 12 hour ordeal to find a DVD player, I noticed an interesting forum
> post from a young man, much like me, asking for a 'step by step' explanation
> of EXACTLY how he get a working DVD player in linux. 2 Linux knuckleheads
> replied. The first reply just said, you need to use this search engine to
> find this and that. The second reply was, you can use yum, you need a "some
> vague description" and a "some other less vague but still vague
> description". Well Linux community, that's not step by step. Its also not
> helpful. This is the thing that has pissed me off the most. A computer's
> base language is binary, but its instructions are assembly. Assembly tells
> registers where to go, which function to perform, and then where in memory
> to go when the operation is complete. Step by step, who, what, when, where,
> why, how. Linux Community, please learn from your computers, especially your
> assemblers. And stop being so damn vague.
> 3. Gaming. Everyone knows this ad nauseum, I downloaded Cedega, paid the 15
> dollars for access, downloaded the latest ATI Drivers. Does it work? Of
> course not. What's wrong with it? I think its my OpenGL drivers, in fact,
> I'm positive. So I tried to edit my xorg.conf file, checked websites forums,
> ATI website. 12 X crashes and all kinds of aticonfigs with Parse Errors
> later, and I'm done. And what do you know, not one damn person in the ENTIRE
> LINUX WORLD has the competence to be able to solve my problem. Not one. I
> know I'm not the only person to have this problem, because others are
> pleading on the forums for help for the same damn problem, and getting vague
> irrelevant answers or answers that are simply questions. See Part 2 about
> giving clear instructions. I use my computer to entertain me, Linux does not
> entertain. Linux only shows me how to fail.
> 4. Cost. Oh yes, I bet you think I can't form an argument against you on
> this, because Linux is "free" right? WRONG! I earn about 26 dollars an hour
> as an entry level engineer. Windows XP cost me, maybe $150. That means 6
> hours of work, and I have just paid for Windows XP. I spent 12 hours trying
> to download a F***ing DVD Player. I probably spent at least 8 to 12 hours on
> the damn Graphics Card problem, which still isn't fixed either. I have
> WASTED 520 dollars worth of my time on trying to 'fix' Linux, because its
> broken. And yes, if it doesn't play my video games or my DVD's or my MP3's
> it IS BROKEN. I have already lost more money than my Windows XP cost me, and
> I still don't have the same amount of functionality.
> 5. Delivery. People wonder how the hell Windows thrives and Linux kind of
> survives. Windows costs money, closed source, not as flexible. Well, its
> because Linux DOESN'T DELIVER. PERIOD. Wanna know why 90 percent of the
> world pays for Microsoft and shuns your free linux, because I am perfectly
> happy to PAY MONEY to get what I want, as is everyone else. Windows gives me
> what I want. When I put in a DVD, I get to watch a movie. Not search through
> Forums and Yum to download a Xine. When I double click on my video games, I
> play a game, not try to reprogram config files to get the video card to
> work. When I install a Video Card Driver, the only work I have to do is
> double click, and go take a piss while it installs for me. Not have to sit
> there and try to read the manual on ATICONFIG to see if i can it to actually
> do its job.
> Its all about delivery folks. Why do I pay to take women out on dates and
> get them all liquored up? Because there is a much better chance that woman
> will deliver what I want. A piece of that ass. I could probably find a nice
> woman, and hang out and be her friend, completely free, but then, I would
> rather pay to get what I want.
> So here's what Linux needs to do to make itself competitive:
> Comprehensive, Plug and Play Video Game Support. Installation and
> playability as easy as Windows. Only Linux could probably support game
> console emulation in addition to Windows, Linux could be better than windows
> for gaming.
> Adaptability to an actual customerbase. Like I said before, Windows succeeds
> because it give people what they want, entertainment, not heartache. Linux
> needs to do the same, instead of only responding to some dissident
> anti-social underground movement.
> Linux had 2 years or more since I last messed with it to improve.
> Cosmetically, there were some improvements, functionality and ease of use.
> ZERO improvement. Well Linux community, give it another try, you keep on
> editing those config files and trying to get answers on your forums. I'm
> going to get what I want from my computer, even if I have to pay for it for
> the next 2 years. Let me know if you fix it between now and then.

hahaha...that'll teach'ya!
Hey spanky...I sure hope your cross posted this to the linux
Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

"Alias" <aka@masked&> wrote in message
> So, is your logic that Linux must only have one choice? Vista has choices
> (of sorts), so what's your problem?

The problem is that Linux has hundreds of versions, and they all suck.
Some are supported for years, some come and go like Top 40 music. Pick the
wrong one and you are left high and dry after a year or 2.

Vista has 4 choices, each one clearly labeled as to target audience. Each
one with guaranteed support for years to come from a major, respected and
well-financed company.

If the Linux Loonies would just standardize on their versions - 1 for home,
1 for business etc., Linux might stand a chance. The total chaos,
fragmentation and duplication of effort that exists now will always be the
downfall of Linux.

Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

GO wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> GO wrote:
>>>> And, lately, the games originally
>>>> made for a console are horrible to play on a PC.
>>> You think that too eh? I've actually grown concerned for the future
>>> of PC gaming lately. Too many games these days are being released
>>> cross-platform, but the PC version seems to be an after thought. I
>>> understand why they develop cross-platform as it increases their
>>> potential sales, but too many games just don't translate well, or
>>> maybe they would if they put a little more effort/thought into it.

>> Check points are a pain. If I want to save the game seconds before
>> certain death, that should be my choice and not have to wait until I
>> get to the check point after repeating a hard section twenty times.
>> If that doesn't straighten out, I won't have much use for Windows. On
>> the bright side, at least you don't have to genuinize to go to the
>> next level yet ;-)
>> Alias

> Yeah, check points are a royal pain in the butt. My biggest beef is the
> controls. The controls always seem awkward and non-intuitive for games
> coming from a console.
>> On
>> the bright side, at least you don't have to genuinize to go to the
>> next level yet ;-)

> It's coming. You have heard of Live haven't you? ;) Speaking of Live,
> that's something else that concerns me. It might be a good idea on the
> consoles but it's something again that doesn't translate well to the PC.
> Subscription fees, paying for (simple) content,'s all stuff we
> already got included with our games in the first place.

Supposedly some of the big game makers are paying attention to the flood
of emails they're getting about this. We'll see.


Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

Have you ever tried linux installed by someone that knows a little about

course not...
Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

"ArameFarpado" <> wrote in message
> Have you ever tried linux installed by someone that knows a little about
> computers?
> course not...

That's because the people who truly know computers avoid Linux like the
steaming pile of elephant turds that it is.

Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

You shoudnt have to know anything, in my case it should..."JUST WORK OUTTA

"ArameFarpado" <> wrote in message
> Have you ever tried linux installed by someone that knows a little about
> computers?
> course not...
Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

GO wrote:

> It's coming. You have heard of Live haven't you? ;) Speaking of Live,
> that's something else that concerns me. It might be a good idea on the
> consoles but it's something again that doesn't translate well to the PC.
> Subscription fees, paying for (simple) content,'s all stuff we
> already got included with our games in the first place.

You can almost see Steve Ballmer rubbing his hands in glee and screaming
"milk that cow!" over and over again and dancing a little jig.

Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

GO wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> GO wrote:
>>> There are a lot of users
>>> that could make the switch to Linux and it will do everything they
>>> need, but it's still not a suitable replacement for Windows "power
>>> users", IMO.

>> This is rapidly changing. For normal, home use, it's ready, willing
>> and able.
>> Alias

> I know. Didn't I already say all that? :p The biggest thing holding me
> back really is time. I've been using Windows for so long I know it like the
> back of my hand. Linux is still so foreign in many respects.

I figure Vista will be as much of a learning curve and has carried over
the some of the same drawbacks of XP as well as its own. The great thing
with Ubuntu is it's so easy to install so if push comes to shove and you
regularly back up, restoring all back is fairly quick and painless. You
can also make an image like with Acronis and Windows but I haven't
gotten to that yet ;-)

Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

> And, lately, the games originally
> made for a console are horrible to play on a PC.

You think that too eh? I've actually grown concerned for the future of PC
gaming lately. Too many games these days are being released cross-platform,
but the PC version seems to be an after thought. I understand why they
develop cross-platform as it increases their potential sales, but too many
games just don't translate well, or maybe they would if they put a little
more effort/thought into it.
Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

Crusher wrote:
> You shoudnt have to know anything, in my case it should..."JUST WORK

Software comes on a CD/DVD/Download. Do you install Windows yourself or
take a pre-installed computer out of the box?

> "ArameFarpado" <> wrote in message
> news:f867an$ksg$
>> Have you ever tried linux installed by someone that knows a little about
>> computers?
>> course not...

Re: Linux - Software that doesn't deliver

Installed Vista myself...bought linux at Best Buy in a box,did not download

"Alias" <aka@masked&> wrote in message
> Crusher wrote:
>> You shoudnt have to know anything, in my case it should..."JUST WORK

> Software comes on a CD/DVD/Download. Do you install Windows yourself or
> take a pre-installed computer out of the box?
> Alias
>> "ArameFarpado" <> wrote in message
>> news:f867an$ksg$
>>> Have you ever tried linux installed by someone that knows a little about
>>> computers?
>>> course not...


Write your reply...